I haven't made a topic in here in a long time it seems... mostly cause I've been detached from rm2k3, and putting most of my attention towards XBOX 360... but also, preparing for the MCAT (Medical College Admissions Test).
For those who don't know what the MCAT is, it's basically the SAT or ACT for professional school in medicine, and instead of testing basic math and science, it tests Organic Chemistry, General Chemistry, Biology, and Physics... also Verbal and Writing. The score is out of 45, where anything over a 30 is considered pretty good.
So, has anyone taken this beast of an exam before? If so, how'd you study for it? What books/courses did you take, and what did you find helpful? And how long before the exam did you start studying?
My pre-med advisor said I'll need about a 30 to get into med. school, which is doable I think (GPA and MCAT are the big 2 for admission; a 3.5 or above is mandatory, I'm coasting with a 3.8 so MCAT is my last stop). So far I've cashed in about $150 in test prep (I bought ExamKrackers Set), used a torrent to get Audio Osmosis MCAT Audio Lectures (a $200 value; kinda sucks cause all I do in the car driving and at work is listen to these CD's
) and my mom gave me $1800 for a Kaplan Course for it, which I'm starting this Sunday, taking the Diagnostic MCAT exam on the first day. I've gone thru ExamKracker's twice so far, doing the lecture questions and in-class exams, so for those of you who've done the same, think I'm ready? It's okay if I'm not, afterall it's just a diagnostic before the actual COURSE, so I shouldn't do too well, but I've been studying all summer just for the heck of it. Still, I feel bad cashing in SO much money for this. Failure seems really scary.
The Kaplan course runs from Aug. 24th till Mid-January, when I plan on taking the actual exam... thank god it's so far away, haha.
Oh, kinda funny, but my mom's a child psychiatrist and gave me Concentra (a drug for treating ADHD, pretty much like Aderol I'm guessing). She's my mom and a doc. so I trust this isn't gonna' screw me over but help! I've heard great things about this pill, students taking it the night before and aceing the exam the next day, hopefully it's not all B.S.
But so this isn't just a topic for pre-meds taking the MCAT, what HUGE exams have you guys had to deal with? How did you prepare? How long did you study for them? Did you blow a ton of cash on preparing? And have these exams fulfilled or crushed your ambitions in life? GO!!