Topic: [DIABLO 3 CONFIRME DOMGOGOGM]So the World Wide Invitational by Blizzard is going on right now... (Read 9961 times)

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I only seen other people with that set, and as far as they told, it's pretty good. Same as some runeword or set, I can't remember, which gives a barb werewolf transform skill - that barb owned everything. That was way in 1.09 or something though.

What.... There were runes that gave druid skills to barbarians???

Since skills are being mentioned... I hope they sort of combine the skill systems from Diablo 1 and 2. I'd like to see any class be able to use magic again (like Diablo 1) while keeping their own unique skillsets (Diablo 2).
Last Edit: July 07, 2008, 10:29:17 am by UPRC
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I always find necro wands and set items with my pally, but they're useless because I don't play on battlenet. [Rolls ][/Rolls] And yeah, you can't gamble uniques anymore. I once got a unique mace off Blood Raven at lvl 6, but then formatted...What's the lowest you've ever got a unique?
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Well, there are uniques at almost any level, but at low levels your Magic Find is just too low and there is so little of uniques and a very low chance to get them.

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Apparently Some people think that D3 looks like WoW....

Yay! Random words!

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I don't see it, myself.. Maybe in a few of the monsters so far, but.. I don't know. I think it looks alright so far.
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I would say similar but not really...
Yay! Random words!

"Hey don't hotlink images for your avatar. Upload it in GW Uploader or imageshack or something"
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I'm so pimped up for this game. It looks like it's going to be everything I hoped it to be, and even more! I'm not even bothered by the graphics, I think they look fine and people need to shut up about such trivial things.
<Drule> I can play the didgeridoo actually
<Drule> some guy on the street taught me
<Drule> come to think of it
<Drule> it was pretty gross how I played on his didgeridoo

so wrong...
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I'm so pimped up for this game. It looks like it's going to be everything I hoped it to be, and even more! I'm not even bothered by the graphics, I think they look fine and people need to shut up about such trivial things.

it really isn't so trivial man, Diablo is a game known for three things really: the metagame, the innovations, and the atmosphere. This game isn't very dark, but I read that Blizz's explanation is they want everything to seem a bit brighter (since like people are all FUCK YEA BEAT BAAL BITCHES and mad partying) so that when you get to the hell sections the game seems crazy in comparison, which is pretty awesome.
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I think it's logical that the outdoors area that they showed off is bright and, well, lively looking. I thought it looked okay, and I actually liked it. It's cool to see Diablo step out of its dark and gritty comfort zone.

And yeah, I was thinking the same thing about Hell.. No doubt in my mind that by throwing us across bright landscapes in the middle of the day, it will make Hell seem that much more FRIGHTENING when we finally reach it.
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I wonder when they will run out of ideas how to bring back diablo? I wonder how will it come back this time.
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people like chainer are what make MMORPGs/ORPGs such horrendous things
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I wonder when they will run out of ideas how to bring back diablo? I wonder how will it come back this time.

I'm wondering how they even can.. In Diablo 1, the main character just seals Diablo away inside of themselves in a very unsafe and stupid way. A sequel was obvious. However, in Diablo 2.. They sort of DESTROYED DIABLO'S SOUL so.. I don't see how he'll come back at all. I hope that the game is Diablo in name only.

But UPRC! Who will be the final boss?
Fucking Tyrael. Yes, Tyrael. I've been BETTING on this since I completed Lord of Destruction. Tyrael. Final Boss. Diablo 3.
Last Edit: July 08, 2008, 10:19:58 pm by UPRC
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people have been speculating Tyreal got corrupted by the Worldstone since LoD came out, maybe blizzard got their story from the fans?
Like, the fans had a really in depth story for diablo 3 that basically perfectly tied into diablo 2.
I think in irc we were talking about how since the Worldstone was destroyed, anything could happen anywhere and somehow reincarnate the prime evils?
don't mind me, just postin' after a few brewskies
somebody’s Barkley --- could be another’s Monopolo.
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people have been speculating Tyreal got corrupted by the Worldstone since LoD came out, maybe blizzard got their story from the fans?
Like, the fans had a really in depth story for diablo 3 that basically perfectly tied into diablo 2.
I think in irc we were talking about how since the Worldstone was destroyed, anything could happen anywhere and somehow reincarnate the prime evils?

