people have been speculating Tyreal got corrupted by the Worldstone since LoD came out, maybe blizzard got their story from the fans?
Like, the fans had a really in depth story for diablo 3 that basically perfectly tied into diablo 2.
I think in irc we were talking about how since the Worldstone was destroyed, anything could happen anywhere and somehow reincarnate the prime evils?
Heh, just edited that into my previous post. Tyrael said that the destruction of the Worldstone would alter the world in ways that even he would be able to foresee.. And then on the Blizzard site, it mentions that we'll also battle the "fallen warriors of Heaven" or something like that.
Look at the logo, how the III marking is. Above "Diablo" the bars are like bars of Light. I was thinking Tyrael's sword.. And then they descend into demons claws or something.
Also Blizzard has a fetish for making good guys turn bad. Happened in Starcraft, Diablo 1/2 (main character in Diablo 1, which was YOU, becomes the bad guy).. Warcraft 3 had like fifty allegiance changes and just.. Come on! Tyrael is evil!!
UPRC's Bet: Tyrael gets corrupted and becomes a hardcore demon.