Script [Tell] Your screenplay or movie ideas (Read 441 times)

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  Don't know if this should go in Lit, but I think that writing and developing stories for film is different enough to warrant that the topic be kept here.
  I am writing a screenplay. It is supposed to be a traditional epic adventure, styled like a Star-Wars-steam-punk-western. The characters are so far fairly flat, and I haven't got much done except a couple different treatments and a few pages of action sequences that I think are otherwise pretty neat and kind of funny, and to some extent parody adventure movie cliches.
  I have other ideas for films: a science fiction film about humans invading an alien planet, trying to present a new way of looking at the invasion movie sub-genre (what if we were the invaders), and a couple ideas for spy movies based on what I've learned of espionage during the First World War.
  So tell us about the screenplays/treatments you've written and ideas for movies that you've had.
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We were actually just having this discussion in Lit last night, about game scripts and screenplays. I actually do have some ideas but I'll organize them first and edit this.

Also, Psyburn would love this thread.


Trevor lives with his dog in a quiet neighbourhood. Isolated and lonely, he often takes long walks and passes a school playground and notices a little girl there named Sabrina, who always has bruises on her face and arms. He follows her home one day and learns that she is being prostituted by her father and he rescues her, after a gunfight, and takes her into his home. He is afraid to turn her into the police because of the murder he committed and keeps her in his home but begins to get pedophilic tendencies towards her.

Daphne lives with her husband, Dale. Dale is a good father and husband but occasionally throws violent tantrums against them, which he subsequently feels immense remorse for. He undergoes several pressures at work, is not social with his co-workers and is constantly berated by his aggressive boss. He also admits he does not feel any love for his wife but is with her for the sake of their son, Jonathan.

Neil is a clerk who works at a grocery store and dreams of a more profound life. He spends most of his time talking about this with his friends but still ends up getting drunk and going home alone.

Stevie is a dogcatcher who finds happiness in his mundane life through his fiance, Angel.

In this story, as paths cross on a Saturday morning, when Dale is playing with his son, he tosses a ball out into the road by mistake. His son rushes to get it, unknowing that Neil, still drunk from the night before, is speeding ahead. He knocks the child over and instantly kills him, and then speeds off. Dale and Daphne see Neil's face but fail to get the license plate number.

Dale falls into a deep depression after this and just a month after, he jumps off the ledge of his work building and lands on the sidewalk on top of Angel, Stevie's fiance - leaving Daphne without a husband and a child, and Stevie without his fiance. Daphne and Stevie eventually cross paths and after a long while, they manage to get together in their sorrows. They eventually adopt a girl named Sabrina, left to authorities by an "unidentified person" (Trevor).

One day, Trevor's dog is caught by Stevie and when Trevor goes to reclaim it, he notices that Sabrina is with him. He then realises he wants her back. Later on, Daphne walks into a store to buy some things and recognizes Neil. She and Stevie talk about how Neil caused the beginning of the whole mess and they later confront Neil about the hit-and-run. He constantly denies it and they begin to get aggressive with him, so he hires a man to threaten them (not do anything to them) so they would be afraid and stop bothering him.

However, one day, Daphne and Stevie find Sabrina missing and they suspect Neil to be the culprit because of the threat, when it's really Trevor who has her. And trouble ensues as conflicts get blown out of hand.

Trevor, Neil, Stevie and Daphne all live at different ends of town, each of them unsatisfied in their lives and each has their own personal saviour to tide them over. However, in a peculiar crossing of events, which includes strange instances of a hit-and-run, a homicide, a suicide that resulted in the death of another, and child prositution, these saviours are demolished and they are left with guilt, isolation and anger. In their attempts to rebuild their lives, they cross paths once more and this time, with only guilt, isolation and anger in their souls, conflict and chaos ensues.
Last Edit: January 07, 2008, 09:11:24 pm by Strangeluv
Me and Tom Under the Boardwalk ... there is so much fun to have under the boardwalk