I think the Chain Game's main focus is to tell a story over the course of a game from the various perspectives of the people making it, ALEX is already a compilation of (mostly) minigames without any real plot, and while it was fun I don't really think another one is needed (I mean, I'm all for ALEX IV, but a new, very similar project).
Also, I'm really sorry DP. I was thinking of BravoSector's section (which is just painfully badly written), I don't know how I made that mistake! Yours actually really got the story back on track, if anything. My bad, man.
I am not against a minigame intensive chain game, but why does it have to be set in a dungeon crawler without a plot? So long as the plot is fast moving and isn't weighed down with pointlessly drawn out dialogue windows, it could be set anywhere.
I think what the next Chain Game needs is some censoring on behalf of the community by the people involved. Yes, in some way it does contradict the point of the chain game, but in other ways it will help it get over some of the humps that might turn players off (Like 5-6-7 in CG3, which were all pretty boring). If there is some awful section in someone's chapter, who's to say we can't take it out for the good of the whole? If someone kills off all the main characters for no reason, then I don't think they really care about the CG, anyways, and we should have a free hand on editing that section.
@Erave: I didn't say CG4 should be a "SERIOUS GAME!!!". I said it shouldn't be a humour game, because humour games tend to go way off kilter. There is nothing stopping a regular ol' game from being funny as hell without it being a humour game (which usually implies excesses of fourth wall violations and general nonsense). Earthbound was hilarious, for instance, but took itself completely seriously in a way, which only added to it. It broke the 4th wall a couple times, but everything made some weird sort of sense inside the world, but it was so quirky that you couldn't help but laugh. It wasn't a humour game, it was just a very humorous game. There is a big difference, imo!
I'm telling you guys; we should set this in the future and have cybernetic enhancements/robots that can be built using better equipment as our DBS. The world of cyberpunk is ripe for an upbeat game!