Topic: I'm baaaaaaack! (Read 632 times)

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OMG look who's back with a vengeance. It's DJ Lith from the good ol' days. Just dropping in to say hello and letting the community know that I will try to restart my radio shows (that were awesome... btw not me who said it) in the very near future. I look forward to meeting newbies and conversing with some moldy oldies as well. For those of you who do not know me, don't be afraid to say hi and come talk to me in IRC every now and then. I try to get on as much as possible, but I do have a lot going on in my life now so I can't be on as often as I'd like to. Anyways, just reintroducing myself. It feels good to be back.
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Sweet. Welcome back, man. What is your show going to be like this time? Be sure to post about it in the GW Radio forum. Hopefully your show will pull back some people to GW Radio again.
Last Edit: May 31, 2008, 05:18:25 am by Jeff
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Awesome to have you back here Lith, hope to see you makin games again.....
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hay there lith how u doin?
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i don't know you. But it's always good to have old members back...
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Welcome back Lith, and yup always good to have old members back.
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Welcome back man, it's great to see you again!

big thanx to dragonslayer for sig!
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Wow, so many replies. Let me just say a general thank you to everyone who's welcomed me back. Hopefully this will put me back in the spirit of making games again. I have an idea for one. It's about a boy who's dog runs away and he has to go on a quest to retrieve it using amazing kung fu skills he learned at his local town dojo . It's set in world similar to pokémon or earthbound). I'll be programming it in Visual Basic since thats what class I took last quarter and it's just too easy not to make a game with and all the artwork will be hand drawn. On the subject of my radio shows they're a little more mature now since I'm what 4 or 5 years older (I turned 21 New Year's Eve) than when I used to host, but I'm still the same crazy sonuvabitch I used to  be on air. I did a freelance show this morning about 3 hours ago and tried to go to bed but failed so now I'm up replying to this topic. Ah, insomnia.. my old friend. Anyways, thanks for the welcome backs and the welcomes. It's good to be back and to be remembered. See you around. 
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i remember you! welcome back man
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isn't lith different from lithium.
brian chemicals
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Holy fuck dude! It's been a while. I already greeted you on IRC but figured I'd post here for posterity's sake.

Glad to see you back, and I'm looking forward to your radio shows again :D
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isn't lith different from lithium.

big thanx to dragonslayer for sig!