Request Rare RPG Maker Game/Demo Request Topic (Read 84786 times)

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It was released...sort of:
I can't believe it was even released. Too bad the link doesn't work anymore, that would have been an awesome trip into the past. As for Shadow of Evil, there's no trace of the older version I can find, just that new full version one.

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I am searching for some old shit:

- ''Eden Saga''
- ''Eternal Souls''
- ''Final Fantasy 7: Ancestral Vengeance'' (again please! the DL link above is already dead! D-,X)
- ''Final Fantasy: Crystal Wings''
- ''Fuji Yume''
- ''Legion Saga 1-3''
- ''mario and sonic demo'' (RMVX)
- ''Phylomortis'' series
- ''Rm2k checkers''
- ''RTP Unlimited: Silent Thoughts''
- ''Tabernacle''
- ''The Donald Fuck RPG''
- ''The Most Stupidest Game Ever Re-duh''
- ''Until my Finest Hour''
Last Edit: February 19, 2010, 01:51:02 pm by Batistaberg
the infamous "Shakesbeer Translat0r" troll topique (14 pg.)
the infamous "Women Can't Make Games" troll topique (18 pg.)

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Does anyone happen to have Maia 2k7? I can't find a download link for it.
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Eden's Saga (v.2.1)

Eternal Souls CBS

Final Fantasy VII - Ancestral Vengeance

Final Fantasy - Crystal Wings (v2.7)

Legion Saga

Legion Saga II

Legion Saga III (v3) (includes extras from the old Legion Saga site)

Phylomortis II (register to download)

Phylomortis - Avant Garde (for RMXP)

RM2K Checkers

The Donald Fuck RPG (register to download)

The Most Stupidest Game Ever - Re-duh

Until My Finest Hour (bottom of list)

That just leaves these 5:
Fuji Yume
mario and sonic demo (rmvx)
Phylomortis (for RPG Maker 95)
RTP Unlimited - Silent Thoughts

And I'm very surprised (and dismayed) that I don't have RTP Unlimited - Silent Thoughts.
I was certain I had that game, but I don't.
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We need to get dependable links on Blackmoon Prophecy (seeing as both of the sites that had this game posted are now gone), and the Chain Game and ALEX games. Also, I know I have asked this before without result, but does anyone have or know of a place to find "Return to Avon" for the RM2K3?
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Could someone give me a link to Zephyrus & the Kingdom of Heaven that works? The current link seems to be broken...
My Touch Based ABS - First vid. [It's not finished yet. I made a new one Based on coordinates anyway].
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ShiveringWind, I have uploaded a copy of it up to Rapidshare. Hopefully it works.

BTW, I second Corfaisus. I've been looking for Alex 3, and The Blackmoon Prophecy in their full/most recent forms but cannot find them. The links on this thread don't work, unfortunately. I would be thankful if I could have access to those games.
Last Edit: February 28, 2010, 03:47:12 am by Aen
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ShiveringWind, I have uploaded a copy of it up to Rapidshare. Hopefully it works.

BTW, I second Corfaisus. I've been looking for Alex 3, and The Blackmoon Prophecy in their full/most recent forms but cannot find them. The links on this thread don't work, unfortunately. I would be thankful if I could have access to those games.

TY SO much! I've been looking forward into playing it again!
My Touch Based ABS - First vid. [It's not finished yet. I made a new one Based on coordinates anyway].
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(i recently played it because i suddenly remembered it and it was a nice trip back to my early days in RM...)


gosh if i weren't so lazy... i would have like all of these games uploaded... but instead i am lazy and hope that segnin will upload them for you guys instead. it is a nuisance to get things off my old computer!
Last Edit: February 28, 2010, 10:33:21 am by Chipotle
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While playing Zephyrus & the Kingdom of Heaven, can anyone explain why there are no characters in my group at the start, therefore making the game, essentially, unplayable, since I have no idea where I am on the map?
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Does anyone have that old cbs/demo kinda thing with the amazing tactics battle and party-building system known as Bjorn Tactics? I remember having a lot of fun with that demo.

I've also been looking for a game that I can't remember too much about. I think "Dragon" was in the title, and it had a massive overworld map that scrolled horizontally but not vertically. I think it was the forth or fifth in a series, and it involved a giant in one part that took the form of the blue-haired RTP teenager sprite. The plot had something to do with the wind stopping, and oceans flooding places, I think. Maybe all of the elements went wrong or something.
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While playing Zephyrus & the Kingdom of Heaven, can anyone explain why there are no characters in my group at the start, therefore making the game, essentially, unplayable, since I have no idea where I am on the map?
Try the copy of Zephyrus & the Kingdom of Heaven I uploaded back in June:

Does anyone have that old cbs/demo kinda thing with the amazing tactics battle and party-building system known as Bjorn Tactics? I remember having a lot of fun with that demo.

