I am playing through Ultimate Spiderman for the PS2. Overall, I am really impressed with this game. The storytelling is rich and very stylish, and the cell-shaded cinematic/comic book style is a joy to watch. For someone who lived and breathed comic books for three years of his youth, it is a delightful and nostalgic throwback in a really neat style. I've had actual dreams about being Spiderman and swinging through Manhattan, but this game is the closest I have ever come to realizing that fluidity. I especially liked the cameos by Logan, Human Torch, Sable, etc, in the Ultimate style, which is something I am not familiar with (like that Nick Fury is Black), but I am learning to enjoy and appreciate.
That having been said, I'm stuck. I just watched Venom down some helicopters and now I have to defeat this Green Goblin character that was holding up at the Latverian embassy. After chasing him downtown for a while, I get put in this confined street area where I have to beat him up. This part is especially hard, because as far as I see it what you have to do is swing around for a while and keep your eye on him until the fire arond him goes away and then jump in really quick for a six or seven hit combo before he flames up again. This took me a long time to get done, and I was wondering if there was a quicker way. After I take him down to 1/2 of his lifebar, he grabs me and we leap up into the night sky and then crash back down into some sort of conference auditorium where he throws fireballs at me for a while. I tried the same strategy that I did on the street (swinging around and waiting until his fire-shield goes away) but the thing is that the fire just won't go down, and it turns into a dizzying swing in circles while Gobin jumps from one side of the room to the other.
So, talk about how nifty Ultimate Spiderman or related Marvel games are / tell me how to beat this guy.