Games Eat Lead - The Return of Matt Hazard (Read 2507 times)

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Haha I gotta admit this trailer made my day, make sure to watch it first!

The gist of it is this company is making a game (that's this one, Eat Lead) that's a history about a character in a fictional series of videogames that make fun of and parody videogames in general, and thanks to executives in his world he got sold out for Mario Kart esque games (with his latest one being CHOKING HAZARD: CANDY GRAMM), and now he's coming back from that to rise to the top again. All of the stuff mentioned in the trailer (from the early games being like Duke Nukem to the "MATT HAZARD 3D" to having sex with Laura Croft (the girl who raids catacombs)) all reference gaming in general, and while the concept is a bit wonky (and wonky is definitely good), I have to give them credit with a pretty cool trailer.

No clue on most of the other details, it's supposed to be coming out Spring 2009, being made by Vicious Cycle Software, coming out for PS3 & XB360 and is either a FPS or a Third Person Shooter, but it's definitely a satirical shooter of some kind.

They got a site that parodies those really terrible gaming websites from like the 90s up here:
Last Edit: October 05, 2008, 04:51:53 am by HL
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This is fucking awesome.

The idea is awesome, even the website is awesome.
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Searched around a bit, it's for PS3 & 360, no PC release or nothing. :(

It's by the people who made the PSP game Dead Head Fred and that game was pretty cool and actually kinda humorous at times (won the first Writer's Guild of America Videogame Writing award too!), so this should be pretty gr9.

It's nice to see a unique concept, even if SATIRE isn't unique by any means, it's nice to see it uniquely done this way, should be a nice break from the rest of the stuff out there if it's any good!

i love it they got fake legit google ads that don't go anywhere
Last Edit: October 05, 2008, 05:08:40 am by HL
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awesome idea: check

probability of game sucking ass: high

i like seeing dumb games getting knocked down a peg but i secretly want this game to be a 2d sidescroller like the original duke nukem.

if not that, then if the game gets popular enough they should seriously make all the fictional games into real games and release them on psn/live store
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This looks like it will be a great game. They parodied one of those shows that are usually on those discovery channel kind of tv channels.

Whoever does that for their game trailer certainly wins in my book. This sounds good.
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awesome idea: check

probability of game sucking ass: high

i like seeing dumb games getting knocked down a peg but i secretly want this game to be a 2d sidescroller like the original duke nukem.

if not that, then if the game gets popular enough they should seriously make all the fictional games into real games and release them on psn/live store

nah, Vicious Cycle is a really good company, I mean they made Puzzle Quest (the 360 and PSP versions which were each different in some ways) and Dead Head Fred and both were ridiculously good with 1 winning a writing award with the WGA and the other getting better reviews than its other counterparts!

This has a high chance of being really good really!
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Uh I don't think they made puzzle quest.

The only game I've played by them was Robotech: Battlecry which was probably the best robotech game (not like that's saying much).  I dunno, their track record is kinda "meh" (curious george, flushed away, marvel trading cards) but they're putting a lot of effort into viral marketing and the overall look so I can only remain optimistic about the game itself.
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They made the 360 and PSP versions as I said, they were each coded & made by different companies. :)

Eh I got them switched up, they did the PSP, PS2, and Wii ones, another company did the 360 one! The PSP one is supposed to be really good though especially since that type of game lends itself to portability.
Last Edit: October 05, 2008, 05:39:54 am by HL
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ftr marvel trading cards is a great game. the actual card game it's based on, not so much, but the game is pretty solid.

It's a very cool idea, I admit. But I can definitely see this game as either not being anything special, or totally blowing and not being any fun. I hope they have more up their sleeves than just a Duke Nukem parody.
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this is so close to being a really really cool idea but that trailer is dumb as hell and full of barely will ferrell level bullshit.
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this is so close to being a really really cool idea but that trailer is dumb as hell and full of barely will ferrell level bullshit.
mmmm i dunno.  it had some dumb stuff in it but i don't think it seemed FULL of anything, really.  like, there weren't even that many jokes!  i spent the majority of it trying to figure out who the fuck matt hazard was but yeah, it was a mostly serious trailer and unless you aren't fond of tongue-in-cheek behind the music parodies i don't think it was all that bad.  it was mostly just OKAY except for the few dumb jokes
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up until the "you know that english chick who explores catacombs? yeah i did her. how do you think she got the job?" i thought that it might be a good idea pulled off well but with that line and the "you get in my way you will eat lead!!" stuff kind of tells me it's not gonna be that smart and it's a good idea pulled off badly. the behind the music schtick doesn't bother me, it's just how juvenile and male this seems.

edit: actually i watched it again, there is a lot of bad stuff before the tomb raider line, too.  like "mandatory hot chick" saying "he was every way".
Last Edit: October 05, 2008, 11:50:08 am by real_jamicus
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Sexual references! How uncouth!
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crumply my problem with that isn't sex, for fuck sake, it's how close it falls into like, tucker max territory. it's not ironic or hilarious to just be really blatant about how many women you've had sex with - it's a part of the whole macho guy thing which a lot of really annoying teenagers and manchildren think is so great. i mean if you want to make a satirical game about that kind of stuff, the answer isn't just to amp it up mindlessly. if you're doing that, you probably just want to make a game about a tough guy which i think is pretty stupid. we're talking about chuck norris jokes here, that's all that trailer really was. okay maybe there was a little more to it, it wasn't entirely awful, but it was pretty fucking stupid and not AWEESOOOMMMEEEEE BADASS.

