Dev - RM2k3 [Full Game] ALEX IS : A Two Days Collaborative Game (Read 6454 times)

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Sorry about the buggy map guys. I don't know what the problem with it was. Something to do with the variables and teleport events, I've been told. ;.; Glad you managed to fix it RPG. Thanks. ^.^

My turn to quote a whole lotta names.

Ekuell  (The Forest of People Who Can't See in the Dark)
I liked this map. It brought back memories of dodging guards in Terranigma and I'll agree that it reminded me a bit of  Fallenwood(?). I liked that the house roof 'lifted' as it were. The guards were pretty easy to dodge, though. ^.^ Which is fine by me.

halibabica (Comic World)
This map... it started out pretty cool, what with the change of character design, but damn! I gave up and jumped down the hole because I couldn't get it even with the tips from the others. It was a cool idea, though.

neo prime (Scores and Teleports and Gobi)

I liked this map, it was kinda fun, zapping and freezing the Gobli. Pretty good. ^.^

Dudesoft (Moustache's Hidden Zone)
I liked this one a lot. Pretty funny to me. ^.^ Don't touch my samurai!

Ralph (The Murder Inn)
... First time I tried I failed because I accused the thief to see what would happen. I wish it'd been a bit more involved. I was kinda excited about a Whodunit but it was too easy... ;.;

LordBlueRouge (Dodge This)
OMG! So hard. I got to about 35 seconds and couldn't get away. Fun, though. I played it about three times.

fatty (Endless Void II : Samurai Wars)

Ah. Eh. I didn't get it. It wasn't the worst, though.

Skie Fortress (Alex vs. Klaus)
I totally thought he had the right answer then <BZZZT> wrong! Kinda funny and the map was pretty nice. ^.^

Psyburn (Kef Presents: Temple of Tarantino)

... Maybe if the faces had been erased it may have been bearable but as it was I had to cheat my way out, and that was pretty hard to do. ;.;

Strangeluv (Bridging the Gap)
There was a nice atmosphere set up then BAM! Hits us with the Penguin Scat. Pretty funny, though. ^.^

jsnnoa (RPG Maker Castle)
It's the castle from RM2K3 logo, yes? I didn't get it when I first saw it, but considering it was an unintentional 'extra' it's pretty cool. ^.^

Cardinal Ximenez (RPG Maker Hell)
I liked this one quite a bit. It was pretty funny and a cool idea.

Cardinal Ximenez (Most Egregious Abuse of RM2K3)

I started it and managed to collect all the treasures on the first floor and beat the monsters. Then I got to the second floor. Then I killed myself off so I wouldn't have to do any more step-by-step-by-step walking. That's the only thing that really killed it.

Dragol (1920's)
Lovely. A great map. I really enjoyed the 20's feel of it and the silent cinema was awesome. First time I talked to someone I thought it had frozen and was starting to worry. ^.^ Silly me.

Liman (Icy Peak)
Hm. As a mountain hike it was okay, but I would have liked an option to jump down, or something to spice up the way down.

Nerdo (The Old Man With Two Dads)
I didn't get it, but I know it would have been funny to those who knew what it was about.

Liberty (Teaching Tongues)

AznChipmunk (Encounter)
Very pretty mapwise, but I suck at arrow challenges. Liked the edit of Elle a lot, though. ^.^

Ocean's Dream (Paradise)
^.^ No one could mistake this as anything but Ocean's map. Thank God for volley balls. ^.^

PkUltimaga (The Riddle)
It was a lot better than I thought it would be, but the riddle ruined it with immaturity. Good job on exceeding my expectations, though. ^.^

Dyne (Attack of the Clones)
Pretty cool. I managed to do it second time, but the clones were damn annoying. ^.^ Fun though.

Bobberticus (Quebec)
LOL jokes aren't really my cuppa tea. it was funny the first time, but the horse was dead and well-beaten by the end. I think I missed a switch, but I got out via flame walking.

Tau (Death)
Pretty good atmosphere. It reminded me of giving my sister advice. ^.^

Nessiah (The Memory)
I really liked it. Both art and story-wise. Then again, I'm and anime nut. ^.^ I managed to get killed the first time, then I gave her the ol' 'what-fer'. Heh.

hedge[1] (The RPGMaker Battle System Museum)
I thought this was pretty nice. A bit of tongue in cheek humour at the end. Good job. ^.^.

Kazesui, (Nightmare)
That was pretty good, though I never actually got to beat the damn witch. ^.^ I tried a few times and kept getting killed off.

elkalo (Another Forest Map)
I really liked the look and all, but there was something missing to me. Maybe having multiple exits or hidden passages or something else. Still, a rather pretty map.

Verridian (Lost Dreams)
I thought it was pretty cool. Some of it was a bit... eh... but yeah.

