This should be an interesting series of game blogging. My exposure to DND besides playing the real thing with a few people a few times, were the NES games(including the infamous ADND: Heroes of the Lance). I wasn't too much into them but I did enjoy like 1 or two games(not Heroes of the Lance as I couldn't figure out what to do). I also think that I played an arcade version of DND which was indeed awesome.
Perhaps the second volume could deal with Ultima, as it was very much a PC series, had many games in the series and is also a very old one. Somehow DND reminds me of Ultima which also had a very bad game that I bought for the NES called Ultima: Exodus whose only redeeming factor was that I could actually get into fights with the local townspeople. Though that could only go so far. Then again it was technically the first ST-RPG console game as you had to move your battlers across squares of limited movement to engage in ranged combat.
Yes I am more of a console gamer than PC, unless it comes to Freeware/Shareware/ROM Hacks/Zelda Quests....