So recently I published a
couple of blogs that brought a bit of attention to my myspace. As a result I received a lot of hilarious hate mail and an invitation from a 61-year-old lady to participate in a series of debates concerning the Bible and Christianity.
The Cruelty and Violence series is obviously biased, and I never really had any intent for it not to be. It's just a funny interpretation of certain selections of scripture. Some of it is serious, and it has caught the attention of some pretty crazy religious people and a few more atheists. One lady says she's gonna fast for seven days and spend the rest of her time this week in a prayer closet in the hopes of interceding and ultimately saving my soul so that I get to go to Heaven when the world ends next week.
Either way, the debate that this lady has invited me to is going to be a departure from Cruelty and Violence. I'd like to have a serious, objective analysis of Christianity and the Bible. I don't want it to turn into a huge flame war. I'm willing to make valid arguments and not write every reply with the intent of offending people. The only problem is, well, which aspects of the Bible and/or Christianity are good for debate?
At times GW seems to be a hotbed for religious/political debate. For those of you who participate in those, which topics did you enjoy discussing the most? The Bible is a very broad topic, and I'd like some specific examples of sections that make for a good debate and analysis.
(keep in mind i'm not asking you guys to turn this topic into a debate/flame war...i'm asking for TOPICS, not ARGUMENTS)