if you are a libertarian i bet you will stop liking garcia marquez because he is a borderline communist who is best pal of fidel castro.
anyuway welcome and garcia marquez does rock-
Aye Dios mio! And I thought they forced him to work for all those socialist rags! Me and my fellow Objectivists must meditate on this revelation.
I'm an art transcends politics kind of guy. Only shallow partisans dismiss art solely on little labels and petty associations.
Stay here so we can watch you grow out of libertarianism by the time you're 18. Welcome to our forums! *cumw into jeffs moth*
You guys have a time machine? Or a fountain of youth? I already grew out of the Suburban, white, Che worshipping, "all my problems and misguided anger is the system's fault," Liberal sub"culture" at about that age. But I'm glad you attributed what little you know of my political beliefs to youthful naivety and lack of life experience.
Just to clarify I am not one of those "lol give me ma drugzertarians." Nor am I one to be like, "I'm sick of paying taxes to keep up all these roads and sewers." I actually find those things (roads and sewers) to be pretty cool. Like I said moderate. I understand the practicality and necessity of government in the current world we live in. In a
perfect world it would be a Libertarian political arrangement. But that would mean that the greater majority of people would be well prepared for it with the individual tools necessary for success and reasonable stability within the system. That isn't today or the immediate future or perhaps even the far future. Ideals aren't ways of life they are things to work toward. Life is always about that compromise, at least in my experience.