man has anyone else noticed you can count on aten to consistently say the worst possible thing on any subject
guys arent these just dumb children's action movies. why are we holding them up to ADULT STANDARDS i thought it was all swashbuckling shit and terrible plot devices because it was made for 9 year olds
iron giant, ratatouille, and shrek are also kids movies and they dont suck, why does the fact that it's for kids excuse it being shit? didn't you just watch through batman: tas? also pirates is marketed at least up to teenagers since they sell that shit at hot topic.
if you're a vegan you support baby killers
somebody’s Barkley --- could be another’s Monopolo.
no its pretty much true. and the vocal minority here pretty much does agree that anything that recieves mainstream notice is bunk.well, more accurately you're into alternative media
vocal minority