Topic: LBP (Read 7752 times)

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fun is a gimmick to sell games.
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There are games that people like enough to buy a console for them. I bought a gamecube simply for SSBM. Someone I know bought a PS3 for MGS4 and a PSP for MGCA. But LBP doesnt seem like one of those games.

I bought a Playstation for FF7


I was going to get a Gamecube for Mother 3 but yeah that never happened for us on any console. Again fuk u Nintendo
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fun is a gimmick to sell games.

gimmicks can be fun, guy, most of them are, whether it be CHAINSAW GUN GEARS OF WAR or MASS EFFECT BLUE ALIEN SEX, but in the end they're just gimmicks to sell the game and not huge steps forward or even ANY STEPS forward like some people try to pass them off as.
brian chemicals
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gimmicks can be fun, guy, most of them are, whether it be CHAINSAW GUN GEARS OF WAR or MASS EFFECT BLUE ALIEN SEX, but in the end they're just gimmicks to sell the game and not huge steps forward or even ANY STEPS forward like some people try to pass them off as.

It's not a step foward but it's a good way to theorize on what could be done to take steps foward.
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There are games that people like enough to buy a console for them. I bought a gamecube simply for SSBM. Someone I know bought a PS3 for MGS4 and a PSP for MGCA. But LBP doesnt seem like one of those games.
Well, my friend had Gamecube at the time, and my other friend has 360 for Halo nowadays. I guess I don't have the problem of wanting for any system. :P

I bought a Playstation for FF7
I think it was MGS and FF7 that primed me to buy a console, having no interest in gaming since Genesis. But it wasn't like I owned N64 or whatever else was out at the time. There were tons and tons of awersome 64 games I wanted to play, and never did. No point switching systems for a couple games, as long as you have something to kill time with... Still haven't played Goldeneye or Mario 64 to this day. :*(

gimmicks can be fun, guy, most of them are, whether it be CHAINSAW GUN GEARS OF WAR or MASS EFFECT BLUE ALIEN SEX, but in the end they're just gimmicks to sell the game and not huge steps forward or even ANY STEPS forward like some people try to pass them off as.
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I just got my hands on the beta today and I don't think the hype's gonna hurt this game at all. Some of the UGC is kinda retarded but I played a few gems that made me love the game. Like, its ridiculous. I highly recommend this game to anyone out there.
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fun is a gimmick to sell games.
sup avatar long time no see :( where you been

Also, I think this game is a bit gimmicky as well but it doesn't really bother me. It does look really good, and a great platformer. And we have already seen some really cool levels made with the level editor so even if your average player isn't capable of making really cool levels, I'm pretty sure the game is going to have lots of them anyway and there's probably going to be a ranking system or something so you can find all the cool levels. As long as the game itself is fun to play, it will last long.
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This game knows no bounds..

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I just got my hands on the beta today and I don't think the hype's gonna hurt this game at all. Some of the UGC is kinda retarded but I played a few gems that made me love the game. Like, its ridiculous. I highly recommend this game to anyone out there.

do you just pop in once a year, make a post, and leave.

I'm not being insulting I really forget you exist and then BAM there you are.
brian chemicals
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can someone send me beta code my email is [email protected]

This game looks neat, it's like when RPG Maker 2000 was released and everyone made horrible games and the fun part was playing other peoples games and learning tricks and being stupid. But the real reason I'm interested at all is to justify blowing money on PS3. Even Tekken sold out... There's no reason to buy a PS3 AT ALL!!! (though I hear team ICO are making two games so that might change)

Actually I'm serious about the beta code I hear some people got 2 or 3 codes and that they're everywhere but I can't be bothered to register at some gaming site for it.
Last Edit: October 09, 2008, 03:29:36 pm by RPG
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Been playing the beta since Thursday, I fucking love this game! I bought a PS3 just for it and I don't regret it. I'm not looking forward to any other PS3 game but this one and I still think the £300 I slapped down the console is worth it for this one game.

All the time I spent away from LBP was spent thinking of things I could do in LBP. I was walking round looking for one of those Playstation Eye jobbies and thinking "How can I make a tank? If I put this here and connect that to that, it should work. Yes! I WILL MAKE A TANK!" And I did, I made a fucking rocket booster SUPER TANK!

The beta ends today and I'm fucking so upset I might cry.

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:O :| :O :| :O :|
I have to wait until Oct. 22 to play it. I work until 9:30pm on the 21st. :O :| :O :| Buuuut, then I have a week off basically, so... LBPhest.

Also, I think I might play Sackboy au natural, and just let people sticker me until I resemble some sort of stamp collection. On the flipside of that coin; I probably won't. :(
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It's not a step foward but it's a good way to theorize on what could be done to take steps foward.

