Science [Full]Ghosts of Aliens (Read 24741 times)

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I uploaded it
I hope swordofkings doesn't mind, also I am excited for his game "Frog Days"
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57th frog related post in 2 days
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urotsuki upload it wherever you want! (and thanks for being excited from Frog Days! :D​) i hope you like it dr. ansoatas but please keep in mind it's a trash game made by 16(15?) year old me so it's trash!
here's the new dropbox link:
as urotsuki mentioned my current game im working is Frog Days, a first person adventure with old 3d graphics(but there's an operating system in it too). if anyone stumbles onto this, i urge you check out what i have in the works! it'll be over much better quality than ghosts of aliens(but the bar is pretty low in the regard) since gamingw and saltworld are very special to me(despite never posting, i lurk here almost everyday!) here's some exclusive content! Maybe think of it as like a 10 year anniversary special(that has nothing to with what it's an anniversary of). You saw it here first folks, the following 4 images live in the salt world...

And here's what the operating system aspect looks like:

And exclusive music!
UV glove
Another puzzle theme
Here's a gameplay video(not exclusive, sorry!)
I post updates here every week or two:
Last Edit: April 24, 2017, 04:31:10 am by swordofkings128
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FUCK YEAH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Last Edit: April 24, 2017, 06:23:16 am by bonzi_buddy
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YOU'RE THE FUKIN MAN SOK!!!!!!!!!!!!! YESSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DREAMS NEVER DIE!!!!!!!! With love: your die-hard fan n.1
Ps that trashcan scene (the style) reminds me kinda of Space Quest 6 inventory too inna good way
PS Happy to see Cookie finally surviving to adult life too :_^) yess!!! you made it boy. love that cool coyote poster peeking from the corner of stage too
Ps ahhaha that friggin flamingo MS Wizard!! baaaawwww
PS i can imagine there might be lenghty loading screens (maybe it's quest scene on it's own / masked AV cutscene?) with that "connecting modem" fax-sound lol. Do you connect to any MUDS/bbs or Telnets? Any Ircs? the stuff the dreams are made of...! Dwarfnet...
needs only poorly made proto-VR 3d reality stuff with explorable user-made rooms etc, the Cutting Edge technology of The Sims etc...  lol. yahoo web 1.0 smiles proudly of SOK. oh my DOS!!...
PS i can't STAND how PR-ready / awesomely 90's VG wallpaper-ly that group of frogs + Frog Days logo is ahhaha. can we have some more molyneyx Black & White here, please...? Thank you... *sprinkles WAY too much Black & White to food, disgusting*
PS surely it's called Shareware with legit links leading to gofundme/kickstarter. always depressing when shareware puts fake limits or like ENERGY FENCE and say "whoops buy full version buddy", very depressing and traumatic as kid.
I think the best one/most memorable Shareware from childhood was a shareware game, where the shareware buying information revealed a stubbed tired King of the Hill-esque worker with coffee cup... i was thinking, "wow that's the greator, that's his life, unbeliavable...! ...i wonder what his desk is like... what a cool guy...but POOR guy too..." etc, it was personable and real. it was a good game!! so i didn't mind. to the kid me, he musta been the coolest guy in the world, Meiking Mai Driim Geim, he deserves a profile and then some more, what a good man.
I'm just throwing shit out in case it budges your memory. :^) :^7 don't worry you don't need to add anything. Long live Nesticle bloody cursor...!! Montezuma's REAL revenge...!!! bonzi jumps STRAIGHT INTO and THROUGH the facility Vent...!!!!
Last Edit: April 24, 2017, 06:35:13 am by bonzi_buddy
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thank you bonzi! :) unfortunately a lot of stuff you mentioned i really would love to do but the limitations of adventure game studio(and my own!) prevent a lot of it without some serious working around(which ive already done a ton of to get things like proper scrolling in gui windows, a lot of the fancy transitions like the pixel dissolve effect in the beginning of the video, there's a "music" maker that has lots of working around in it...) so anything relating to an interactive bbs, irc, and most sadly nothing like dwarfnet :( isn't in the game(lampshaded by not having a modem) the closest thing is an AIM kind of messenger that pops up at some point on the desktop and you talk with a "chatbot"
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Holy shit, that is fantastic.
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I wwant to install FlamingOS on every computer in
the world.

