does the tumor have anything to do with your cancer? do you know anything about it at all?
it is the cancer; that's why the tumor markers climbed.
this thing is exponentially growing so the plan is basically to knock me out (its not one of those they keep you awake for), and will cut open my skull. the tumor is right on the outside of the membrane, so it can be extircated with ease, and probably no side effects. they will then use titanium screws and reattach the skull plate so I
or just set off metal detectors.
after this we'll have targetted radiation therapy asap (maybe a week) at Duke, and then we'll see Dr. Einhorn and decide what to do to stop this.
I never thought I'd have to say this, and it really really embarasses me.
we're out of money it seems. mom is digging into her retirement fund but she's on medical leave now and it's unpaid, so she's thinking of selling her few stocks. my sister is a temp employee so she can cover the basic non-medical bills, but going to Indiana and all plus two surgeries in like three months...the money from the Indian people is more or less gone. Steve etc were talking about fund raising concert or something, and I'm going to take him up on that but
fuck it no I am not going to ask GW. not yet.