Yeah, what this game is doing may not be some paradigm-shifting apex of gaming greatness, but at least it's trying harder than 95% of the garbage publishers try to pass off as "videogames" nowadays. If trying to make UGC a common and accessable facet of the gameplay experience not concidered a "step forward", then what the fuck are you even supposed to put in that category anyways?

Maybe I'm not getting Pidgeotto's definition of what it means for something to be concidered a "step forward". Just so I can get it straight, can you give me an example of the last time you recall a videogame making a "step forward" in the field of videogaming? When using such a general and ambiguous term like that, I can never be certain of what it objectivley means. For instance, I would assume making a "step forward" in videogames would be to introduce something to make them more fun, but I must apparently be wrong (There is personal experience vouching for this, since the only time I can recall a game conciously making a "step forward" would be when FF7 came out. And If that game were fun, I would have at least gotten past the first disc by now...)

If that's too hard, just give me your definition of what qualifies something as a gimmick, and how to recognize them so that they don't get confused with features that are actually good for a game to have.
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for those of you who haven't been keeping up to date, the game was delayed a week as sony recalled every copy in order to edit two songs that reference the qur'an.

jeeeeeeze sony, hyper sensitive much?  there have been reports of wal-marts, k-marts, best buys, and other outlet retails that haven't sent theirs back and broke the street release so check around maybe the unedited version will be worth something.
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what? the songs even had words?

and TWO of them had words about the quran?
brian chemicals
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According to Sony
"During the review process prior to the release of LittleBigPlanet, it has been brought to our attention that one of the background music tracks licensed from a record label for use in the game contains two expressions that can be found in the Qur'an.

I don't know what "two expressions" are... like, maybe it's a quote or a brief passage but I cannot believe this is something to get in arms about unless the expressions are "KILL ALL CHRISTIANS JIHAD PRAISE ALLAH"

EDIT: The money involved in a total recall has to be astounding.  Whatever Sony found better be downright "nigger" offensive because I can't imagine any company justifying every single copy returned and a complete REPRINT while destroying the current stock.  Financially speaking this is pretty big.
Last Edit: October 18, 2008, 03:17:13 pm by Marcus
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okay after a little bit of research the "offending" phrases where:

"kollo nafsin tha'iqatol mawt", literally: 'Every soul shall have the taste of death'


"kollo man alaiha fan", literally: 'All that is on earth will perish'

Seriously... what?  The game is E rated and while the phrases are kind of dark it's not OFFENSIVE.  That's like saying "For he, the lord, who so loved the earth gave his only begotten son..." is offensive.  How are quotes expensive I cannot believe Sony is flushing hundreds of thousands if not millions of dollars down the drain

*short circuit*


here's the offending track, an arabic gaming website sent a letter to sony regarding the song.  They asked them if they could edit it in an online update but Sony jumped the gun and decided to recall every copy (jesus christ i'm still fuming over this).  Turns out, to Muslims, the mixing of holy words and music is "highly offensive" which makes no sense to me because during my brief stay in the United Arab Emirates music and scripture were combined in nearly every song that played on the radio.  Every day at like 5pm in any public area you'd hear a woman come over a loud speaker and sing daily prayer or something.

i dunno i'm not muslim so i can't speak for them but still total recall my god sony
Last Edit: October 18, 2008, 03:26:07 pm by Marcus
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uhhhhh those are actually pretty violent phrases dude. I can see why a muslim might be like "THANKS FOR QUOTING SHIT OUT OF CONTEXT AND MAKING US LOOK VIOLENT AGAIN YOU FUCKS. GREAT AND YOU DID IT WHILE VIOLATING ONE OF OUR EDICTS". I guess Sony panicked and pulled all the copies to be safe.

cue 300 people screaming about free speech and not understanding what it means.
brian chemicals
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I handed in my letter of complaint to sony, setting my body ablaze.
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uhhhhh those are actually pretty violent phrases dude. I can see why a muslim might be like "THANKS FOR QUOTING SHIT OUT OF CONTEXT AND MAKING US LOOK VIOLENT AGAIN YOU FUCKS. GREAT AND YOU DID IT WHILE VIOLATING ONE OF OUR EDICTS". I guess Sony panicked and pulled all the copies to be safe.

cue 300 people screaming about free speech and not understanding what it means.

when you grow up reading about how god sent bears to eat children and four horsemen bringing upon the impending apocalypse through plague disease and famine and stuff these kinds of messages just kind of lose their meaning.  i'm not one to spit in someone's face because of their beliefs but i can imagine if these were bible quotes no one would bat an eyelash.

Castlevania Lament of Innocent's storyline revolved around a guy trying to kill the Christian god and I'm sure if I sent a letter to Konami I'd get a reply back saying "getou ovel it, buddiru"
Last Edit: October 18, 2008, 04:08:29 pm by Marcus