Topic: The Official Metal Gear Solid 4 Topic (remember spoiler tags ppl) (Read 19598 times)

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you admitted you played through the game three times dude that's a lot of effort once again for something you don't need and really can't get much of a kick out of.

unless you really do just love going HEHE THEY CANT SEE ME.

we don't rush through the game but implying that you absolutely have to stealth everything (in a game that lets you buy a shotgun) and then you're REALLY PLAYING is pretty ridiculous.

MGS1 was cool because you had an incentive to go back and play with that neat shit you got, the alternate ending. unless you're just REALLY FASCINATED by solar guns or whatver, no such incentive exists here.
brian chemicals
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fyi this eastern europe part where you follow the resistance dude was one of the most boring fucking parts in any videogame ever, no because it was hard but because he was so fucking slow and if you lost him (easy to do at points) you had to track down another one and it was pretty goddam awful, I don't know why it's in the game.
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Yeah man, I keep saying that act 3 pretty much sucked. I think the idea of finding Big Mama's base was kind of neat but they completely ruined it. They could have made you gather some information by listening to patrols and finding other clues (I'm sure they could have come up with some ideas) but what we got was seriously incredibly boring. Not only was it easy as hell but the dude you had to follow was so retarded, you could probably walk two meters behind him and he would not notice you.
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okay yes admittedly this part sucked (still watching it) but the cinematic at the end rules, even if it was completely predictable.

although it's amazing no one in that entire army had a non-system registered handgun or something.

and now big boss is dead w00t guess we don't have to worry abut Foxdie anymore???

ahahaha and why did he yell otacon's name so angrily.

but yeah fuck this game has a lot of cinematics!!!
brian chemicals
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we don't rush through the game but implying that you absolutely have to stealth everything (in a game that lets you buy a shotgun) and then you're REALLY PLAYING is pretty ridiculous.
I never said that. Yes, sneaking is supposed to be the point of the game (and you're rewarded for doing it), but as in all other MGS games, you can go through it just by killing everybody, and the player's given different weapons for variety.

Pointing out MGS1's alternate ending is ridiculous, though. It's stupid and useless, and I'm amazed if someone replays the game just for it.

I'm not going to bother anymore. If you really think getting stealth and bandana is that hard, fine. Just don't go saying it takes countless hours and knowing the game 100%  to get them, because that's bullshit. Going three times through a game that lasts way less than 8 hours excluding the cutscenes is hardly what I'd call a lot of effort.
Last Edit: July 02, 2008, 03:24:11 pm by Fujin
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keyword is excluding the cutscenes which fyi the first time through tends to really lengthen the game. so that's eight hours * 2 which is already 16 hours of gameplay, plus however long it takes for you to beat the original game and keeping in mind thats 8 + 8 hours of shit you've DONE BEFORE already so there's absolutely nothing new to experience.

fyi guy the point is the game became easy enough to go and see the alternate ending because of the reward you got, this being the crux of the whole the argument. and uh, yeah, quite a few people now had the incentive to do that. I can't believe you'd say playing a game for 16 hours to get a bandana is somehow more worthwhile than doing the same thing PLUS getting an alternate ending.

the reward here is PLAY THE GAME A BUNCH OF TIMES TO GAIN THE PRIVILEGE TO PLAY THE GAME AGAIN and it's pretty amusing that an alternate ending, plus that privelege, is "stupid and useless". think about it Tex!
brian chemicals
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also how much did apple pay for this shit, jesus christ. COLLECT IPODS and they all use macs. fuck.
brian chemicals
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triple post, just beat the game. there was no big plot twist at the end! I thought someone said OTACON IS A PATRIOT, but uh that wasn't the case.

oh well, what a stupid game. I am glad I did not pay money for it (friend's copy) and I have no urge to play through it again. christ, the BEAUTIES all being the same rape victim side story, jesus. if I killed them, does Drebin say YOU SAVED THEM SNAKE, or what. because I'm seriously confused how tranqing someone in the head is psychotherapy on the level these women needed.
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triple post, just beat the game. there was no big plot twist at the end! I thought someone said OTACON IS A PATRIOT, but uh that wasn't the case.

that was me. it was just a typo i meant to say ocelot
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We've known that since MGS2? Wasn't it inferred by the conversation with the pres at the end of MGS1???

