YOU'RE THE FUKIN MAN SOK!!!!!!!!!!!!! YESSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DREAMS NEVER DIE!!!!!!!! With love: your die-hard fan n.1
Ps that trashcan scene (the style) reminds me kinda of Space Quest 6 inventory too inna good way
PS Happy to see Cookie finally surviving to adult life too :_^) yess!!! you made it boy. love that cool coyote poster peeking from the corner of stage too
Ps ahhaha that friggin flamingo MS Wizard!! baaaawwww
PS i can imagine there might be lenghty loading screens (maybe it's quest scene on it's own / masked AV cutscene?) with that "connecting modem" fax-sound lol. Do you connect to any MUDS/bbs or Telnets? Any Ircs? the stuff the dreams are made of...! Dwarfnet...
needs only poorly made proto-VR 3d reality stuff with explorable user-made rooms etc, the Cutting Edge technology of The Sims etc... lol. yahoo web 1.0 smiles proudly of SOK. oh my DOS!!...
PS i can't STAND how PR-ready / awesomely 90's VG wallpaper-ly that group of frogs + Frog Days logo is ahhaha. can we have some more molyneyx Black & White here, please...? Thank you... *sprinkles WAY too much Black & White to food, disgusting*
PS surely it's called Shareware with legit links leading to gofundme/kickstarter. always depressing when shareware puts fake limits or like ENERGY FENCE and say "whoops buy full version buddy", very depressing and traumatic as kid.
I think the best one/most memorable Shareware from childhood was a shareware game, where the shareware buying information revealed a stubbed tired King of the Hill-esque worker with coffee cup... i was thinking, "wow that's the greator, that's his life, unbeliavable...! ...i wonder what his desk is like... what a cool guy...but POOR guy too..." etc, it was personable and real. it was a good game!! so i didn't mind. to the kid me, he musta been the coolest guy in the world, Meiking Mai Driim Geim, he deserves a profile and then some more, what a good man.
I'm just throwing shit out in case it budges your memory. :^) :^7 don't worry you don't need to add anything. Long live Nesticle bloody cursor...!! Montezuma's REAL revenge...!!! bonzi jumps STRAIGHT INTO and THROUGH the facility Vent...!!!!
Last Edit: April 24, 2017, 06:35:13 am by bonzi_buddy