Topic: so i got accepted into college. (Read 3776 times)

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what the shit? 50k fucking dollars the year?
I'm in what could be the most expensive uni of my country and it is like 27k pesos the year.
Although I dont pay a shit because of 75% scholarship + pseudopay by working saturdays.
I'm happy though, I know that just because of the uni's name I will get job (in what I dunno but I dont care aye?).
ASE I think "critically-acclaimed uni" really sells in your CV
That and average mark
well, I don't pay $50k because im very poor but I/my parents still pay way more than if I had gone to lower-ranked-but-still-quite-good-school

but yeah - good grades are PRETTY IMPORTANT (I don't have them!)
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I'm in my third year of university, but second year in my degree (Bachelor of Pharmacy). I'm at Dalhousie University here in Halifax. I had to take one year of general sciences in order to apply to the College of Pharmacy (which is within Dalhousie), and luckily I managed to get an interview. Out of 800, they interviewed 200 applicants, and out of those, they chose 90. I didn't get accepted until late August - which I hear is very late. I actually believe that I was an alternate or something... but whatever, I got in after my first try, which is pretty good considering I've heard personal accounts of people trying year after year to get in.

As to Pharmacy as a programme, it's pretty fun. It's extremely tedious though - we only study one class at a time, for 3-4 weeks, and then have a midterm and/or final shortly thereafter. As a result I'm always studying... there's never a break to slack off because there's an exam every other week. I do enjoy the fact that at the end of each semester I'm not hit with 5 exams like in regular university degrees, so that's a plus.

The content is applicable to real life but there's a ton of it. Every course we're confronted with Medicinal Chemistry (which at times is a little too much. Do I really need to know the chemical structure of a corticosteroid and know that a 11-Beta Hydroxyl group is necessary for receptor binding?!), Biopharmaceutics (which is basically the manufacturing of drugs and their dosage forms), Pharmacokinetics (which consists of ADME - Absorption, Distribution, Metabolism, and Excretion of drugs), and of course Pharmacotherapeutics (Which is basically the practical aspect of it all - which drugs are used to treat disease and how to counsel patients on their use).

Yeah, there's a whole lot to absorb all at once. I'm definetely going to have to re-learn everything I've learned this year over the summer. We've already covered Nutrition, Dermatology, Eye & Ear, the Respiratory System, and after next week we're starting GI Complaints.

Oh, I get every Thursday off this year - but I'm using that day to work at a local Pharmacy as a pharmacy student. I find that I actually learn more at work than at school because you get to put everything you've been taught into practice, and real-life is better environment for learning that a simulated evironment (Skills Lab).

(EDIT: In case people are wondering, it's close to 10K per year).
Last Edit: March 24, 2008, 11:09:12 pm by Mateui
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I'm almost finished my first year here in UNBSJ (university of new brunswick saint john). The experience was pretty fun - most ppl I hang around with are just old friends from high school who chose the same school. I'm currently taking sciences and am going to major in Bio-Psychology. I plan to go to Dal Housie for Medicine afterwards. Tuition is about $6000 a year for living off campus... it hurts but scholarships and NB and Canadian student loans helped a lot (only had to pay about $500 out of my own pocket.)

As for uni life, its rough compared to high school. In high school i popped out A's without even reading over the material on a test. Nowadays its a struggle to keep my average at an A with hours of studying before a test. Also, I gained almost 40 pounds since I finished high school...

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Are American Unis Expensive??
Cus English ones sure are... and I'm not very sure they're worth what u pay for...


i'm pretty sure america has like the MOST expensive degrees in the world. university here is typically ~5 grand a year, and it's similiar in the UK

and the degrees are only 3 years so it's even cheaper
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So I have one semester left after this one at my community college then I transfer somewhere.  I am hoping to study nutrition.  I don't know where I am gonna go yet, that is the only thing.  I'm still looking :)
Dok Choy
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Congratulations, man! Enjoy college, try for a masters.