Chef Boyardee (Purgatory)
You broked my braaaaaain. ;.;

King of Games (Gentleman's Challenge)
It was cool with the whole Pokemon thing, but there were a few problems. Still, good job.

Clucky (Sky Town)
Loved it. ^.^ I was funny, especially Mssr Blimp chicken. XD The gameplay was pretty cool, too.

Arcan (Alex Racing)
There were a few problems and my guy [pink] came first but didn't 'win' then green came last but won, but it said I cheated and... ;.;

Sanosuke (Dice and Cards)
I managed to get good luck with the cards and the dice. First time I win against the cards, second with the dice, though the screenie was a bit cheap. Still, I liked the overall appeal of your map. The music leant a lot towards that and it brought back memories of CC.

RPG (Intro, Worldmap and Ending)
It was awesome the way you managed to get everything to fit together and each of the parts were pretty damn cool. Great job. ^.^ Love the world map theme.

Have I missed anyone?

Well, it was pretty good, all up and congratulations to us all for a job well done.

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halibabica (Comic World)
This map... it started out pretty cool, what with the change of character design, but damn! I gave up and jumped down the hole because I couldn't get it even with the tips from the others. It was a cool idea, though.
Yeah, my style of comic writing can take some getting used to.  For those who were having trouble:
Of course, the down-the-hole ending is pretty nice, too.
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First of all, props for RPG to finally releasing the game. Also, I really like the "overworld" style. Looks really good. I take it that you made it so well done man.

Here's another review of the maps one by one (taken mostly from Liberty's post):

 :words: :words: :words: :words:
Short Version : Great job to all of you. I find this compilation really interesting to play.

EDIT : Added underlines, fixed misplace underlines.
EDIT2 : Good job for the credit music as well (Lars?)
EDIT3 : some more edits. Good grief.
Last Edit: May 13, 2008, 09:06:16 am by sleeping_wind
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Convicts Cliffs n' Criminals: I personally want to apologize to hedge, for the bug he uncovered (this one actually caught me by surprise, I only came across it once during testing, so I played it a few more times just to be sure, but I couldn't find it). Let me know if anyone else uncovers the same problem. Next time I'll be sure to thoroughly test my maps before submitting them.
So is it possible to win, assuming you're not just unlucky and hit a rare bug?

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haha, I love the way you guys actually take my map seriously and try to understand what it is all about

First one who gets it, is getting premium for himself or for someone else.
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Cardinal Ximenez- Do you have anything nice to say...? EVER?

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Cardinal Ximenez- Do you have anything nice to say...? EVER?

Niceness is not really quantifiable. Have you considered that I am perhaps being nice to players, by making them not waste their precious time on crappy games? Or perhaps I am being nice to liberal society by opposing racist, aristocratic propaganda? I could even be nice to artists themselves, by letting them express themselves to their full potential!

But that is sort of beyond the point.

Which of my maps was not "nice"?
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sanosuke's is by far the worst. sorry xeno soft2

Don't worry about it ya strange tranny  :blarg:

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I don't understand why some get so upset over negative comments about their map. The entire game sucks balls. The content is seriously bad. No one did a good job really. Pretty much all maps suck in one way or the other...

If you really don't want negative criticism then maybe the Alex games aren't your thing.

Good job RPG... you managed to get people throwing pies at each other. I believe de-modding him is the right course of action.
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Is there gonna be any sequel?
please pretty please :)
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Man, RPG warned me for saying something that everyone else is saying and something that is true. Good job!

Also, man, did anyone beat the Nightmare? It's just too hard. I wish all the minigames were easier.
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damn, It was really that hard? Maybe I should have left in 1 more potion after all xP
might be because I have already played her to death though I suppose... and most i make, tend to be difficult
how to beat the witch:
(bit dark since my computer is crap)
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haha, I love the way you guys actually take my map seriously and try to understand what it is all about

First one who gets it, is getting premium for himself or for someone else.

yours was actually really good fatty
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Thanks to everyone who had something to say about my map (Sky Town). I'm glad it was well received. I actually made it as a pure gameplay map because the game didn't have any gameplay.

@sleeping_wind: Actually, this map was indirectly based on Yellow. My map was based on my game, Super RTP Adventure, which is heavily inspired by Yellow! Seriously, that's my favorite game ever. I'm glad to find somebody else who's played it.
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I don't understand why some get so upset over negative comments about their map. The entire game sucks balls. The content is seriously bad. No one did a good job really. Pretty much all maps suck in one way or the other...

If you really don't want negative criticism then maybe the Alex games aren't your thing.

Good job RPG... you managed to get people throwing pies at each other. I believe de-modding him is the right course of action.

