Yesterday my friend showed me this website that scared and amazed me. It talked about the corruption of the Church of Scientology and how an organization of elite hackers will destroy it. Project Chanology is a real plan to end the Church of Scientology. Here is a timetable of several events that occurred.
1/16/08 - Anonymous put their plan into action.
1/17/08 - is hacked and the website is down.
1/21/08 - Anonymous formally declares war on Scientology.
1/26/08 - Raid on Church of Scientology was a success.
2/10/08 - Raids in USA, Canada, Australia, Europe occurred simultaneously.
In a mere month, raids were organized around the world to fight against Scientology. On Feb 10, 2008 people around the world marched on the streets wearing Vendetta masks protested the Church of Scientology. People that were involved took this very seriously and only referred to each other as "Anon" in order to hide their identities. This is the beginning of possibly the biggest movement in history so everyone should be aware of it.
Any thoughts on this?