Topic: New console 2D Sonic game in the works (Read 1552 times)

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certinly, it DOES look like it has great graphics but that was the same case with STH on the 360 and PS3, hopefully we can rest in knowing that this won't be a bust :)
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Graphics are the most important part of the Sonic games.
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This is what I see when I am on a bad acid trip.

wow I didn't know they moved up to 5D GAMING
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5D? What the hell? I didnt even get to see 4D! Sony told me 4D! T_T
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Actually we do have 4D games already
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Sonic on the other hand NEEDS his traditional "hip and cool" setting. Werewolf.. Man.. Hahahaha!!!!

If anything, what Sega is trying to do now is make Sonic "hip and cool".  I've always hated the redesigned version of Sonic as well as his voice actor and I'M A FASK JERK attitude.  I seriously hope that he gets redesigned again some time and that that it's closer to his Sonic 2 or 3 appearance.
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I'm hoping this works out. Looks real beautiful actually but if it ends up a bust -- I'll just entertain myself with the music from the game as usual.

However I did read somewhere that Sega said the following: "rebuild the Sonic brand and prove it could work in 3D environments." But they say it's just Sonic, Tails and Knuckles in this so it seems like they're stripping down quite a few things...taking out Shadow? Taking out Shadow!? I hope this does reclaim some of that S3&K glory...still, was the guy who "came up" with the wolf idea playing Twilight Princess at the time? Like I said, I hope.
Last Edit: March 27, 2008, 07:08:05 am by Wina

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If anything, what Sega is trying to do now is make Sonic "hip and cool".  I've always hated the redesigned version of Sonic as well as his voice actor and I'M A FASK JERK attitude.  I seriously hope that he gets redesigned again some time and that that it's closer to his Sonic 2 or 3 appearance.
Nah, all they did was update his cool. He was always "cool", it's just back in the 90s being cool was muchos different than it is now.

Little kids today probably like his attitude, just like we did when we were little. Kinda lame, but that's the way growing up goes.
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I always found the whole persona Sonic potrayed as funny (even in the first games, but especially now) just because his visual design is a derivative of Mickey Mouse.
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but.. it doesnt look like the genesis games. like i said and a bunch of people agreed (or at least one guy did i dont read posts ffs), the genesis games were about multiple routes with tons of little hidden shit all over the place (the invincibility tv at the start of s1 green hill act 3, or the sneakers hidden at the start of s3 angel island act 1, for instance)

not going to the right really fast and running through lines after lines of rings.

so no, it doesnt look like the originals on steroids. it looks like the gba games on steroids, or sonic adventure from a side view.
Being a person who loved the Genesis/Megadrive Sonic games (in my opinion Sonic Adventure 2 was the last Sonic game worth playing) but hated the GBA Sonic games (never played the DS games) that's the same thing I thought at first, that this game looked like it would just be a press right fest like the GBA games. But after watching the video again I've noticed these alternate paths on lower levels or in the background (such as in the tree part you can see another path with a spring and some flamethrowers coming from the floor). If you've played Toomba 1 and 2 or Klonoa 1 and 2 you'll know that multiple paths and secrets are something that are very possible (even more so than in a standard 2D game) in a side-scrolling 3D game. The question is though will Sega make this game to the full potential of what it could be? Somehow I doubt it.
Last Edit: March 29, 2008, 01:16:24 am by Leric

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Jazz Jackrabbit was always cooler than sonic the hedgehog for me.
has a girl in his bed. pot in his pipe and family guy on the tube. i like life
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Wut, Sonic adventure 2 was way past bad. The sonic levels were essentially a straight line, the knuckles/rouge levels resembled deathmatch arenas than actual game levels (yay big open spaces to dig/show off tits) and the less said about Tails... the better! The story was trash, Chaos become moreso annoying.
Plus the whole bullshit about a certain cliche, totally unoriginal, uninteresting and unfun negro hedgehog.
Sonic adventure was better than adventure 2... but sa is prettybad also!
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While the GRAPHIXXXXXX look good, this sounds like its gonna be another horrible disappointment. Whatever happen to those days, with Sonic 3 and the LOCK-ON TECHNOLOGY (THE TECHOLOGY FOR THE FUTURE! OF THE PAST!) with Sonic & Knuckles, I loved that game...

Now things have been gay'd up to fuck, and not the good type of gay too  :shh: . God damn it Sega, why must you fuck everything up? Shadow the Hedgehog was -ok-. Silver the Hedgehog was shit. WEREWOLF SONICZ is now going too far. Like the Dreamcast, good thing going, lets fuck it up (Bad Marketing).

The last good Sonic game I truely played that I enjoy completely was Knuckles Chaotix for the 32X, Sonic Adventure 2 (Battle) was good, but eh. Also the 32X was SEGA's first and worst failure fyi. Only sold 200,000 units estimated. V-Boy sold 750,000 estimated and that shit gave you health problems! Joys!


Just incase you never heard of Knuckles Chaotix cause of how bad the 32X was on being a failure,
Last Edit: March 31, 2008, 01:26:06 pm by GameMX
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I don't see a reason to complain about the game yet.. So what if he can transform to a wolf.
I am also a SOnic fan, first game I played since I was a child is Sonic 1... He's my childhood hero.

But anyway, I liked the video and I am giving all my hopes to this release. I think they learned from the mistakes they made from other past versions..
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I guess it couldn't be any worse than when Link turns into a wolf in Twilight Princess. No, it'll probably be much worse. :(
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New vid

Apparentally the game is going to have MELEE COMBAT (prolly werewolf sonic) but the interesting part is there is points in that vid where you can see alternate paths, especially on the 2nd stage part, there is a divergence in the pathing.
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Here's another commercial(?) for it. A little teaser of Sonic's arm turning into the werehog.
In case you want to see the comments.
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rofl, what an awful teaser. no one is looking forward to the werewolf thing, at all, no one, and it's the one thing they are playing up. nice.

you know, after watching that video dn just linked, i dont even know what i hate about this game anymore. i think i have just lost all faith in the sonic franchise. i dont know what i dislike about the video, but.. it's.. everything.

and the fucking rails, those were the worst idea ever and THEY ARE BACK HOORAY TERRIBLE CONTROL SEGMENTS WHERE YOU CAN DIE REALLY EASILY

also the alternate paths look like they did in sonic adventure 2, ie worthless and they join back up with the main on-rails segment after a flashy loop de loop woo. i want secret passages and shit that actually reward you for finding them.

i wonder how many dinosaur levels will be in this one
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Here's another commercial(?) for it. A little teaser of Sonic's arm turning into the werehog.
In case you want to see the comments.

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Last Edit: April 08, 2008, 08:28:48 pm by theHunter
Yay! Random words!

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I don't know what all the hate is about.  From what I've seen, it looks promising.  Though, I do agree, Sega COULD fuck it up, but I have high hopes that they won't.

People on the internet are like puppies.  If you feed and pet a puppy, it's happy to see you!  If you kick a puppy, it growls and hides from you.  If you try to pet a puppy AFTER you kicked it, it's not going to be sure about you, and despite your good intentions, it'll probably not like you anyway.