So yeah, I guess I see how my feelings on other things (those were just two simple examples) fit into that ideology, but the fact of the matter is I operate on a 'HEY! What is going to make the lives of people everywhere better than worse?' basis. As far as school attendence and seatbelts and shit are concerned, however, if you don't want to comply thats your fucking problem man, I'm not cool with humankind being above natural selection as we currently are kinda teetering on the edge of as it is. Granted I'm not saying that human evolution is slowing or stagnating, actually the research shows human evolution increasing in rate (duh higher population -> more mutations -> faster evolution. a child could figure this out). But the things that we are going to great lengths to make sure the weak, the stupid and the ill survive, when they really shouldn't just infuriate me. So I guess that I am kind of a ruthless bastard, but hey, if you aren't going to help yourself, why should I help you?
no thats just stupid
I just think that if people arent willing to better themselves then why waste time trying to force them? if they dont get it then they dont get it*. too bad. if they died it would be better for the rest of us. in today's world, one less mouth to feed isn't hurting anything honestly (other than that human life obviously, but it probably wasnt worth much anyway and the energy that would have been expended on their behalf is better put to use doing something more productive)
*I can forsee an argument about maturity, but honestly thats a trait that should be selected for and for whatever reason to our detriment as a species we have transcended this
hey i don't want to let you get away with this. this is utterly stupid and terrible.
first off, your argument is stupid. you say that we should not go to lengths to help the "weak" survive because it's no use, and you try to justify this by suggesting that if someone is "weaker" than someone else, then it's their fault?
I just think that if people arent willing to better themselves then why waste time trying to force them?
you have to decide whether superiority is determined at birth or if it is something you can change by force of will or action. if you think it's the latter, then you don't believe in darwinism and your natural selection argument is ridiculous. if you think it's determined at birth and you are advocating leaving people who have done nothing other than been born a certain way to either fend for themselves or heck just kill them outright, then you're a total shithead.
then there's how you don't think we should try to help the ill survive. close down hospitals? forget about curing cancer, the tough ones will ride it out then we'll be
stronger for it. the human race will be
you sound like a 12 year old black metal fan.