If your refering to me than I guess I should let you know that this whole Alex game thing was a joke for me...erm I basically put up a front and I guess everyone fell for it, even the screen I put in on purpose to get people pissed off for w/e reason you would over something so stupid. Anyways I honestly dont care.

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Thanks to everyone who had something to say about my map (Sky Town). I'm glad it was well received. I actually made it as a pure gameplay map because the game didn't have any gameplay.

@sleeping_wind: Actually, this map was indirectly based on Yellow. My map was based on my game, Super RTP Adventure, which is heavily inspired by Yellow! Seriously, that's my favorite game ever. I'm glad to find somebody else who's played it.

Score. :)
I agree, that game is pretty rad.

Also, I might have tried your game, "Super RTP Adventure" at some point (maybe). I am not too sure though 'cause there are 2 different game that comes into my mind!

The first one is pretty short (demo I think), I believe it ended after a small cave at which you have to answer a riddle (no right answer), so the hero kills the guard (RTP demon boss charset) and gain a new skill.

The other one have the generic RTP knight as a major character (sort of mentor to ALEX the main hero) that dies because of the generic RTP woman knight - who later will turn into a good guy (supporting character) and have to fight the RTP knight's ghost or something at the end (that's just one major plot of the game I remember). Yeah, it's kinda vague. There is also some stuff about the heroine being the descendant of some goddess and stuff like that.... maybe.

Maybe one of these is yours?
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Anyways I honestly dont care.
I care the most.

Yo I was plaything alex and some of these maps were maaaadd gas, like I was like bewww ctrlo hax through the wall baby, like zomeg too much dailguges etc too much gas for my taste really, but the 20's mpa was hot , can't lie, can't lie.
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yours was actually really good fatty
what really
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If your refering to me than I guess I should let you know that this whole Alex game thing was a joke for me...erm I basically put up a front and I guess everyone fell for it, even the screen I put in on purpose to get people pissed off for w/e reason you would over something so stupid. Anyways I honestly dont care.

I didn't have anyone particular in my mind when I wrote that. All I could see after this game had been released was sad and angry faces.
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Just a copy paste list. :P Not in order played.
(It seems Caminator18 isn't going to play this for awhile. He's too busy programming or whatever  :fogetnah: so, I'll do it myself!)

    * Ekuell  (The Forest of People Who Can't See in the Dark)
- There was no point to this, though with these maps there really is no point. I liked the light/dark system. That was pretty cool. Good stuff really, if this were in a game of its own, I'd play it. Definitely liked this better than that stealth one in one of the past ALEX games. Forget which one, but the same idea, except it was bogged down with overlays, and high level difficulty.

    * halibabica (Comic World)
- It took me a second try to figure out what the comic was supposed to represent. I think this would have been better if A) the comic cells were below ALEXIS, and if the action was less dependent on the umbrella. Like I said, only took two tries, but I figured it out, so it wasn't that hard. However, if it was like a cascade of events from jumping over a building into the water, into a boat or whatever... that may have played out a bit better. Still, I liked the idea, and it was presented very well. Especially the sprites haha.

    * neo prime (Scores and Teleports and Gobi)
- I enjoyed killing the Gobi. The teleporting was fun too. It reminded me of something, I don't know what though. Fun times anyway. (Found everything! Cha-Ching!)

    * Dudesoft (Moustache's Hidden Zone)
- I won't touch this either. :P

    * Ralph (The Murder Inn)
- I agree with the previous statement that the hotel was too big. However, I love Clue, and this minigame was up my alley. Really nice dude. Had the map been much smaller, the same effect could have been portrayed, and it would have been really that much more enjoyable. You darkened the screen for the thief and all, so it took me out of the RTP setting for a tingle of a moment. Enjoyable puzzle!

    * LordBlueRouge
- "Dodge This" - Holy shart man. Could this be harder? I cheated with the CTRL key, and STILL got caught between the end burst. However, the style and timing were top notch!

- "Convicts, Cliffs N' Criminals" - I died. :P Holyhardpart2. Also awesome though.

    * jackdanielsd (Endless Void II : Samurai Wars)
- I beat this map in record time! :D

    * Skie Fortress (Alex vs. Klaus)
- A little too serious, and I thought Alex wasn't in this game. Though, RPG cleared that up, so it worked. Nice sprite poses!

    * Kazesui
- "Dark Dungeon" -

- "The Nightmare" - Both these maps I saved, because of the area sprite on the world map, I anticipated these maps, and saved them until all the others on that side of the island were done. Loved every pixel of 'em.

    * Psyburn (Kef Presents: Temple of Tarantino)
- Isn't this the same as your last entree? Nonetheless, the song was funny, and I had to look up the exit in RPG Maker, since it was nigh-impossible to locate otherwise. It could have been an entertaining map, if I could have pushed the crowd out of my way, or something.

