I don't mean to sound insensitive or uh, bring up bad memories or something but how do you get put into a position of drowning SIX TIMES in your life?
It's okay, I laugh now, and just refuse to go into water that I can't touch bottom, and still have my shoulders un-submerged. Anyways, The first few two times were when I was learning to swim, and failed. (I panic if it gets too deep...), and went under after a bit.
The next two times were at my Uncle's pool, and I misjudged where the deep end started. The adults weren't paying attention, and I was the oldest one in the pool. The first time, I managed to get to the ladder and pull myself out, and the second time my cousin pulled me out.
The final two times were in one day, when my girlfriend (now ex), was trying to once again teach me to swim, and once again I failed (I panicked again). The second time around my gf's friends bf (who hates me for no reason), pushed me in, and again I panicked, and went under, According to him, he thought I was faking not being able to swim to get sympathy from the girl's there...
Now, you're probably thinking "Thejackyl, all you have to do is NOT PANIC", which would be easy if it were not for my irrational fear of deep water. That's the reason I panic even in a controlled environment, it's an