GENERAL THOUGHTS1. It's cool in a sense that you guys maximize equipment - even without level up, I feel that the heroes get stronger after a dungeon/chapter (ok, the health up might contribute to it, but there are times that after one dungeon (esp. DP's, since there are lotsa item drop), the character generally gets stronger after getting these items. I like this idea.
2. Some monster encounter are kinda well... long. Skills are not that useful, (except fire breath, then again, that's all I got) - since it damages enemy over time. 90% of the time I am mashing the fight command though. :\
3. Items are hard to get. Unless you spent like, 1 hours or more, you can't really get the items (airwalk) before the final dungeon (the latter enemies drop them). Also, slow ATB (expected from the number of enemies and party though)
4. The multiple path is pretty rad. I find myself replaying a chapter again to see what the other path holds.
5. The story is less nonsensical from the older ones (notably the cheese god appearance in the 1st one) - that being said, the story for the 3rd is more... flow together I guess. Still, it gets darker and darker :\ (also trademark of CG - and well done too)
6. The final chapter is well done (kudos). Final boss fight is epic (although still button mashing), but I did not expect a
THIRD form. It was nice, oh and excellent choice of music (at least for me). A bit of complain is that the final chapter does not really feel like a final chapter itself. In CG2, there is a feel that things are at the end, everything come together, etc2. In the third, you can still explore the world as if things are not really urgent. I am just nitpicking here, but I still think both have its own charm.
Stuff I don't get (I might have missed the old thread, so I am not sure if these had been addressed)1. Where did GHIER (Spes's general go again? I can't seem to find him in the last chapter (or maybe I did not notice him)
2. The last chapter have a bug ? For some reason, the monastery, 1st (or 2nd, can't remember) room, you can't go above the path to reach (small stair, which is a tile) the door (impassable). My guess is that the map passability is incorrect? I use shift key to move up.
3. SAVIS told DARA she killed DARA's brother, of which I don't get. Sure, DARA's a nutcase by this time, but uhh, unexplored plot? Also, never seen DARA's brother, even at the end, so it's a bit.. a letdown (not really). Then again, incontinuity is expected (trademark of CG)
4. some items have no use ? (DARA's soul). Also, the item exchange thing - I only got as far as the giant pencil = nothing + I beat up the old lady (curiousity take over) and I got jar of blood. That's it?)
More Nitpicking (not that important)
1. Also lady at The bad guy's office that comes into his office in one of the chapter, I expected her to be a major bad guy
2. Expecting Celest to make a comeback as the FINAL FINAL BOSS actually
3. DARA's memory of the massacre is screwed up badly. I guess it can be covered by taking account that he is a nutcase. Also, his monologue at the church thing is rather hilarious (especially at the end) - then it goes pit dark in two chapter again. Hilarious and depressing at the same time (then again, the reason for massacre is already hilarious to begin with).
4. Also Kraken suddenly become a good guy for a second (and later become even worse. Pity, his character is interesting, but I guess overpowered character = usually bad guy at the end).
5. I am kinda surprised there is no extra ending (checked RM, did not find anything), or is there?
6. B..Boco... what happen to him...
Above all, however, it is fun. I have lotsa fun playing this, so yeah, thanks and Great job to all.
Unfortunately, this is kinda useless since I am late by 6 months.