Serious Your thoughts about death and dying? (Read 2696 times)

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i am terrified of death because i dont believe in any sort of afterlife.
Yeah, sometimes it would be nice to believe in religion...or at least some sort of spiritual aspect to it.
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And the inevitability of death gets to you. I wonder if it's possible to simply accept that.
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Yeah, sometimes it would be nice to believe in religion...or at least some sort of spiritual aspect to it.

Yeah, but if you can somehow learn to come to terms with the aspect of once you're gone you're gone and although you'll lose the things/people you love you'll also leave all of you're troubles and worries behind and that there really isn't anything to worry about it seems sort of comforting to me anyways.

I mean I DONT WANT TO DIE at all but I'd like to say that when I'm older I'll be able to accept it without too much fear.

And really fuck religion, if there is any sort of caring, loving, omnipotent force that created the universe then it really shouldn't give a damn who you worship and what you do/think as long as you do your best in life and try not to harm others in the process.
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We've all been dead for 13 billion years, what's the big deal? REAL DEEP I KNOW. But kind of fun to think about.

It feels terrifying when I even try to wrap my mind around the idea of losing the SELF. It's kind of a primitive terror where everything that I've known to be stable and secure is completely lost to me. I won't feel or think or even be able to feel what not being able to HAVE THOUGHT is like. I remember when I was much younger that I didn't GET what death was, and I thought it was just the soul floating around in space.

I guess thinking about it makes me appreciate what little time I do have here, and motivates me to make the best of each moment.
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Go with the flow; I can't stop death, I'll do everything in my power to enjoy my life and accomplish what I set out to do.

Death is just my unknown time limit and their is no point in worrying about something you can't ever know.
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the process of dying scars me a helluva lot more then being dead does. To me me being dead is nothing because you dont know youre dead because you got no consiousness or selfawareness anymore so its just all gone. is the being stabbed or falling off a roof or geting a disease that gets me
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*Twitch* My strongest wish in the world is to be immortal... I've so many discussions with so many people about it. Many have told me I'm stupid and that I should just accept... But I'm literally incapable of doing so... death is my greatest fear. (note: I'm not a atheist, I'm Agnostic, I don't believe in god nor do I disbelieve in him, I think of him as a possibility)

My ideal world would be one with out death. I can't understand how someone would want to die... in fact I don't think of people who commit suicide as cowards, but morons or crazies. HOW COULD YOU ACCEPT DEATH? I dislike both atheist's view on death AND theists views on death... I see both scenarios as something terrible. Thats not to say that I don't think that they are possible.

I'm guessing its just my insane desperateness, but I half believe that it is possible to become immortal and that humanity is at the cusp of discovering it.

People think I'm (literally) insane for such thoughts and hopes.

People ask me "Why would you want to never die?" and I feel as if they are asking me "Why exist at all?" or "Why do you like to have fun?" or "Why do you not like being unhappy?"
Last Edit: June 22, 2008, 09:21:01 am by warpped655
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Happens to all the wrong people at the wrong times. You can't rely on anyone cause they just randomly DIE one day. Not really shit scared of death, more just the consequences.

At least I'd get some sleep.
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I've thought about it and the only thing that really scares me is the potential "nothingness."  I personally think it scares me so much because you really can't perceive it.  I mean, I can try to think about the "nothingness" before I was born and not really care, but to think about what I may be headed into creeps me the hell out.  The only thing I can really compare it to is being in some kind of pitchblack endless zone where you can never really go anywhere and when you try to touch your arms or chest or something to see if you can feel, you hit nothing... or rather you can't even do that because you have nothing.  Big problem with that concept though, the blackness in and of itself and being able to perceive it would mean you exist right?  And mind boggling stuff to be sure.

I try not to think about it too much though because it does bother me.
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I've thought about it and the only thing that really scares me is the potential "nothingness."  I personally think it scares me so much because you really can't perceive it.  I mean, I can try to think about the "nothingness" before I was born and not really care, but to think about what I may be headed into creeps me the hell out.  The only thing I can really compare it to is being in some kind of pitchblack endless zone where you can never really go anywhere and when you try to touch your arms or chest or something to see if you can feel, you hit nothing... or rather you can't even do that because you have nothing.  Big problem with that concept though, the blackness in and of itself and being able to perceive it would mean you exist right?  And mind boggling stuff to be sure.

I try not to think about it too much though because it does bother me.
I think about this, too. The whole idea of death is alien to me, because I have never known anything like it. How can I comprehend something I have never known? It's the fear of death that gets to me more. Because I think too much. Because I fear the unknown. Ugh, now I'm thinking about death again.
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Cross that bridge when you come to it mate :)
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I've always just thought I die (fade to black for dramatic effect), eventually all my molecules and whatnot are reabsorbed into a multitude of things and that's the end of it. Like, I don't just CHILL OUT in a white room and contemplate philosophy for eternity, nor do i somehow get to experience the PLANT that some molecule in my baby toe eventually ends up in. Thinking you just get to keep existing strikes me as pretty selfish.
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I have many thoughts about dying...but I'm not actually afraid of it, because I do believe that your soul will go somewhere after you die. I firmly believe in an afterlife...but sometimes I also think about reincarnation. I don't necessarily believe in it...but it would explain a few things it were the case.

