I stumbled across it on my old PC (ironically while looking for that *other game* that's also been requested, which I know I have, but I'll be damned if I know where it is.

So, now I'm requesting
Extreme Ghostbusters too.
Anyway, I went through the RARE Games List because I had nothing better to do (actually not true) and I noticed a lot of the links are dead, so...
Balmung Chronicle (Get it here:
http://queenscourt.org/othergames.php )
Bob's Big Adventure (Get it here:
cRaZy_gUy's Journey (Get it here:
Dementia Praecox [DEMO] (Get it here:
Dragon Destiny [FULL] (I believe this is the Full version:
Dragoon LegendsFallenwood [DEMO] (Here:
Final Fantasy Hunter's Joy [DEMO] (I have all the War of Magi hosted games--will upload soon)
Forgotten Origin [DEMO]Genesis Saga: Pandora's Box (Get it here--Direct links won't work--A few other games also here--Game's are all Italian, btw:
Hero Story 1/Hero Story 2 (Here:
http://files.filefront.com/hero+story1+dragonszip/;6633792;/fileinfo.html AND here
HetacombIRC Project SE (Reuploaded here:
Iron Gaia Virus (Rm2k3) [FULL] (Ghostlight still doesn't have it either, I might have this)
Iron Gaia 2 (RmXP) [DEMO] (Ghostlight still doesn't have it either, I might have this too)
Legend Unabridged
Legend Unabridged 2
Legend of the Philosophers Stone [DEMO]
Legend of the Philosophers Stone [FULL] (Download 3 and 4 work:
Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening Remake [DEMO]Legion Saga 3 (Rmgamearchive has the most up-to-date version here:
Lightprism Episode 1: Children of Light (Here, I believe:
Moby HousekeeperName 73 (Link still works, but there's a new demo here:
Pirates [FULL] (I might have this one too)
Resident Evil New Revolution (Link is actually for Rainbow Nightmare Trailer)
Shichimenchouken (Reuploaded it here:
Shattered Samurai II (Am I nuts for thinking I saw it on Confus3d's site, but now I can't find it?)
Spire Battle (Reuploaded it here:
Starlancer 6 [DEMO] (Game is here though:
Ten Thousand Bullets (Reuploaded it here:
The Wandering Planet
Time Guardians
Ultimate Mortal Kombat: VendettaVampire's Kiss CBS Demo (Here it is:
White Ties (RMXP Game)
Wolf's GazeYellow - Protector of the Sun [DEMO] (Available here:
ZEARA: Tales of the Fallen~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
And now for the MISSING RARE Games List...
Flashpoint here:
http://www.rpg-maker.fr/index.php?page=jeux&id=56And found
Threads of Destiny here:
http://evileyez.50megs.com/downloads/ (Click tod.zip--direct linking to the zip will not work)
And uploaded
Gaia's Destiny: A New Threat here:
http://files.filefront.com/Gaias+Destiny+A+New+Thr1rar/;10054708;/fileinfo.htmlAnd these have already been found/uploaded:
Batman: Intimidation:
http://rapidshare.com/files/52121624/batmanv1.zip.htmlBlue Gaia - The Demon and The Spyglass:
http://www.savefile.com/files/1324521 http://www.savefile.com/files/1324515 (It's the same as the other one)
Spike Lee (a.k.a Spike Lee's The Twilight Zone):
http://rs109.rapidshare.com/files/33993988/spikeleeeasy.rar (Easy version)
http://rs139.rapidshare.com/files/33993873/spikelee.rar (Hard version)