Tv Battlestar Galactica (As it draws to its end.) (Read 2018 times)

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Sure, there is more than half a season of episodes left, and i don't even think they're still going to do the cut it in half style, what with the strike and all. But it is still a great show, and i'm made that I've missed 50% of it. I never watched the first season or the third, but I'm sticking with it to the end starting with its last year!

So naturally there is only one question that need be asked: Who do you think is the final cylon?!
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Adama is totally the last cylon.

this show rules and I love it a lot, but I like the older series more, most likely out of nostalgia. Baltar is basically the best character on the show, and probably any sci-fi show ever, and the actor is so good.
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this show rules and I love it a lot, but I like the older series more, most likely out of nostalgia. Baltar is basically the best character on the show, and probably any sci-fi show ever, and the actor is so good.

i guess i can understand camp enjoyment of the original version over this one, but i don't think there's really any way you can say it's better than the version we have now. i take it you aren't 40 some years old and didn't watch the original when it was on, so you mean like, you like that old timey 70's feel it has with all the haircuts and corniness?

the new bsg is something i can't really make a decision on whether i love it or not. it is so melodramatic and dour, but they play it so utterly straight and intense that you just ride along with it. the writing can be pretty bad, like, it is not funny. they can't make a joke on this show without having it fall flat or just be bland sarcastic dialogue. except baltar i guess, but that is truly all down to james callis cos he's a funny man.

one thing which attracted me to it years back when i started watching it was how women are apparently treated equally in the military etc, i dunno i just thought a show which decides to make that conscious choice is gonna be more thoughtful and interesting than most science fiction. and i think i was mostly right, i mean there are a few things which still annoy me. like calling all women of rank "sir". the reason RDM gave for that was that calling a superior officer "maam" SOUNDED SILLY. and words like frack and motherfracker don't sound silly, apparently - but they show got over that and now in season 4 you hear frack and you just accept it, that's how these characters swear. i think it would've been a better choice to own the word maam in the same way, and it would be a stronger statement than calling these women sir. then there's starbuck, who is a gender politics train wreck.

but it's not all bad with the women on the show, they do at least do more than most shows.

that's not really all i wanted to say about this, probably not even the most important stuff but i have to go. i'll post again later.

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If Adama were the last Cylon, then that would mean Gaeta isn't Which would suck!!!!
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I think its still pretty up in the air who is the last cylon.  I've thought about it being starbuck or roslin.  Hadn't thought about older adama, although Gaeta did cross my mind.

My first thought with the idea of baltar being the final cylon is NAH THATS TOO EASY, but that is what they expect everybody to be thinking, so maybe he IS the last one.

Who knows!
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Starbuck is the easiest to explain, sicne she was "dead" while the "Secret Four" heard that song, and sicne the Final Fiver come in a... package, then she would have heard it.

Baltar is the most likely, which makes him the most unlikely.

Adama would be the most shocking.

Rosilin would be hopeful. She could have died with  cancer and then a cliffhanger would be her downloading later on, but they blew the hub. So instead she's just going to die.

Apollo and Helo.... wait.... ARGH!!!!!! I could never tell the difference between all the men, what with the nicknames and real names and callsigns, but I managed to figure out who was who with all the Sharrons at the start of season 2, having not watched the first.

My vote is still Gaeta. I loved him in the first half of season 2, and when he got his leg cut off, the Secret Four discussed his phantom pain. My mind blanked on what real phantom pain was and I thought, "That's a gay cylon!"
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Nah dudes its totally Adama. Man in control of mankinds last actually a cylon. Be brilliant.

i guess i can understand camp enjoyment of the original version over this one, but i don't think there's really any way you can say it's better than the version we have now. i take it you aren't 40 some years old and didn't watch the original when it was on, so you mean like, you like that old timey 70's feel it has with all the haircuts and corniness?

I think it's better in its own way. Maybe not better on the WHICH ONE IS THE BEST OF THE TWO spectrum, and while I love the new BSG to death, I think in its own campy, 70s way, the old BSG is better. They are two different beasts tho, even if they carry the same name. The new BSG does a lot right but its not going for the campy 70s sci-fi feel.

no i'm only 19 but my dad is a fan of BSG (both, as well) and thus I saw it as a child. It was pretty cool.
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yeah, i like bsg a lot, even though it takes itself way too seriously and that kind of grates on you after a while.  it is soooo melodramatic and like jamicus said no one aside from maybe baltar can deliver a joke, but they still feel the need to make compulsory ones every once in a while just to give off that heh... even in the most trying times... humanity's sense of humor endures vibe, which is also kind of tiresome because it feels like the jokes are sort of dispersed in a very formulaic fashion to that end.  parts of it can seem very contrived, especially the humor, but other parts as well.