I am a rabid fan of the MGS Series and I think this edition was just major fan service by Kojima. I enjoyed it all but I admit it doesn't have the uber replay value that people are harping on about. I normally have to leave a game about 10 years before I remember how good I thought it was then get let down when I replay it. Games like need for speed and platform games are an exception to this rule. And command and conquer :)

I think the biggest let down with this PS3 thing is that there are fuck all Ps1 games you can download. I want Crash Bandicoot 2! My dad just got a £50 free trial for LoveFilm (internet DVD rental thing) - also does games. I own MGS4, GTA4 and GT5:Prologue and I can't think of anything else I would want to play - anyone got any recommedations?

p.s. Steel I know you're angry man. So angry about MGS4 so so so so angry but do we have to have 100 million posts!? Whatever peace bro.
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triple post, just beat the game. there was no big plot twist at the end! I thought someone said OTACON IS A PATRIOT, but uh that wasn't the case.

oh well, what a stupid game. I am glad I did not pay money for it (friend's copy) and I have no urge to play through it again. christ, the BEAUTIES all being the same rape victim side story, jesus. if I killed them, does Drebin say YOU SAVED THEM SNAKE, or what. because I'm seriously confused how tranqing someone in the head is psychotherapy on the level these women needed.

They die, I'm pretty sure. It's the same thing whether you tranq or kill them. You're saving them by freeing them from this world. They are so tormented nothing can stop them.

Dude stop bitching and learn to edit your posts. Apparently, as I said earlier, MGS isn't a game for you.
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yo that is the stupidest post ever, considering I've often stated I think MGS2 is the best game ever created and actually wrote a few papers on it for classes (about the postmodern aesthetic and metanarrative BOOSH). MGS1 was also a very competent game and one of the best in the series and while I still haven't played 3, I know the plot and have seen others playing it so.

this game is just not as good! the pacing is totally fucking off, and people just rehash shit you figured out a while ago. GZ raised some pretty valid claims earlier in the topic about plot issues that you really have to stretch to understand. or hell, look at your own example. THEY'RE DEAD. what? why? I tranquilized them! where did their bodies go? how come they all curl up in fetus positions and cry if they are dead? I also don't understand why they included the metanarrative characters for the second time, considering they did it very well in MGS2. just for no reason these bosses are modeled after the MGS1 bosses and you go back to Shadow Moses and everything but where that was a plot point in MGS2, it's just this throwaway LOOK, LOOK in this game.

and then this apple thing. what is that? COLLECT IPODS. why are we letting that kind of shit go? it was a totally unnecessary gimmick just to advertise fucking apple ipods in the game.

I guess that's not circlejerky enough for grogrog though, GOTTA LOVE THIS GAME, but I'm with panda; in a game made at least 50% from cinematics (and I'm certain it was more), these kind of issues really should have affected the scores across the board a little more. instead the game's got a 9 something everywhere.

so many stupid moments argh. I can't seriously remember the number of times I was on IRC saying JESUS CHRIST THIS IS A STUPID GAME.

seriously I could have fixed this game in five minutes with some pacing shit. did anyone really not understand Zero lost control of the AIs? I figured that out the second the AIs were mentioned as, you know, controlling everything. and then Big Boss is just alive for some reason and ugh. just so many pacing issues that could have been fixed. I'm playing Mass Effect now and that game knows how to do dialogue. the character tells you what you need to know, and if you want to know more or rehash something, you can choose it. here it's just SNAKE...THE PATRIOTS...THEY ARE SOMETHING!!!

