listen up all:
im here to lay down the law
1) linguar/alex moreui you talk like a frickin F*A*G*G*O*T excuse the language. freackin anime nerd how could you even get modded/respect
2) strangeluv F*CK YA. a mod? not on my watch
3) fr**cken impeal is still an admin. he SUCKS
4) steel posts boring topics. your topics are SHIT no one gets them or cares. post a good joke for one's.
5) your articles suck a LOT (mainpage)
ok thats all i had to say. you can ban me now -_-
if u ever come to my country i will kick your A**S. this forum aint big enough for the both of us! (yeah i caled you fat get over it)
maybe if you dont like it hear its because you DOINT FIT IN with your "heh i got betta places to be and people to see" attitute DID YOU THINK about tHAT