Working on a elaborate shooter game in flash right now, though its progress is pretty slow due to the sick amount of visuals and other work I need to make. Its all pixel art, and fully voice acted! Phlogiston is composing music for it.
I'm not doing any kind of publicity for it, just working on finishing the thing right now.
Also got a bunch of other misc projects that wont get anywhere, like that new Sluggys Adventure that hasnt budged for months now, sleeping on my hard drive like a long forgotten WYRM OF THE PAST. On Game Maker, naturally.
Am also working on a neat adventure game with Bunnymilk on AGS. Doing visuals and contributing to its design. Really excited with that project. First Bunnymilk had just hired me to draw its graphics, but I got more involved later once it started to really catch my interest.
The flash game is done for money. Fame and fun aren't as important to me but are appreciated, I guess! AGS game was for money first, and now for fun. Sluggy's adventure is for fun.
Got some thoughts about future projects, possibly in Game Maker or perhaps in flash. One of them is a beat-em-up featuring a ninja-crab as the protagonist. Got some ideas for procedurally-generated dungeon crawlers I could make in C#, but thats almost off-topic.
Oh right, and I have a blog for my flash project, but its not very frequently updated...