News PROJECT CHANOLOGY IS GO (Read 611 times)

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Yesterday my friend showed me this website that scared and amazed me. It talked about the corruption of the Church of Scientology and how an organization of elite hackers will destroy it. Project Chanology is a real plan to end the Church of Scientology. Here is a timetable of several events that occurred.

1/16/08 - Anonymous put their plan into action.

1/17/08 - is hacked and the website is down.

1/21/08 - Anonymous formally declares war on Scientology.

1/26/08 - Raid on Church of Scientology was a success.

2/10/08 - Raids in USA, Canada, Australia, Europe occurred simultaneously.

In a mere month, raids were organized around the world to fight against Scientology. On Feb 10, 2008 people around the world marched on the streets wearing Vendetta masks protested the Church of Scientology. People that were involved took this very seriously and only referred to each other as "Anon" in order to hide their identities. This is the beginning of possibly the biggest movement in history so everyone should be aware of it.

Any thoughts on this?
Last Edit: February 15, 2008, 03:58:57 pm by Arcan
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dumb shit protests other dumb shit -> doesn't matter
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4chan = elite hackers?

<Drule> I can play the didgeridoo actually
<Drule> some guy on the street taught me
<Drule> come to think of it
<Drule> it was pretty gross how I played on his didgeridoo

so wrong...
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I'm all for it, as scientologists are all nutters.
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Ive been following this pretty closely myself. Good luck, anon.

Also, the goal is not to destroy scientology itself, but to get the church of scientology unwanted media attention, and possibly attack their tax-exempt status. Anon started out with pretty useless crap like DDOS attacking, but now its becoming a very decent movement. The february 10th protest was an immense success and I hope the next ones will work out well too.
Last Edit: February 15, 2008, 04:32:16 pm by Psychoskull
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"Raid on Church of Scientology was a success." Seriously? Dressing up and standing outside a church is a successful raid? I hate Scientology but the way anonymous is going at it = fail.

BTW: I'm the guy wearing the mask in the video.
Last Edit: February 15, 2008, 04:28:22 pm by Aztec
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Wow... I actually thought nobody here was dumb enough to care... but hey I'm wrong.
Scientology has gone up against a lot more than 10 angry 13 year olds who've just seen V for vendetta and suddenly think they're AMASINGLY INTILLECTUAL POLITICAL ACTIVISTS. Seriously. Like "Hey we've managed to commit fraud on a grand scale and not been majorly touched by governments, oh no, some kids are yelling at us! Quick let us stop, remove all the brainwashing and kill ourselves!"

But it was upon reading this that I realised this is a joke topic, and so should not be taken seriously
This is the beginning of possibly the biggest movement in history so everyone should be aware of it.

yah I've seen photos of these MASSIVE PROTESTS and seriously, when it comes down to it 4chan is a much bigger evil than scientology (scientology is after money whilst 4chan wants to ruin the internet and... culture)
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This is the most ridiculous shit.

'Warring' against a group of peoples beliefs is really a waste of time. And I think they've taken this as far as they can without becoming a more modern version of the old KKK.

I am not sure what their goal is, but regardless, it's not going to change anything. To anyone who isn't a 13 year old shouting about Mudkipz this isn't impressive.

edit: After reading psychoskulls post I feel the same and now have no respect for him. Woop.

GOOD LUCK ANON!!!!!!!!!!!!
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It defenitly isn't the biggest movement in history, but it probably is the biggest one against this cult, or maybe even against any cult(?). Their goal isnt really to, like, bring the church to their knees, but at the very least start *something* against them, to have an actual large-scale movement against the church of scientology. Before this, only a few people dared to speak against them. Its hard to say if this will get anywhere, but so far its a great start.

Also, its not a war against beliefs. You cant destroy beliefs, people believe in anything they want. This is a war against an organisation.

(for example, even though the movement opposes the church of scientology, they (as well as most critics of scientology) consider the "freezoners"(another scientologist organisation, but that gives away L. Rob Hubbards' teachings for free instead of requesting "donations") as allies.)
Last Edit: February 15, 2008, 04:48:01 pm by Psychoskull
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its funny because they all look like hopeless fucking dorks and are gross.
brian chemicals
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It defenitly isn't the biggest movement in history, but it probably is the biggest one against this cult, or maybe even against any cult(?). Their goal isnt really to, like, bring the church to their knees, but at the very least start *something* against them, to have an actual large-scale movement against the church of scientology. Before this, only a few people dared to speak against them. Its hard to say if this will get anywhere, but so far its a great start.

Also, its not a war against beliefs. You cant destroy beliefs, people believe in anything they want. This is a war against an organisation.
Why even advocate this? People speak out against Scientology all of the time, those people, however, realise that it's not worth wasting their time over. And they're right.. This is just a mob of kids; most of which, I guarantee, have no real opinions of their own and are just leeching off the ones that have been provided for them. Most of these kids are just trying to make some sort of impact because well... who doesn't want to change the world? Who doesn't want to say in thirty years, "Yeah I was a part of that!!!" It's just a bunch of dumb kids who are there just because they CAN BE.

