Hey fellows, thanks for the comments. Regarding the recording quality issues, I have a few general thoughts. I recorded and mixed the record at Adam's house and my parents' house so I was listening back to things on his speakers, speakers at my folks' place and headphones. I never usually do mixings based on headphone listenings, but this time I kind of broke my own rule. I'd also burn CDs of the songs and listen to them on the big home stereo system. On all these different listenings things sounded fine, except for an annoying distorted low end in Half My Life. In fact, things sounded better than fine. I was exceptionally happy with the sound of Safe, North, Will It Snow? (like, especially Will It Snow?), Settle Down and Other People's Friends. Ice Cream sounded great and dreamy and I had no qualms with Chocolate Milk either. Anyway, now I've returned to my own place after staying with my parents for a few weeks during the recording of this, and listening back to my own stereo system Camera and Half My Life seem really unbearable. The low end distortion is blatantly present on both of them, rendering them pretty much unlistenable to my ears. This is undoubtedly due to my bass settings on my subwoofer, so I've altered them and they sound back to the way they original had.
This leads me to ask, how are you fellows listening to the record? Headphones? Speakers with sub? etc. The main problem with the records I've made is the lack of mastering, there isn't a way to make sure it sounds the same across the board whoever is listening to it. If you haven't already, may I recommend listening to it through headphones? This seems to get the best result for me. Also, I'd like to ask, you guys talk about "static" and stuff, I'm wondering if this is the low end distortion on Half My Life particularly, if you found this all the way through the record, or if it's something else, like, I dunno the tape hiss, or something?
I think the main reason for this contention in sound quality is the volume the songs were mixed at. When I was recording with Adam, his main issue was that my last records didn't sound that great and, frankly I agree. By making mic placements much closer to the guitar and when mixing pushing the levels fairly high, we achieved a much clearer tone. Unfortunately this seems to have also been the cause of the low end distortion. So that's that.
Your Pussy's Glued to a Building on Fire
"We're gonna live like kings! Damn hell assed kings!"