    * Strangeluv (Bridging the Gap)
- Had to laugh at that penguin man. That was great. Played this one twice!

    * jsnnoa (RPG Maker Castle)
- Agreed that this would look better in the Map Editor, however, it's the thought that counts! I had fun imaging what ALEXIS was doing during that map.

    * Cardinal Ximenez
- "RPG Maker Hell" - Hell is right. I couldn't figure out the first stage. Just CTRL'd most of the way. I imagine you had to walk in circles or talk to people in a certain order, but I got frustrated and just walked through. Some nice references.

- "Most Egregious Use of RM2K3" - I died, because I've A) never played roguelike games. After I figured out I had to step on top of the treasure chests to get the treasure, things eased up. However, it's impossible to get away from monsters once they've cornered you. So... deadified. I'll probably try harder when I play through again.

    * Dragol (1920's)
- Not just my favourite map in this game, but in most games. Gameplay-wise, I disliked the doorways. There was no notification that a door existed in the wall. I had to open it in RPG Maker to figure that much out. From then on it was fine.
That aside, the presentation was spectacular. That black screen of text, and pause to see mouth movement... Bingo, baby! Just great. Wish I'd thought of it, to be honest, because now I'm going to be a douche and copy this for one of the Worlds in my game! Truly inspiring map.

    * Liman (Icy Peak)
- There's something wrong with me, because I had fun breaking the ice roadblocks and climbing this mountain.  :shrug:

    * Nerdo (The Old Man With Two Dads)
- Er, good sprites. lol

    * Liberty (Teaching Tongues)
- I managed to fail this map. I liked it very much though, and spent about five minutes trying to undo my mistakes before just pumping up my variable to 3 in the editor. Still a nice map; Un festin pour les langues !

    * AznChipmunk (Encounter)
- I'm going to repeat who I quoted and say "really nice atmosphere". ;D

    * Ocean's Dream (Paradise)
- This could have gone somewhere. :( Cocktease.

    * PkUltimaga (The Riddle)
- Reminded me of FF7 somehow. Also; ARGH @ the answer.

    * Dyne (Attack of the Clones)
- Took me two tries, it was great! I'd have even enjoyed it more with a bigger area to accomplish.

    * Bobberticus (Quebec)
- lol door
Had to open RPG Maker to figure out what you had intended. lol looked like door blocked, so didn't walk into it. lol (for real this time)

    * Tau (Death)
- Nice visual style.

    * Nessiah (The Memory)
- Excellent animations. Was less fond of the attack animation, but time constraints = meh. Overall good minigame.

    * hedge[1] (The RPGMaker Battle System Museum)
- I also enjoyed the TBS(?) showcase because of the poor spectator lad. Made me laugh.

    * elkalo (Another Forest Map)
- Looked like an interesting map. I had no trouble seeing it, though I think what would have been preferable would be a sort of mossy-coloured overlay that didn't cover the whole map. It was definitely too dark, though, regardless. What this map needed was a story and/or minigame. Good looking map though.

    * YDS (Lost Dreams)
- The panorama was needlessly bad, because despite what it ended up being, this map looked good. Whether I got the inside jokes or not is aside the point.

    * Chef Boyardee (Purgatory)
- I thought this would be hilarious. :(

    * King of Games (Gentleman's Challenge)
- From the sprite, to the walking speed, to the fact you have to walk a certain place to battle the gentleman makes this a great Pokemon joke. Also: I guess I didn't have enough badges because my firedude wouldn't listen to me when I said "CUT". Oh well, still nice work man.

    * Clucky (Sky Town)
- Again, one of my favourites. The chime for collecting those coins reminded me heavily of mario and picked at my urge to collect shiny things. The mini games simple and enjoyable. Everything was clean and neat. Definitely something about the atmosphere that drew me in from the outright. Loved this map.

    * Arcan (Alex Racing)
- I kept telling my Alex I'd do something to make him a horse, and lost three times in a row. Made me a sad Alexis. :*( a little tear.
Liked the moveable camera.

    * Sanosuke (Dice and Cards)
- I was unaware at the time that this was product placement. I figured it was a cameo or something.
Anyway, the dice game I lost until giving up. Also, the dice stayed on screen when the minigame was over [bug]. Blackjack is always easy to beat when the AI is retarded! I know this from my own slackjack games. :P Good effort with the images and shit though, that makes up for the lack of AI. :)

    * RPG (Intro and Outro)
- Damn man, this was almost as funny as ALEX III! The Outro was a hilarious stab at MGS2. I was laughing the whole way.

    * Dharma_and_Greg#1fan
- :( what. This kind of brought down the game experience, unless you were responsible for the end battle.

    * Whoever did the end battle
- I beat this first try. It was a simple game of War. Loved that idea man, it was cool!