Movies The Spillage (animated short) (Read 1181 times)

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This requires an explanation. As a child I used to make films. Lots of films. From the age of 6 onwards, I'd steal my dad's video camera and get the neighbourhood kids together and order them about and, for some reason, they went along with this. I must have made about 30 little films around this time with my friends and my friends' friends. When I was 11 or 12 they stopped listening to me and went away and played football or something. So I figured out stop motion animation and did that in my room by myself until I was 14 and realised it was easier to channel any creativity through playing guitar and shouting.


about a month ago, I randomly bought a bunch of plastercine and my housemate Steve and I set about making an epic (sort of) stop motion film about aliens. This is not that film. Of course I first had to re-cut my teeth on the deal, so we threw something else together. It's not great, and certainly rougher than it should be in places (the beginning, the dolly round the can), but people who have seen it seem to quite like it, so I figured I'd share it. Hooray!

Last Edit: July 08, 2008, 09:15:02 pm by GaZZwa
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that was pretty cool and must have taken dedication and time so i am impressed about that and also it was cute and funny so thumbs up
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Man this is amazing? How did you shoot it? It LOOKS like videocamera but I am under the impression with stop motion you need to take individual pictures and slap them together. Anyway it was really smooth and the camera seemed to be in constant motion so I'm a little confused how you did that.

Top work anyway!
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Man this is amazing? How did you shoot it? It LOOKS like videocamera but I am under the impression with stop motion you need to take individual pictures and slap them together. Anyway it was really smooth and the camera seemed to be in constant motion so I'm a little confused how you did that.
Looks like instead of taking individual pictures for each frame, he just took a shitload of individual video clips.
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Well yeah, when I did these as a kid I didn't have a digital camera, so my method was to very quickly start/stop the camera. It always lead to less than impressive results because each shot was always at least a second. So, when it came to doing this one we had a decision to make whether we should do it with a video camera or a digital photo camera. The video camera was much more flexible in its ability to zoom and focus and also didn't keep turning itself off after a minute of inactivity. Of course the downside to this was the fact that I was pressing start then stop very quickly, rather than just taking one picture for a frame. To get it more fluid once we'd done shooting the whole thing, I sped it up a bit, that's all. Using photos for each frame is a much better method though, and the alien epic we started employed that technique.
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This was cute. Reminded me of the Trap Door stuff, except I found this somehow more fun to watch. Would love to see more with clearer sound. Were the sounds added during or after shooting?
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I was expecting something involving love handles over the top of a chicks pants (spillage), this was much better. The sound could be cleaned up a bit but everything was pretty tight together.
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Quite good.  The animation was well made, although the camera quality wasn't the greatest.
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That was cool, but in my opinion it could have still been sped up a bit. It would have been more fluid or something.

Still way better than anything like that I could do.
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I was expecting something involving love handles over the top of a chicks pants (spillage), this was much better. The sound could be cleaned up a bit but everything was pretty tight together.
the sounds are intentional to add to the eerie feeling