I honestly don't think the trailer looks bad. It does look like a generic summer movie, but it's not the WORST LOOKING MOVIE EVER that some of you are making it seem. It's clear some money was put into the project, the CGI scenes look great to me.
My shitty taste in movies aside.....this movie is based off of a stupid, over the top, ridiculous Japanese anime, and Dragon Ball no less, the poster child for stupid, ridiculous, over the top Japanese anime. What were you expecting? The trailer would look MUCH WORSE if it was 100% faithful to the anime, which, from my memory, was largely pretty bad (endless series of episodes with absolutely nothing happening).
The movie definitely looks like Transformers mixed with random kung fu, but other than that, I don't see what the outrage is about.
I disagree! I don't see any reason they couldn't have cast a younger actor, and given it the playful feel the original Dragonball. IMO, the problem here is that the American audience saw Dragonball Z before Dragonball, and a lot of the people who watched Dragonball Z still don't know about Dragonball!
This movie obviously caters more to Dragonball Z fans, and in an attempt to target a larger audience, they had to mix and match parts of both. Speed Racer is good example of how this could be done a lot better, not that Speed Racer was so great. It was family friendly, and had violence, and adult/child humor.
Really, nobody can say much since it's not out, but things that have already been announced, like Master Roshi's character, could've been done perfectly well without alteration.