I'd like to be a Juror, this sounds like a lot of fun. i've been a lawyer in a couple mock trials at school so this should be fun. how are you picking jurors?
there's going to be a general questionnaire (questions made by judge, prosecution, and defense, don't worry I'll explain it to you if you're one of these) and then an individual questioning phase. after that both sides will have eliminations they can make based on the responses and we'll have our jury.
Judge- Bondo, Dharma_and_Greg#1fan, ASE, Sarevok, angry black man, Finality
Defense- bazookatooth, Afura, Roman, Dada, Bondo, Sarevok, Farah, angry black man, Finality
Prosecution- bazookatooth, Dada, Bondo, Rayne, Inri Cheetos, Sarevok, angry black man, Finality
Complainant- Catslacks, gz, PTizzle, RPG, #1 Dad, Rockman, Tophue, Sarevok, angry black man, Finality
Defendent- gz, Dark Angel, PTizzle, RPG, #1 Dad, Rockman, Sarevok, angry black man, Finality
Jurors-radio raheem, Dr. Boblet, bazookatooth, Afura, Roman, Eric, Dada, Absynthe, Dark Angel, Bondo, Rayne, Catslacks, gz, Velfarre, PTizzle, RPG, #1 Dad, Rockman, mkkmypet, Man-O-War, Ralph, handsome lamb, Dharma_and_Greg#1fan, ASE, Inri Cheetos, Juris, Sarevok, Farah, angry black man, Shinpokomon, Ryan, Beasley, Finality
pool so far, you have till midnight!