Yeah okay so I know a lot of people here are iffy about D&D or don't play it seriously, but that's okay because you don't need to know a lot about it to play this game (though it can help.)
Basically this is an MMO based on D&D 3.5's Eberron universe, and while the game sucked dongs on release, it is
pretty damn good right now. I got a trial key that was on its 9 out of 10 days, and had so much fun I got my own trial key (that I'll activate when the servers come up in 4h). It's kinda hard to believe but this game just is so much different from every other MMORPG out there,
and it works.What makes it feel so different is how it is handled and feels. Probably the best description I can come up with is Prince of Persia if it had Dungeons & Dragons mechanics and multiplayer. This
is a Dungeons & Dragons game, and that means that each dungeon has traps out the ass you have to watch out for, puzzles to solve, etc. It isn't just about the monsters and that is what makes it work. A lot of MMO's get caught up on the monsters, and the dungeons are just maps to walk around in. In D&D the monsters and the map shine, and that works here too.
A Dungeon Master (who sounds awesome) talks to the players throughout the dungeons and depending on your skills he'll say different things. He does a really really good job of immersing you into the dungeon and it is very cool.
The game has VOIP support too.
Character creation and customization is a strong point...just like D&D! There are skills (stuff like Listen and Spot which affect what you see or hear in the dungeons, or Intimidate to taunt enemies, Pick Locks to pick locks, etc.), feats (which give you tons of different bonuses) and a DDO only system called Enhancements which sorta work like Talents do in WoW, except a lot more varied based on class and race, and affect your characters a lot more noticeably.
The best part is is that it is D&D and that in itself makes it a real good MMO because D&D stresses the best parts of RPGs and the best parts of multiplayer. You can't just go and kill 500 kobolds and grind to the next level, nor will you be asked to collect 15 kobold dicks because D&D isn't like that. You gain XP only by completing quests, although each adventure (quest) has bonuses for breaking objects, killing monsters, and disabling traps. Which works in the following way:
-80%+80% XP if above or below quest level
+50% XP if no monster is killed (pacifism)
+5-25% XP if you kill a lot/all monsters
+5-15% XP for finding traps/secret doors
+5-15% XP for disabling traps
+5-25% XP for breaking stuff.
+25% First time quest completion on any difficulty.
Each dungeon has 3-4 difficulty settings as well!
Combat is fluid. Right click is attack, shift is block, shift + an arrow key tumbles if you have 3 in Tumble or above.
A warning though: The PvP sucks. Again, this is D&D and D&D is about as much about PvP as Maple Story is a genuine good MMORPG. Not. at. all.
Available Races:
Available Classes:
Here's a bunch of random screenshots from a SA topic since I didn't bother to take any yet:
It is seriously the most actual fun I've had in an MMORPG next to GW ever because while there is grind of some sort, all the grind is FUN and engaging, because each of the dungeons have their own PERSONALITY and FLAIR and feel like something more than just a stupid map to slay monsters on. Out of all the MMOs out there, this one is the one that feels the most unique just because of how it is built. It isn't trying to keep you around so they can make $$$ and it isn't built for that, it is built for a great adventure and all the numerous dungeons and quests show that. Every class has a role, every class is useful, every quest is entertaining, and it's built to keep you immersed, and it's very easy to see they aren't just trying to pull a bunch of $$$ from you (LOTRO is for that) but trying to give you a great experience while still making some funny. It's fun as hell and the dungeons are all great. If the current MMO you are playing is starting to get boring or you just want to try something new for a change of pace, I reccomend picking up the 10 day trial and joining us! Even if it is not your thing, I can guarantee you will at least have real fun with it without needing to grind for 12312353532423 hours. The level cap is pretty low (16) but plays out in D&D pace (not very fast but not too slow) so you can get to the meat of the game pretty early, and the early game is pretty great too. The character I was on was level 10 so its not like I am just talking about the beginning of the game either. It's all really fluid and fun as hell and that is probably a lot more than I can give most other MMORPGs.
The trial is completely free and doesn't req. CC info. I'm playing on the American
Argo server along with DeadPhoenix if anyone wants to join us when the servers go back up in 5h30m.
You can get a trial at
http://trial.ddo.comI'm playing a Human Barb and DP is going to be a Human Sorcerer if you want to join us on
Argo in 4 hours.