this stuff just irritates me. i don't want to place a stick firmly up my ass here but this is the stuff that grows 12 year old pokemon fans into misogynistic turds five years later. it's not irony, it's just insecurity veiled under the guise of humour (humour which is not funny) and it's not even clever.
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But that's like saying "Computer games made me do it!" I mean come on man - that argument is so old and overdone and completely mind-numbingly boring! And the POINT of that video is that it's stupid and funny. If you're looking for an AWESOMMME BADASS man-fest then you should watch The World's Strongest Man or crack open a tin of stella and go and punch your mother in the face!

YES, it's a cheesy game that's the point
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But that's like saying "Computer games made me do it!" I mean come on man - that argument is so old and overdone and completely mind-numbingly boring!

okay, no. me saying that games can help make young boys stupid and sexist is not the same as me saying that games make you shoot up schools - which could be the only thing you were implying. i'm not saying it's a game thing though, anything which reinforces these bullshit ideas can do it if there is enough of it over time. you're right this is a very common kind of argument but the difference is that i am saying liking stuff like this makes you stupid and not that it makes you do bad things. misogyny is one kind of stupidity, and it's probably one of the worst kinds. if you want to say that liking games like this UNRESERVEDLY - i'm not saying you've got to hate it, but to embrace as badass awesome cool shit - will not make you more likely to be an idiot who loves maddox and hates it when women try to make jokes then i guess we've got to disagree.

you can't say that you love something which is tangled up with a bunch of issues and expect to be let off the hook of them all just cos ITSFUN.

And the POINT of that video is that it's stupid and funny. If you're looking for an AWESOMMME BADASS man-fest then you should watch The World's Strongest Man or crack open a tin of stella and go and punch your mother in the face!

YES, it's a cheesy game that's the point

this makes me think you've misunderstood me completely. let me be clear: i get it. i get the entire joke, i'm saying it's a shitty joke which people only get into cos they are insecure about something in their pants. but i'm getting too into this single point here, cos it's not the only problem i've got with this trailer. my main problem is that it's just flat out stupid and not funny. it could have been much better because like i said at it's core this is a pretty cool idea, to create a fictional video game character's history and have it be a ridiculous parody of all the crap franchises try to pull. but instead of focusing on that, at least in the trailer, they went for the BIG IN EVERY WAY LAMO bullshit.

and aside from that misplaced focus, the guys who are writing it are obviously only at a certain level as far as what is funny goes. being so blatant to put "Mandatory Hot Chick" on the screen as a title, or "Old School Bad Guy" or whatever it was just isn't funny. it's stupid, and it kind of treats you as stupid, too, because you couldn't possibly get the caricature they are going for if you don't have it explicitly pointed out to you, right?

Last Edit: October 05, 2008, 01:00:30 pm by real_jamicus
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Your sense of humour is damaged. You must've played another game that has made you so negative and desensitized that you refuse to laugh in the face of comedy.

-Mandatory Forum Troll

Edit: No really, where is your sense of humour?
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I think it's trying to appeal to a lowish group of intelligence but I think it will be a good game. I think you're looking into it a bit much Jamicus - game trailers rarely make any sort of splash and at least they gave it a go! It wasn't funny but I like the idea and the company is solid.
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Even if the game sucks, it'll all be worth it just for that trailer and website.
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I think it's trying to appeal to a lowish group of intelligence but I think it will be a good game. I think you're looking into it a bit much Jamicus - game trailers rarely make any sort of splash and at least they gave it a go! It wasn't funny but I like the idea and the company is solid.

it's making fun of duke nukem and a bunch of other games (james bond parody (you only die 1,317 times)) but duke nukem is basically the game Jamicus is describing that is built to basically be incredibly sexist towards women with duke paying strippers to dance in-game, saying incredibly macho guy stuff, etc, and this is parodying that and being satire so obviously that's going to come through but it's nothing serious.

i wouldn't take it so far that that type of character or game will cause a kid to become incredibly sexist and macho type guy and beat dudes and ladies up, a lot of factors outside of these games build that, including the situation at home, situation at school, situation at friend's homes, situation with previous girls, etc. Those have a lot more lasting effect on someone than seeing Duke Nukem pay for a stripper in the middle of nowhere and have him saying something incredibly sexist towards her, or James Bond with his excessive hit it and quit it sex life.

but really all the trailer is trying to accomplish is to be really ridiculous because in the end it is satire of Duke Nukem and a bunch of other games that are all fairly ridiculous "macho guy" stereotypes. James Bond always gets the girl, has sex with her, and then they are never ever seen together again. He mentions and parodies this in the trailer with the Laura Croft deal. Maybe it isn't funny per se in the absurdly funny off the charts type of funny, but I did smirk a bit because it's making fun of James Bond and I recognize that.