I've been following this since I read about it through SA last week.
I don't know if this has been posted yet, but the individuals who have issued the declaration actually have no authority within the tribal government. This "delegation" is actually a group of citizens who have issued an intent to secede, probably as a cry for help for their community.
I live around several reservations (Tohono O'odam, Pascua Yaqui, Tohono Chul) and they are hands down the poorest places I've ever been. Unfortunately, the US government is both an angel and a devil to these communities. The federal government provides them with enough money to BARELY survive, but not enough to develop the necessary infrastructure for community and economic development. The tribal governments know better than to pull something like this, otherwise their people would starve to death. Even so, I think that a group of organized individuals could do a good job of bringing international attention to this issue.
Why is life so bad for Lakota people? They've all been U.S. citizens since 1924. Why is everything shitty for you?
Why are you retarded? There's more to having a secure lifestyle than being a U.S. citizen.
I don't understand. They want to preserve their culture... yet blame the US for how shitty they ended up doing? So their solution is renouncing their citizenship and secluding themselves to their own lands? What do they hope to accomplish?
This isn't a practical measure. It's a symbolic gesture intended to draw attention to the horrible conditions of reservation life. There's an absurd amount of racism and ignorance towards Native Americans in the United States, and it doesn't get the media attention it deserves.
PS - everyone who has posted something about how dumb the Lakota are for this event is an asshole and probably racist.