Supporting a 'movement' like this just makes it seem okay for much worse things. And makes it seem okay for the lesser things like those stupid fucking memes.
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4Chan likes me so they have my OKAYr
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This started a month ago and already they have protests all over the world. You think this is going to fail? Why don't you guys read on up on this a bit more and see what you think then. If you watched some videos you would see how much support they really have.
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it will fail because they dressed up like a bunch of worthless internet dorks and just like the Ron Paul REVOlution, this means absolutely nothing.

do you think the US government will examine the church's tax exempt status because of this? or that the church will seriously address it in anyways? or that people saying GOOGLE XENU will work on anyone? your average advertising agency celebrates when they get a 5% return on people reading an ad and purchasing the product, you think even 1% of the people that see this shit will care or google it?

you are pretty dumb if your definition of success was to get internet nerds to do something!
brian chemicals
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*puts on mask from anarchist movie*
*holds internet saying*


ps from fyad:

Dearest Momma,

It is my sincerest hope this letter reaches you and lil Merrill and old Greybritches (how is he doing, he is the finest coonhound I ever known or will know now). I don't know how I will get it to you maybe such as tied to a pigeon or hidden on my body somewheres but I reckon there is a chance you'll get it somehow, if there is justice on this earth which now after these events transpiring I feel there surely ain't.

It is cold here and lonely. Lonelier than the crick in winter when the ice was like to a gypsy mirror in the moonlight. The first day weren't so bad, we set up headquarters outside of the downtown Kinkos (you know the one, it is adjacent to a Subway and acrost from that place where Merrill gets his therapy done) our goal being to eventually push on to the Hubbard-Chrysler Tower and take it. General Firewall-Chan expected little resistance and we all generally shared his optimism, damn his eyes. Spirits was high and we ate much pocky and drank many Red Bulls and other such energy drinks late into the night around the glow of our laptops, singing rounds of Let's Go Tsukinuke and even an old spiritual called I think Soulja Boy which a few of the Negroes taught us (it is strange fighting alongside them but they seem to be decent folk when they's not chimpin out). You know I could not afford a real mask since you needed that back surgery so I made due by printing one out as best I could. Some fellers was insulting me for that but I think it was all in good fun and we went to bed happy and ready for the $cifag attack we were sure would come.

Well it did come and before dawn. I woke up to musket fire and cannon bombardment, these being their means of attack in the first hours, and I am not ashamed to say I made in my pants directly. The smoke was so much that we never saw the sun rise, if it rose at all on that black morning. Most of my company was killt then. lulz42 died in my arms with a bullet through his spine and I saw Scissors-chan walking around holding her own arm which had been blown off like it weren't no thing trying to stick it back on and mumbling that anonymous does not forgive. if anonymous does not forgive I pray anonymous also does not forget the lives given here and the /b/lood shed on these sidewalks that are now forever stained red. momma, it is a terrible business, this project chanology, and I curse the day I ever heard its name.

There is not much to tell after that. We fought all that first day and General Firewall-Chan said we would pull through but nobody that still had a head on their shoulders believed him. He died in the night or so I heard when they switched from muskets to needleguns, clear cannons, and mind bores. Regardless of when he got it or how, I saw with my own eyes his body devoured by wailing lobodreamers, they gnashing with their metal jaws and the dead eyes, momma, like emptiness or a sky bout to storm. And after the lobodreamers came the dogs with the human hands and the babyfaces and along with them some things I can't rightly describe nor wish to only I see them everytime I lay me down. And now here I am, alone escaped, and hiding in the ball pit of a closed down McDonalds. I'm scared but I won't go screaming no I won't give them that much. I can hear something at the door wet against the glass and I see shapes moving but I ain't gonna go screaming.

Momma, I'm sorry bout all this. Give Merrill my Gundam models, the ones he always was looking at. Since poppa died in that accident down on the cubicle farm I reckon Merrill will be the man of the house now. If you love me, you'll tell him his brother died a hero and not a coward. And you take care of yourself momma and Old Greybritches too. Make sure he is fed sufficient and that he is let out when he needs.

And make sure the truth gets out. No matter what they say Project Chanology weren't a success. It were a murder, plain and simple and we all of us victims. You tell them that yourself, tell them that I spat it at them as I was dragged to the gates of hell. They getting closer momma. Something is making a moan and breathing hot on my neck. But I ain't gonna turn around. I ain't gonna scream and I ain't gonna turn around. Love you momma. Goodbye.
brian chemicals
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I've been looking for one of those masks for years.

Oh, and Ned... Best Letter EVAR.
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I cant prove to you that they do this for more than just being part of a movement, and you might be right for a lot of them out there. Every movement has its share of sheeps that simply follow a mass they identify with, without actually understanding the issues.

The only thing I can argue, is whether or not the movement is worth something, if what they're doing is right. Personally I think its the only thing that matters. Maybe this is where we disagree?
I suggest you visit a few websites held by critics of the church. Check out scientology sites too, to get both sides of the story. I think anyone who reads carefully into this can only end up with the same conclusions I have drawn.

Also, there are very few outspoken critics of the church, for a good reason: the church is known to be surprisingly agressive to anyone who dares to speak out against them. Try to learn about "operation freakout" to get a pretty extreme example of this.
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Oh, no I agree that Scientology is worthless, but I really don't care enough to go crusade against them. I don't know everything (or even much) about Scientology, but I know enough to not care.

Whether they get away without paying taxes is of no consequence to me. Sure it sucks, but there are regular people (hell, even half the people protesting this) I bet, that get paid under the table. Who wants to pay taxes?

More importantly, you don't need to be outspoken to make a difference. Really, being outspoken often just makes you look obnoxious and whiney, like these kids. And who cares if the church gets aggressive? If people were speaking out about you, true or not, you would get aggressive as well. People don't like getting called out. What do you expect them to do when people trash them? They defend themselves.
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Not saying I buy into this whole thing. I just thought it would be interesting to see what people say.

Not really sure what you are trying to prove by posting that letter.