Topic: New console 2D Sonic game in the works (Read 1552 times)

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I don't know what all the hate is about.  From what I've seen, it looks promising.  Though, I do agree, Sega COULD fuck it up, but I have high hopes that they won't.

People on the internet are like puppies.  If you feed and pet a puppy, it's happy to see you!  If you kick a puppy, it growls and hides from you.  If you try to pet a puppy AFTER you kicked it, it's not going to be sure about you, and despite your good intentions, it'll probably not like you anyway.
or maybe, right, people think it just looks like the on-rails sections of sonic adventure/2 but from a side view point, and think the werewolf thing is stupid?

 i mean, you could be right, but it could go either way.
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Wut, Sonic adventure 2 was way past bad. The sonic levels were essentially a straight line, the knuckles/rouge levels resembled deathmatch arenas than actual game levels (yay big open spaces to dig/show off tits) and the less said about Tails... the better! The story was trash, Chaos become moreso annoying.
Plus the whole bullshit about a certain cliche, totally unoriginal, uninteresting and unfun negro hedgehog.
Sonic adventure was better than adventure 2... but sa is prettybad also!

chaos was not in SA2's story but was playable in multiplayer in SA2:Battle on the gcn
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This game looks terrible... :(
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I don't know how many of you read the Sonic comic series but it got a new writer who retconned all the AWFUL and made it mid-90s pre-Knuckles-fanboy-bullshit good.  Maybe SEGA that karma will carry on to SEGA's game... with Sonic the Werewolf.

Atleast we can count on Bioware's game...
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I don't know what all the hate is about.  From what I've seen, it looks promising.  Though, I do agree, Sega COULD fuck it up, but I have high hopes that they won't.

Kind of like how Sega could of fucked up the past 5 Sonic games, but you had high hopes that they wouldn't, but they did.

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Kind of like how Sega could of fucked up the past 5 Sonic games, but you had high hopes that they wouldn't, but they did.


Yeah, pretty much.  Doesn't hurt to dream though.
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I just hate how they keep changing Sonic.

Marketing:"Hey, how can we market Sonic to kids who didn't grow up with him?"
Idiot 1:"Maek him mor badass and dramamatic.
Marketing:"K. Now let's think about taking him to... the next level."
Asskisser 1:"...the next level. I'll tie that in to the next teaser."
Marketing:"I have a great idea! Since we're going to make Sonic turn into a werewolf, let's go ahead and turn Tails, Kuckles, and Robotnik into werewolves."

I had an mspaint picture to go with it, but decided against it.
Last Edit: April 13, 2008, 05:10:33 am by Aztec
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I don't know how many of you read the Sonic comic series but it got a new writer who retconned all the AWFUL and made it mid-90s pre-Knuckles-fanboy-bullshit good.  Maybe SEGA that karma will carry on to SEGA's game... with Sonic the Werewolf.

Atleast we can count on Bioware's game...
Interesting. Comic series wtf where?
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Interesting. Comic series wtf where?

The Archie series which has been in print for the last 15 years.

Once Sonic hit the Saturn he started sucking terribly what with 3D Blast and that Sonic R with legendary homicidal Tails Doll.  Sonic Adventure was sort of a revival for me but it still lacked classic Sonic charm.  Once Sega shat out that Mario Party ripoff game Sonic pretty much turned into a giant turd.

The comic series is pretty on and off but it's surprisingly decent and does some justice to all the whacky and insane plot lines SEGA tries to throw into the games.  It's kind of funny to think that a bunch of Americans with no affiliation to SEGA are actually capable of producing better media than the guys who originally created it. 
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I was just playing Sonic Rivals on the PSP, and it was 2D gameplay in 3D world. It was pretty good, so if this is going to be like that, then I don't see a problem.
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sonic rivals was really really bad.

i9 hope to god it isnt like that

like dont get me wrong it was like the best sonic in some years but

not saying much
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sonic rivals was really really bad.

Fuck now I'm agreeing. Its REALLY bad. Like, why the fuck can't you play the game at your own pace? This is like, fucking SONIC RACING instead of a normal Sonic game. Fuck you Sega.
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Yeah, pretty much.  Doesn't hurt to dream though.

I miss those days...

Just like how I miss mah donkey...