Topic: Tales Of Vesperia...Should I Get It? (Read 1292 times)

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...Me thinks I need to think about all of this over tonight.

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If you want a good rpg that's available on the Xbox 360 I would suggest something along the lines of Eternal Sonata or maybe even Lost Odyssey. Hell Mass Effect is even good at times but man does that shit have frame rate issues. Or you could just wait a few days for Fable 2.

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If you want a good rpg that's available on the Xbox 360 I would suggest something along the lines of Eternal Sonata or maybe even Lost Odyssey. Hell Mass Effect is even good at times but man does that shit have frame rate issues. Or you could just wait a few days for Fable 2.

Or Fallout 3.
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fallout 3 leaked i heard on irc today!

also dude its pretty amazing you're asking for justifications on why we hate it when there's ONE PERSON who liked it and if anything he should clarify HIS point since the concensus is overwhelmingly that this game is terrible and some idea like OH THEY ALL HATE JRPGS probably isn't applicable to this many people.
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get tales of ganja

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Vesperia is actually fun. Better than the rest of the Tales games. Just make sure to be reading a walkthrough or youll miss a shitton of sidequests.
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Lol, don't worry! As we are talking I'm working on it. Same thing with Mega Man 9 & Phantasy Star II, second day of downloading and what am I doing? Monopolo.

I will probably get it but if this game disapoints me then I will never buy a game from Namco again. Although if Vesperia sucks ass, the record will be 2-2. So Symphonia II will be the difference maker. Lol.

Anyways...why do you guys hate it so much? Storyline? The fact that it's on XBox 360? JRPG's in general?  :fogetmmh:

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Since when has anyone ever hated a JRPG for being on the 360?
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So finally the time has come to buy a Xbox 360 RPG, and it seems that TOV is the best bet as it got awesome reviews for it. Seeing how it's so similar to Star Ocean...that is what has attracted me to this game. I have Tales Of Symphonia (awesome) and Tales Of Legendia (even better) But Abyss was a huge miss, and I dunno why...
Yeah, you have this all wrong. Tales of Symphonia is really average at best and I haven't played Legendia but it looks lame as hell. Tales of the Abyss is one of the two Tales of games which are worth something.

And I haven't played Vesperia but I heard it's like Abyss so it could be good if you don't mind another generic jrpg.
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you should just read/bump the topic we already had about this game.
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The tales series is mixed to me, Tales of Phantasia was ok but had a terrible GBA port, Tales of Destiny 2 was brilliant and is probably the best tales games ever made, Tales of Symphonia was not a bad attempt to bringing the tales series into 3D but had a mediocore story, Tales of Legendia was pure shit and really should have never been released, tales of the abyss was a step in the right direction with a better story and some nifty tweaks added to the combat(you could finally free roam, which i liked) but it still felt the same as symphonia in alot of ways, and Tales of the World Radient Mythology was a mediocore attempt to bringing a 3D tales game to a portable system with a bad story but some funny diologue. So should you get Tales of Vesperia? Well it all depends if you liked the previous tales 3D games and can forgive Bandai Namco for not really changing too much to the formula, but at least it works! Plus, just because most(exeption for Legendia) is more of the same does not mean they are bad! If you look at it this way, Final Fantasy had the same combat system from FF4-9 so they are just as guilty too(not that I hate those games, they were great!).
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If you're willing to look past the sheer generic-ness of it it's a decent game. Nowhere near great but it's worth a rent at least.
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i love this game. it's great
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get tales of destiny 2

He means Tales of Eternia-PS1 (renamed to Tales of Destiny 2 in the US). He has to. Because the actual Tales of Destiny 2-PS2 ( which is the actual sequel to Tales of Destiny) is horrible, wheras ToE is a classic (fuck you all, it is). Ignore the ToE anime and sequel though.... as they are actually worse than ToD2.
Last Edit: October 10, 2008, 07:55:06 pm by KBJGXLM
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Get it, it's freaking awesome.

I like it more than Abyss and Legendia, but not as much as Symphonia :/
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get NHL 09 instead.
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He means Tales of Eternia-PS1 (renamed to Tales of Destiny 2 in the US). He has to. Because the actual Tales of Destiny 2-PS2 ( which is the actual sequel to Tales of Destiny) is horrible, wheras ToE is a classic (fuck you all, it is). Ignore the ToE anime and sequel though.... as they are actually worse than ToD2.

yeah i meant tales of eternia oops
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Well, I've played and BEAT this game... so here's my input:

-It's a lengthy game, 60 hours to just beat
-Battle system is awesome, you can pair field monsters up to 4 and end up fighting 10 or so monsters on the battle screen, never gets old
-Story is okay, nothing amazing. Suffers a bit from the Tales series' notorious trend to MAKE UP WORDS (FONONS, for example. Here, it's BLASTIA)
-Adding to BLASTIA, there's a TON of BLASTIA jargon throughout the game that make no sense, but you just bear with it
-The game has phenomenal characters. Most to all are unique, and very likeable
-The game is a bit more mature than previous Tales games, and deal with death, murder, and a few sexually inclined scenes
-Game's a little tough too, more so than the previous ones I can remember.

Overall, I'd say it's a good game, and fairly fun. LOST ODYSSEY is better if you want an RPG for the XBOX 360, which is more mature, serious, better graphics, and crazy long as well.

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