edit: I had to sign in again at school labz to say, this is superb and as always you push the bar for dude-excellence and accuracy to the source era of prime salt far beyond the reach of anyone else on Earth 1. In terms of sincerity to the inspiration you're like Mickey Mantle... to the Mickey Mouse of vaporwave. Hell, Yall Better Run Check on Walt... That one mighta melted him. OOF!!!! Disney Company is flung out of the ring by the Jester's ferocious attacks!!! WANG!! BIFF!!
Last Edit: April 25, 2017, 09:45:46 pm by WeedWizard420
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I think the best one/most memorable Shareware from childhood was a shareware game, where the shareware buying information revealed a stubbed tired King of the Hill-esque worker with coffee cup... i was thinking, "wow that's the greator, that's his life, unbeliavable...! ...i wonder what his desk is like... what a cool guy...but POOR guy too..." etc, it was personable and real. it was a good game!! so i didn't mind. to the kid me, he musta been the coolest guy in the world, Meiking Mai Driim Geim, he deserves a profile and then some more, what a good man.
haha amusing
and yeah this is great. how do you even get to this level of only good way to say it is salt i guess...
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thank you for all the kind words... it really helps, you have no idea...! it just so happens recently i was feeling a little demotivated due to reasons i dont want to talk about right now, maybe later on, its nothing horrible just weird. then out of nowhere i see this topic bumped up from forum purgatory and i had to put something in here to counter act the old crap young me made and show what i can do now... 
its nice to know that at the end of the day saltworld "gets it" :)
and yeah this is great. how do you even get to this level of only good way to say it is salt i guess...
its the salt... i eat a lot of ramen noodles!
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OH dear lord I didn't even watch the video. Oh my god. The teaser trailer alone is GOTY 2017.

I think that today will be a great day. [OK ][/OK] and the little Debussy animation. Why. the. FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK is there no icon animation like that in other os?? is possible???

thank you for all the kind words... it really helps, you have no idea...! it just so happens recently i was feeling a little demotivated due to reasons i dont want to talk about right now, maybe later on, its nothing horrible just weird. then out of nowhere i see this topic bumped up from forum purgatory and i had to put something in here to counter act the old crap young me made and show what i can do now...

its nice to know that at the end of the day saltworld "gets it" :)
and yeah this is great. how do you even get to this level of only good way to say it is salt i guess...
its the salt... i eat a lot of ramen noodles!
Fuck Yeah duder... you're a superstar...!!!!!!!!!!! *scribbling on notepad* ra... me... n. Noo...dles
Last Edit: April 29, 2017, 12:35:15 am by WeedWizard420
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thank you bonzi! :) unfortunately a lot of stuff you mentioned i really would love to do but the limitations of adventure game studio(and my own!) prevent a lot of it without some serious working around(which ive already done a ton of to get things like proper scrolling in gui windows, a lot of the fancy transitions like the pixel dissolve effect in the beginning of the video, there's a "music" maker that has lots of working around in it...) so anything relating to an interactive bbs, irc, and most sadly nothing like dwarfnet :( isn't in the game(lampshaded by not having a modem) the closest thing is an AIM kind of messenger that pops up at some point on the desktop and you talk with a "chatbot"
Hey Don't Worry... It's On the House! *cool 90's shades, beach hair, mouth open in buena vista/Flinstones 50's artstyle- way*  knowing how artistic inspiration works, I just threw all that out in case it sparks some inspiration. you aren't supposed to implement everything / didn't mean to spark inadequacy or anything!! I'm goddamn excited for this shit!!
also re: Debussy player #Sok_has_done_it_AGAIN. who needs winamp skins or anything really in life, when you see debussy so happy and jammin!?! PARTY ON!! clap that booty. give me that Locrian scale and dreamy chords BITCH. *clapde debooty gleefully grabs random ass with tongue hanging out*
Last Edit: May 06, 2017, 01:13:20 pm by bonzi_buddy
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nah its not inadequacy, its just wanting to cram all of that into a game! there is so much potential for an operating system game and frog days just scratches the surface... id like to make another game with BBS, a fairly big internet, a spread sheet editor, that kind of stuff. maybe some day
thanks too! denzquix suggested that it be animated so if it weren't for the suggestion it probably wouldn't move at all! :p really if it werent for denzquix's suggestions and vast knowledge of obscure cd-rom games who knows what the game would be like(not nearly as cool)
this screen can be seen in the video but it was awfully bare! heres what it looks like now:

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this is fantastic
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thank you dada! :D
i keep posting stuff here thats not ghosts of aliens related but one more(maybe) i was working on a city type area and it's "done," here's a little taste:

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man I just can't properly enunciate how awesome all of this is. keep it up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! can't wait to give it a try. this is very relevant to my interests
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one reason why this resonates so much for me is because a while back I was in a 90s mood and made this (although it isn't done yet) and this fits almost perfectly in that aesthetic
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Thank you again dada, thanks for that link too, lots of great stuff in there!
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oh yeah, I found a copy of this game on an old flash drive (that I also found 75 unreleased tracks of mine on) It must've been from the time I was running off a Linux CD and the thumb drive was my only storage (no hard drive). The version I have is the lvfix version. It's missing what I think is an RTP sound effect but that should be easy to replace
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yo if you could upload it somewhere that'd be cool