Overall, I don't see death as a bad thing. I believe that everything happens for a reason, and perhaps you have a calling elsewhere...

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I think people should do a little research into the brain to dispell ideas of a soul. If you understand even a tiny bit about the workings of the brain you'd realise that our thoughts are not arbitrarily ethereal but strictly biologically mechanic. When you die your brain stops working.

However, we do not understand the nature of time and space with respect, as mentioned before, to existing in a 'moment' of the 'present'. But as far as post mortal existance goes, unless the present and past and future are not completely seperate and there exists some kind of medium on which to record your "existance" and there is opportunity for this 'moment' to be replayed (which asks for a medium on which to "play" the "recording") as far as we're all concerned it's the end.
Last Edit: June 22, 2008, 06:35:21 pm by alfungo
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Death is something I hope I don't have to face too soon...  Then again, I've come close to dying several times (more than most people twice my age)

I've almost drowned about 6 times
I've almost choked to death twice (Seriously, this is fucking scary)
I've seen "The light" for no reason twice in one day (my vision went black and white, and grainy, and then it got really bright...  think Halo 3 with about 100x Bloom -- This was probably the second most scary)
I've been in a "Should've been fatal" Car accident, a couple months ago (March or April).  What I mean my "Should've been fatal" I don't mean that my car was turned into shards of metal by a semi or something, but that the way I hit the (cement) guard rail, I should've went over it, and plummeted to the highway below.  I hit black ice, and lost control, on a bridge...  I remember having enough time to think "This can't be happening, I'm going to die..." **Boom, Airbag**, seriously, time slowed down for me) Without a doubt the most scared I have ever been.

I really don't know what to think about AFTER we die, but I do think there is more than just this right now.  And I have lost a few people close to me, and haven't been able to shed a tear.   My grandma, and grandpa died within a month of each other, and I was very close to both of them, yet all I could do is just feel sad about it...

Edit:  After reading some posts, I have almost the same feelings as yeaster.  I'm not afraid of death, but I don't want to die.  I believe there is something out there after death, such as an afterlife or reincarnation.
Last Edit: June 23, 2008, 03:54:10 am by thejackyl
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I don't mean to sound insensitive or uh, bring up bad memories or something but how do you get put into a position of drowning SIX TIMES in your life?
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I almost drowned twice when I was a boy. Luckily I was rescured both times (by the same guy,) and it was so long ago I don't really remember. . .I think my sister may have told me to jump off a dock into a lake or something (she hated me) and I was like "Okay!" Either that or she pushed me. The other time I went into the pool forgetting to put my floaties on first. That may have been from the brain damage caused by cerebral hypoxia from my previous incident.

Perhaps these are the moments that define my current day deep-seated fear of death. Occasionally I'll have a profound moment where I ponder my existence, and the thought of suddenly not existing at all for an eternity really freaks me out. That or slowly getting so old and feeble that you are basically not there at all anyway except for basic motor funciotns (IE Alzheimer's)

I am not sure which scenario frightens me the most. I do know, however, that one day we will conquer aging. Ironically the guy who accomplishes this will collide with a comet on his moon-bus trip to Mars to claim the exalted Methuselah foundation prize, obliterated instantly in the blast.

Oh yeah I almost forgot to mention that you never really die FOREVER because once the universe collapses into the big crunch and then expands again into a duplicate new universe you will be created all over again eventually (and make all the same mistakes again, too ​:)

I think that drug guy from the sixties wanted to get cryonically preserved since he had high hopes for the future, but once he got pretty old he decided, "WELL, FUCK IT" and was cremated.

Edit: Timothy Leary
Last Edit: June 24, 2008, 12:41:16 am by Eschatologist
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Boundless energy encapsulated in an infinetiesimal space,
dancing within a vacant and utterly impossible place.
A pocket of knowledge amidst the unknown
- sentient nothing existing of something -
incredibly lost and improbably home
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All I have to say is:

There better be a fuckin' afterlife, because the thought of not existing is scary as shit!
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Quote from: Rowain
I don't mean to sound insensitive or uh, bring up bad memories or something but how do you get put into a position of drowning SIX TIMES in your life?
It's okay, I laugh now, and just refuse to go into water that I can't touch bottom, and still have my shoulders un-submerged.  Anyways, The first few two times were when I was learning to swim, and failed.  (I panic if it gets too deep...), and went under after a bit. 
The next two times were at my Uncle's pool, and I misjudged where the deep end started.  The adults weren't paying attention, and I was the oldest one in the pool.  The first time, I managed to get to the ladder and pull myself out, and the second time my cousin pulled me out.
The final two times were in one day, when my girlfriend (now ex), was trying to once again teach me to swim, and once again I failed (I panicked again).  The second time around my gf's friends bf (who hates me for no reason), pushed me in, and again I panicked, and went under,  According to him, he thought I was faking not being able to swim to get sympathy from the girl's there...

Now, you're probably thinking "Thejackyl, all you have to do is NOT PANIC", which would be easy if it were not for my irrational fear of deep water.  That's the reason I panic even in a controlled environment, it's an IRRATIONAL fear.