This isn't to bash America, Americans, anyplace, or anyone. This is to be a conversation on what you think is wrong with America, why you think that, how you think it can be fixed, and why you think it hasn't been done yet.
I don't want to write about my subject because, as the topic creator, this is the first post people will see when they come into this thread and I don't want this thread about a particular subject within the larger subject.
But that would be a shitty first post for this topic so I'm going to write it anyway, I'll just hide it.
Don't read me until you've participated! (Click to reveal)My subject is pretty pithy, I think, which is why I've chosen it. I want people to focus on the topic title and discuss the important and major problems but I didn't want to just leave the thread with the above text and say "lol gogogogogo".
Workers in other nations are guarenteed five weeks paid vacation per year. In America you get approximately (very approximate) one week per year you work at whatever company (some companies max out at three, the most I've heard of is four), and then only in larger companies and only in the higher levels. Minimum wage workers do not usually get paid vacation because you have to work so many hours a week to qualify (usually between 32 and 40) and employers work hard at not allowing employees to achieve that many hours. I don't understand why so many people want to come here to work when American workers work more than any other 1st-world country (I am not saying "woe is America, poor bastards, we deserve vacations". I know manymanymanymanymany countries are worse off.) with the least amount of time off. I haven't thought too much on this issue but it seems to me that mandating vacations for workers would do nothing but good. It would help create more jobs to fill in the time when people are off, people would get some much needed, and probably deserved, breaks (I don't know about you but summer vacation while I was in school and before I was old enough to work... Fuck, nothing could be better than that.) I don't know what the downsides could be but I suppose one of them is money, which is probably why this doesn't exist in America. It would cost too much money for the people who can afford it but don't want to pay it.
Ok... lol gogogogogog
EDIT-If you were going to interview the President, not George Bush, but the President in general, what
serious questions would you ask (about the current state of things)? What response would you want (what response would YOU give)? What would you do if you were President?
And this is not for any work or school related project, so don't feel like I'm asking you to do an assignment for me. Just subject matter I am interested in.