easy difficulty with loading quite a few times is right there in his description, dude.
and actually people might disagree with this but I found the normal difficulty here to be pretty easy, or was that just me (not as in NO ALERTS easy, but as in surviving/beating)? like I rarely, if ever, felt like OOOOOH SHIT, except when I really fucked up and here comes two geckos oh wait RAIL GUN.
like I went into that raging raven fight with only one ration and forgot that regain restores health and I still won (albeit barely), that's a little crazy.
also I just realized that entire act had no actual stealth!
Wasn't the raging raven act the one where you followed that dude in England? Wasn't that pretty stealthy?
Also about the beauties dying even if you tranq them, I think Drebin mentioned that they can only supposedly live for a couple minutes outside of their suite. That's why if you stall the battle, it goes into that white place and it has a 3 minute countdown. I assume after that 3 minute countdown they probably die and you win, but I'm not sure.
I know what you're saying, the game definitely isn't as good as the others, and it does suffer from all the problems you mentioned, but I guess I really didn't care. I've always loved the metal gear solid series storyline, although I've never really taken it seriously, which made it easier to swallow what the game was spitting at me (yes I am swallowing spit).