I've also been looking for a game that I can't remember too much about. I think "Dragon" was in the title, and it had a massive overworld map that scrolled horizontally but not vertically. I think it was the forth or fifth in a series, and it involved a giant in one part that took the form of the blue-haired RTP teenager sprite. The plot had something to do with the wind stopping, and oceans flooding places, I think. Maybe all of the elements went wrong or something.
Here's Bjorn Tactics:

Could the other game be one of the Dragon Kingdoms games?
Last Edit: February 28, 2010, 10:50:22 pm by SegNin
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I am sorry, for uploading the game "Zephyrus and the Kingdom of Heaven" with invisible characters. I thought that it was a perfect copy, but it turns out that it wasn't. Thank you, Corfaisus, for bringing that to my attention and sorry if I passed a fatally flawed copy of the game by your request, ShiveringWind, to you without checking for errors first.

Anyways, here is part of my request list:

1. Captain Cool- I know that the forums here used to have a thread with this game on it by David Miles Carter. However, when I decided to want to download it, the download didn't seem to work or something. Is there a way that I can download this game?

2. Lufia- Cult of Daos. The only link, I think, is on the Brotherhood RPG site. Unfortunately whenever I have downloaded it, I got no "RTP" file with an icon next to it that allows me to play the game.

3. Dooms 4- I have this in my harddrive but there is no way to play this. My download, extracted, has no file that allows me to. So if there is a way to download this, since the givemebeer site has a broken link for this.

4. Final Fantasy 6: Age of Rebirth- The demo on this game's Myspace page doesn't work.
Last Edit: March 01, 2010, 08:37:10 am by Aen
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Wow, I thought Bjorn Tactics was lost to time. I had only the slightest hope I'd get to see that one again. Thank you so much. And yeah, I'm pretty sure it was Dragon Kingdom 4.
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I am searching for some old shit:

- ''The Donald Fuck RPG''

Ha Ha. Not gonna happen, bud/
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Your very welcome Eathanu.  :fogetsmile:

And actually, c0nfu53d, somebody else has already uploaded
Donald Fuck to another RPG Maker site.

(SO IT LIVES ONCE MORE!!)  :fogetpope:

As for the latest requests...

Final Fantasy VI - Age of Rebirth DEMO:

Captain Cool:

(Click the button that says "Stáhnout hru"
And although the site's not in English, the game is.)

Lufia Cult of Daos:
Since you already got the game from BoB, and you only need the RPG_RT.EXE to add to your game's folder, here it is:

Dooms 4:
This game, with the voice acting add-on, is 200+ MB.  :fogetgasp:
Rather than download it from the site, then reupload it for you, I'm recommending you install this, and use it to get both files--it'll download the files completely, so they won't be corrupt:

Here's the link for the game:

And for the voice acting patch

Quote from: Patch instructions taken directly from the web page
How to apply the patch: Do not, I repeat DO NOT overwrite your original Dooms 4 copy with this patch!!! I did not add any of the content from the original version to save disc space, so overwriting Dooms 4 copy will make the game corrupt!! Rather, go to a folder like "Sounds" and exact its contents to the Dooms 4 directory. Only over write maps and such general things. Make sure there doesn't appear a sub directory like "Dooms4 -> Sounds" under the sounds. (If that happens, go into the folder and cut the contents to the main sounds root)Repeat progress with "battle", "facesets", "music", and "pictures" and you're good to go.

(The reason I'm posting all this extra info & direct links from the givemebeer site is because it's been <falsely> reported as an attack site <again> so it's kinda annoying to try and access and navigate...if you use FireFox with standard security settings <like I do> then you know what I'm talking about.)
Last Edit: March 02, 2010, 09:00:25 am by SegNin
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Ugh. Yeah, been there with Firefox. It would just loop the Reported Attack Site! message a few times in a couple links I tried.

Another one I've been looking around for is the RM2k3 remake of... I think it was called Garden of the Gods? It was the classic almost tabletop-like RPG where you could create your party of four, choose their classes and backgrounds, and all that fun stuff. I think anyone could equip anything, too, and just stuff like heavy axes would lower agility instead of having class restrictions. That one might have just been the Rm2k version, though.
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The only game I have with 'Garden of the Gods' in the title is this one.

 Saga Adventure 1 - Garden of the Gods
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That's the one! Thank you again. I remember this one being really good.