whatever. I'm pretty wholely disappointed in the game and kind of surprised at the ITS STILL GOOD crowd here, considering how much worse it is than the previous games.
brian chemicals
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The balance between cutscenes and gameplay is pretty screwed in this game. While in MGS2 you never really felt you were truly playing the game, MGS4 had some long gameplay parts with a few cutscenes, but the further you get, it turns upside down.
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yeah that was another thing. that was a REALLY CRAZY aesthetic decision by him that I'm not sure was worth it. like, this is the first game EVER I have actually sighed and said "well, today I will spend a long time on one game". I mean, we all do inevitably I think, but this is one where I knew I'd be wasting at least two hours if not more, BY NECESSITY. it wouldn't be because a boss stumped me but because of a CUTSCENE.

there were so many weird choices like that in the game. like, the very beginning being TV PROGRAMS, what was that? or when in the mission briefing, you can control the mark ii and pick up batteries and ipods. they aren't even BAD choices, but they are really strange and I think overall kind of hurt any justification you can have for the game being good, just because they are so bizarre and have little payoff (other than HIDEO HOW KINKY), where as something like the cheesy psycho mantis shit from MGS1 is just kind of HEH META.
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Bullshit Fujin. Getting no alerts is not that easy, either you are lying or then you beat the game on the easiest difficulty with loading a few times. Not getting is any kills is easy enough with tranquilizer though, only bosses will take a bit longer to beat.

I agree that it's retarded to give you a reward when you have basically mastered the game and have spent countless of hours on it already.

I got Stealth and bandana my second playthrough.
Seriously. No Alerts is easy. The Hardest was ACT4 because you cant tranq robots and the gekko's seem to see you when chaf is going off.

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easy difficulty with loading quite a few times is right there in his description, dude.

and actually people might disagree with this but I found the normal difficulty here to be pretty easy, or was that just me (not as in NO ALERTS easy, but as in surviving/beating)? like I rarely, if ever, felt like OOOOOH SHIT, except when I really fucked up and here comes two geckos oh wait RAIL GUN.

like I went into that raging raven fight with only one ration and forgot that regain restores health and I still won (albeit barely), that's a little crazy.

also I just realized that entire act had no actual stealth!
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easy difficulty with loading quite a few times is right there in his description, dude.

and actually people might disagree with this but I found the normal difficulty here to be pretty easy, or was that just me (not as in NO ALERTS easy, but as in surviving/beating)? like I rarely, if ever, felt like OOOOOH SHIT, except when I really fucked up and here comes two geckos oh wait RAIL GUN.

like I went into that raging raven fight with only one ration and forgot that regain restores health and I still won (albeit barely), that's a little crazy.

also I just realized that entire act had no actual stealth!

Wasn't the raging raven act the one where you followed that dude in England? Wasn't that pretty stealthy?

Also about the beauties dying even if you tranq them, I think Drebin mentioned that they can only supposedly live for a couple minutes outside of their suite. That's why if you stall the battle, it goes into that white place and it has a 3 minute countdown. I assume after that 3 minute countdown they probably die and you win, but I'm not sure.

I know what you're saying, the game definitely isn't as good as the others, and it does suffer from all the problems you mentioned, but I guess I really didn't care. I've always loved the metal gear solid series storyline, although I've never really taken it seriously, which made it easier to swallow what the game was spitting at me (yes I am swallowing spit).
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the europe stealth was way too easy and hard simultaneously. like it wasn't the normal stealth mission and you could walk REALLY REALLY CLOSE to the guy. conversely though if you lost him (this happened to me whenever I would enter a new area and suddenly he'd be somewhere else) it became a huge pain in the ass to find him again.

apparently this was psyburn's least favorite part of the game too...

also I feel bad, I thought I was saving them. I should have just shot them in the head...
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I tranq'd them so I could get their face masks.  There's something humorous about seeing Snake dressed as a woman talking to people.
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I just re-bought MGS1 off ebay because some cheeky git made away with my discs (and I doubt they would've worked with Windows Pissta anyway) but here's hoping that the PS3's PS compatibility actually works with MGS. Otherwise I am posting them my turds.