Heh, just edited that into my previous post. Tyrael said that the destruction of the Worldstone would alter the world in ways that even he would be able to foresee.. And then on the Blizzard site, it mentions that we'll also battle the "fallen warriors of Heaven" or something like that.

Look at the logo, how the III marking is. Above "Diablo" the bars are like bars of Light. I was thinking Tyrael's sword.. And then they descend into demons claws or something.

Also Blizzard has a fetish for making good guys turn bad. Happened in Starcraft, Diablo 1/2 (main character in Diablo 1, which was YOU, becomes the bad guy).. Warcraft 3 had like fifty allegiance changes and just.. Come on! Tyrael is evil!!

UPRC's Bet: Tyrael gets corrupted and becomes a hardcore demon.
Last Edit: July 08, 2008, 10:24:20 pm by UPRC
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The end boss is God.

(I am so pumped for D3.  Diablo II is my all time fave game, and I'm not even a hardcore min-maxer that powerlevels 76 levels in a day.)

..:: Full game is released.  Download it now! ::..
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Most likely Baal corrupted the World Stone and Tyrael and tricked him into destroying it which would release the 3 prime evils.
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Man, I will never understand metagaming. It seems like a weird way to enjoy a game, kind of like obsession more than actual enjoyment.

Imagine if you played Simcity like metagame! Your city would be a weird jumble of oddly shaped blocks mixed with regular patterns of services and it wouldn't be fun at all.

That’s right, you have the young gaming with the old(er), white people gaming with black people, men and women, Asian countries gaming with the EU, North Americans gaming with South Americans. Much like world sporting events like the Wolrd Cup, or the Olympics will bring together different nations in friendly competition, (note the recent Asian Cup; Iraq vs. Saudi Arabia, no violence there) we come together. The differences being, we are not divided by our nationalities and we do it 24-7, and on a personal level.

We are a community without borders and without colours, the spirit and diversity of the gaming community is one that should be looked up to, a spirit and diversity other groups should strive toward.
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Man, I will never understand metagaming. It seems like a weird way to enjoy a game, kind of like obsession more than actual enjoyment.

for you mebe, but for the people who get it we actually derive more enjoyment out of it since it's obviously fun to us to have the best guy and shit.
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it really isn't so trivial man, Diablo is a game known for three things really: the metagame, the innovations, and the atmosphere.

I've never been so much into the atmosphere (I think that was more of a D1 thing). It always was about "heh 1000 demons taste my swords/spells/arrows whatever" and the metagame. I really hope they find a way to stop duping in bnet this time, it really ruined it for me. It's such a shame that D2 had awesome items like enigmas, but when 99 % of all enigmas in bnet are duped, how can anyone actually think it is an achievement to get one? Even if I somehow managed to make a legit enigma (I think the highest rune I ever found was a gul) no one would believe it's real. Without dupes the value for one enigma would be hundreds of HRs... and you'd have to find someone willing to sell theirs.
<Drule> I can play the didgeridoo actually
<Drule> some guy on the street taught me
<Drule> come to think of it
<Drule> it was pretty gross how I played on his didgeridoo

so wrong...
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I've never been so much into the atmosphere (I think that was more of a D1 thing). It always was about "heh 1000 demons taste my swords/spells/arrows whatever" and the metagame. I really hope they find a way to stop duping in bnet this time, it really ruined it for me. It's such a shame that D2 had awesome items like enigmas, but when 99 % of all enigmas in bnet are duped, how can anyone actually think it is an achievement to get one? Even if I somehow managed to make a legit enigma (I think the highest rune I ever found was a gul) no one would believe it's real. Without dupes the value for one enigma would be hundreds of HRs... and you'd have to find someone willing to sell theirs.

They have a damn good system for getting rid of dupes on (not open bnet lol), its just that since D2 is so old they rarely use it. I hope they use their same system only better for crushing dupes and do it every single fucking day if they have to.