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I was just accepted to the University of Idaho's music program and will start studying music composition in the fall. I am only moving like 20 miles to go to school as well
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hahaha good luck living in tempe, man. i live in tucson, and phoenix is seriously one of the most miserable places in the united states. i was just up there last week, and that place is so soulless and smoggy, not to mention the fact that it's almost 50 miles across.

also, i go to the university of arizona, where i'm studying english, secondary education, and spanish. post-secondary education is our nation's biggest scam, and un-equalizer, so pay as little for it as you can. the u of a is a fairly well-respected school, but my tuition is only about $2,600 a semester.
Last Edit: March 25, 2008, 03:05:57 am by PandaBear
boop oop a doop
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Heh, grats Smoothy. I still have two years after this one until I graduate from High School, so yeah. I'm not thinking on that subject right now. I might go to Dawson College when I get the chance, though.
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congratulations oakland, welcome to the seedy world of bandwagoning, experimentation, counter culture bullshit, and being poor constantly.  i don't know if collins college is a private campas or its located in a city but you should buy a pocket knife or something because every college town is filled with heady individuals waiting to steal money you don't have.
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I was accepted to university(of windsor(ontario)) for the wonderful program computer science with software engineering specialty...woo hooo, can't wait for september~
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oh yeah, i hope you guys like taking random classes that have absolutely nothing to do with your major.
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dont skip your physics class

i had a test today and i think it is going to bite my ass

skipping math is fine though

also fuck college leftists
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oh yeah, i hope you guys like taking random classes that have absolutely nothing to do with your major.

can I take stuff like knitting?

or how about embroidery?!
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yeah I had an interesting situation with applying for college. I did quite a bit of post-secondary enrollment while still in high school, so when I sent in my application to Ohio State they got all confused because they thought I already was a freshman and that I would be a returning sophomore next year. Sigh... that took about 4 hours worth of paperwork to fix heh

that aside the university is giving me 15% of my tuition, my granddad is paying for my room and board so I just gotta make up the rest (about 7,000 dollars) and I've got 500 dollars already from an essay contest... so hopefully I can pick up 2 or 3 small scholarships and that way my parents only pay for like 2-3k of my total cost next year

which is good considering I want to do anthropology and linguistics and I'll probably be in school for 8-9 years
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oh yeah, i hope you guys like taking random classes that have absolutely nothing to do with your major.

Adviser: So, it looks like after this semester, you'll be done with your degree in your major and minor.
Me: Really?
Adviser: Yes, now you just need 12 hours* of 300-400** level courses outside your major/minor, and 11 hours in general electives of any level outside your major/minor.
Me: That's... very special. Oh well, at least I can take some Advertising classes, because they seem like a good combination with my major...
Adviser: Oh, sorry, no. You can't take anything that's in the same school as your major, so anything from the School of Communications won't count.
Me: ...

And that's all AFTER core classes like Sciences and Humanities and such. So basically I got my BA in three years, but am stuck going another year taking things like underwater basket weaving so they'll fork over my damn sheepskin. Diploma. Sheepskin diploma. Not condom.

Yes kids, this is what you have to look forward to in the authentic college experience!

*Approximately 4 courses
**Junior/Senior level
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Congrats. ;) I have plans to go on to college and major in music(percussion) education or some other music-related field. That's the basic idea as of right now. It may change a little bit or even completely as I finish up my last year of high school.
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I went to college until I accidentally hit a kid with my car.
I have dropped out to save money while attempting to pay his family restitution.

But alas, someday I will have my dream job in geriatrics

Congratulations tho guy, drive safe!
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if i can make some sweet monies soon, to pay for my Schooling then i have like 4 connections here from teachers to Sheridan Institute (major theater/acting/ Arts / Design college in North America) I'd be going for Major: graphic design  and minors of Fine arts and ...maybe fashion design or something?

but yeah Congrats man :)
Wyrm  | Madolah | ær 
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AWESOME! I came to Tempe, Arizona to get the exact same degree, I'm on my second Semester in UAT. (University of Advancing Technology)

We rag on ASU and Collins a lot...