My time as an active GW'er is over.
It was great while it lasted and I will take many good memories.
I may pop in once and a while (So it's not a TOTAL goodbye, but more a well I'll be about as active as Faust) but well, I am not going to bring up the "don't have time" arguement as we all know that's a load of shit, I have plenty of time. I am well, notably over the past half a year my posts have been limited to very few forums. Why?
I think GW has gotten pretty stale. Everything to be said, every possible view and every single point has been made, and totally discussed. Most new members are just lame rm'ers who see GW as advertising space and are incapable of discussion outside of "HEY DO YOU LIEK TIFAS BOOBS???"
I guess another thing which struck me was that I spent years trying to make the comics/anime forum... good. I tried everything, but I realised that one person, member or mod can't change anything unless the majority of posters agree. And since most people here think of anime as Naruto and pokemon, and think of comics as... Marvel *shudders* well by majority I mean everyone except about 4-5 people.
And well needless to say, it's nice being able to live my life and do what I want without people judging me as "hey it's that pretentious transformers cunt" or "you have no right to judge music as in 2002 you only liked heavy metal AND DID NOT LIKE DREAM THEATER I MEAN... YOU FUCKING HERATIC!!! and in my retardedly narrow mind, music tastes don't change!"(hello certain music forum people).
Also I am at a point where things need to change in order for my life to progress and GW is one of the things which has prettymuch defined who I am these past five years (further claims of me changing include the possible
sale of Transformers and Star Wars figures!!!)
I know there is no real need since I created a topic like 4 weeks ago so I coulda faded away, but I just wanted to say my goodbyes.
If you want to keep in touch with me, for some strange reason. I dunno, maybe you want to insult me or something...
my msn is
[email protected]my Deviant Art is (infact I recommend everybody view this just so it increases hit count and extends my e-penis)
and my jewbook is I'll bee sure to pop into irc once or twice a week or something.
Goodbye my fellow Fogets