Idea Internet Filtering (Read 466 times)

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My high school was pretty good at blocking websites that contained keywords pertaining to online gaming (they blocked most Flash game sites) or pornography..
Yeah ours too.
For example, i can't enter some GW topics because of SWEARING
Like i can't enter one page of barkley because "the allowed amount of swearwords has been crossed" .
On the other hand, apparently this one animenerd torrented huge amounts of anime (and other illegal stuff) 24/7 without restrictions and Irc is (thank god) completely allowed.

oh yeah. YEAH YEAH talk about filtters, i just remembered, man my blood runs so cold when i reliazed that
this is my 1000th post.
Last Edit: February 12, 2008, 06:24:23 pm by bonzi_buddy
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When I was in college/University, they blocked the residential networks and wired networks from hitting torrents, IRC, etc.  However, the wireless networks didn't.  That was pretty sweet.  So, I'd go to the University Center or some other location and just chill while downloading torrents that I had found, but couldn't actually transfer earlier.

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My college doesn't block anything on their school computers, but in the classroom teachers have  a program called Synchron Eyes or something like that. It lets them see what every computer is seeing, and they can lock down the computers at any time. If I want to do something on the computer that isn't school-related during your boring ass lecture read straight from the book, word for word, then it's my problem if I don't do well in the class (I am doing well in all my classes though :D​).
Last Edit: February 12, 2008, 06:39:24 pm by Aztec
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In highschool very few actual sites were blocked, but it seems as if everything else was.... Can't even access a damn FTP server from there....

No blocks that I am aware of in college, I've seen games, 2 girls 1 cup, torrenting, and plenty other wonderful things happening online
fuck it all, dd is dead
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my school fucking blocks things like for PORTUGEESE PORNOGRAPHY
It's impossible to do anything programming related, let alone for pleasure!
[19:42] <crooksy> i kissed a 13 year old
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stop looking up porno on the school computers nobody wants to see that when they are typing up a biology report