he's completely right, you're a stupid guy.
go to hell!!!
Are you trying to be funny? Either way I think you might be overreacting a bit!
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this is funny because when I retook the test to try and get as high up in the upper right hand corner as possible, for every question I basically asked myself "if I was a rich, corporate-loving, racist, sexist, God-hates-fags-supporting, morally selfish, xenophobic piece of shit, how would I answer this question????"
and i pretty much got your score.
i don't know you, and I'm not trying to make any connections. this is all just a very weird coincidence 
I tried to do the same thing. This graph doesn't actually reflect my views :p
See, I totally exploited the test, Pidgeotto221.
Also, if you are actually reading this topic and thinking "wow, this test is stupid so that automatically means I have to come in and bitch about it!!!!'
Bugger me, the test
is stupid and isn't really supposed to tell you anything about where you actually stand politically, but you are a cunt for being such a weehead about it.
death penalty for serial murdering scum imo
I would only support this for serial murdering scum in the level of: a) High corporate manipulative scumbags that control b) Far right authoritarian governments that support c) Religious extremist factions.
also wouldnt being raised by a homosexual couple be similar to being raised by a single parent?
also wouldn't it mean you don't really have the opportunity to properly discover for yourself which gender you associate yourself with as you are being raised by people who don't really know alot about one of the other sexes? I don't really know alot about this stuff and I haven't read anything about it sooo feel free to educate me!
If that was the case, how do you explain all the gay people that were brought up by heterosexual parents? /me thinks outside the box
also wash cycle what happens if you have a car accident and become mentally brain damaged or you get put in a wheel chair?
Can we make sure you get put down for your wrong doing? This fuck the sick/weak/old regime you advocate was exactly how hitler started out