You cant be like, really saying pedophilia is anything like homosexuality. I mean the only time I heard that before was satirical, like in south park I think? Saying that pedophilia is like homosexuality and will eventually become mainstream is ridiculous. Id even add that it... it sounds like s..something a pedo would say....
I mean sure, like any other "sexual deviance" (I cant think of another term that englobe both pedophilia and homosexuality), its not in any way a pedophiles' fault if he is one. I don't know if its genetic or like, caused by trauma or something, but it sure as hell isn't a conscious choice.
But contrarily to homosexuality and sexual fetishes, pedophilia is inherently wrong, because by its very definition it is to be considered rape: children are not in age to consent to sexual relations, they are naive and manipulable, and worse, they view adults as role models. Any child pornography is wrong, no matter the social context or whatever. Obviously its not the case for homosexuality. The only things I would consider not to be inherently wrong would be like, written, drawn or otherwise false child pornography (adults disguising as children or whatever? Its hard to imagine this to be possible though. Lol midgets). As disgusting as this pornography might be, at least no actual child was harmed. Also pedoes will have something to jerk off to and wont turn into savage rapists.
(actually im not sure here. Maybe having something to jerk off to will make them worse?)
Also I'm curious, do pedophiles actually get cured? Or is the only "cure" castration?