i still like it a lot, though, i think.  like jamicus said, it has better female characters than most sci-fi ever has, which i guess is a step forward if anyone follows suit.  roslin and dualla and others are normally pretty good, although i think a lot of them end up being fairly one-dimensional (boomer, that one pilot who died, etc) but i'm not sure what to think about starbuck as far as that goes.  also, i don't mind frack, because i think it was the best way to avoid dealing with censors.  it's still very clearly FUCK and i'd prefer hearing FRACK YOU to SCREW YOU any day.  i haven't kept up with the last few episodes at all because i just haven't been very engaged by the fourth season, but i should probably catch up relatively soon.  i have no idea who the last cylon is and i don't particularly care so it's kind of funny that there are just scores of forums that discuss it non-stop.

also it has the coolest space battles ever.  the completely silent aspect of them besides faint noises from the guns and thrusters is great.
Last Edit: June 12, 2008, 09:06:46 pm by headphonics
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I agree on the great depiction of females, though Dualla hasn't done much in a while, but she never did much anyway.
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i think they blew the cylon wad with the final four reveal so really i don't care who the final cylon is, either. i don't even care if we never find out, i kind of wish they'd either just get it over with cos there are more interesting things going on the show right now anyway.

what i wanna see is how they're gonna handle earth. as i understand it, they are gonna find it in episode 10 (which i'm downloading right now) and i want to know what the planet is going to be like and what they're gonna do when they get there.

see i loved new caprica cos i just get a huge kick out of seeing societies build up and little cultures form. like, when lost first aired i was kind of excited cos 48 survivors on a desert island screamed tribal government shit to me and i was all amped up for castaway with a political slant but instead in turned into a bunch of supernatural superstious nonsense which threw around phrases like "the shape of things to come" and "'s time to get some answers." way, way too much.

bsg also has this problem, but ironically for a show set in deep space it's much more grounded in reality and how people actually act, and that is why i've stuck with it and continue to enjoy it despite it's many problems.


i just watched revelations

Last Edit: June 14, 2008, 09:39:27 am by real_jamicus
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Last Edit: June 14, 2008, 07:37:38 pm by conchfeld
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They thought there was no one left on caprica.
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I just watched the last episode and idk

btw does anyone notice odd inconsistencies?  sometimes they say it's been five years and sometimes they say it's been three, and then there's this one scene where roslin said that the gods were just metaphors, but wasn't she a devoutly religious and supporting of the literal interpretations of the scriptures like one or two seasons earlier?  it seems like an odd thing for someone who believes so completely in the whole sacred visions/everyone's playing a pre-determined role in a cosmic play/whatever other crazy religious shit she believed in to say.  it's been a while since i watched the earlier seasons, but yeah, there've been a few seemingly out of character or contradictory remarks like that this season.
Last Edit: June 16, 2008, 01:41:25 am by headphonics
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I'm gonna go ahead and ruin this topic:

isn't this the show where Kevin Sorbo is in space? (i didn't read your spoilers)
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no thats andromeda why didnt you just check imdb
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Excellent question.

I get this show, Andromeda, and Starscape (is that what it's called?) mixed up.
From what I hear this is the critically acclaimed of the three?
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yeah probably.  i mean i'm sure the other two have received some amount of critical acclaim, because critics don't typically have any idea of what they're talking about, but this is the only GOOD one yeah.  after realizing that this show wasn't just another shitty sci-fi show, i sort of had this idea that maybe i'd short-changed the entire genre, so i went to imdb and farscape is rated like a 9/10 and i as like HMMMM.  so i downloaded like the first ten episodes and JESUS CHRIST it was awful.  totally awful.  it was like everything you'd expect a cheesy sci-fi show to be, and i would say the same goes for the 3 or 4 episodes of andromeda i've seen.  bsg is really the only good thing to come out of the whole sci-fi television series schtick, save maybe a few episodes of the next generation that weren't too ham-fisted and preachy to watch (inner light!!!!!).
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I just watched the last episode and idk

Were they?  When?  I do not remember this.

btw does anyone notice odd inconsistencies?

Yeah, I have been seeing here and there, now that you mention it.  What a bunch of fuckasses.
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idk I think they landed on some planet that actually seemed pretty habitable itself, and went into a cave and they went through some gateway and came out in glade with [I think] a bunch of tall stones representing the various zodiacs (or their gods or w/e) on Earth.  At least, I think it was Earth, because they were taking note of the constellations in relation to the planet as a way of finding out where it was, which wouldn't matter if it wasn't Earth (plus when they arrived in this last episode they were like THE CONSTELLATIONS MATCH HEH).  Maybe it means something else, but that's what it seemed like it was to me, anyway.
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i thought they were talking about the constellations starbuck marked when she saw earth.