Topic: Dead Space (Read 4541 times)

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there's been more than 3 games on pc this year btw.

Also I don't enjoy consoles and I don't have a TV so I am not going to buy one 'because they're cheap'
'and you're missing out on a ton of awesome games without that or a PS3.'
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None of which appeal to me at all, so not really. ;)

I don't enjoy playing games with a controller, or downstairs in front of the tv with speakers blaring. I like to sink into my own little world away from everyone else when playing games. Also I cannot think of a single game whatsoever on ps3/xbox360 that I actually want to play. (Please don't list 'great' games, I'm genuinely not interested ok)
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I've just started on this game a few days ago on my PS3, and it seems like it is a bit too easy on Normal. I'm doing a plasma cutter only run, simply because that is the single gun that I've needed so far, plus there is enough ammo for it all over the place and I can buy more if need be.

I'm currently in Chapter 6, and i'm hunting down the other two/three pod thingies that I have left to kill. The only things that have had much of a chance to kill me so far is the Machines, Meteors (I hate that ADS Cannon >.<)  and those tiny little monsters that latch onto on mass and rape your Health Meter...

Other than that, I can just give the other monsters a good Plasma Cutter to the leg/tentacle, and maybe a second for good measure, and thats it.

I've jumped a few times, especially when I've run down a corridor and had something leap ON me. I'm surprised no-ones come from playing this with a fear of Vent shafts... lol
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what machines? but yeah those little crawly guys and the meteors fucking suck. a plasma cutter run is actually more useful than buying a bunch of guns because if you don't alternate them you'll run out of ammo for your most useful gun fast and then be stuck with the contact beam when a dude just popped out in front of you.

here is my awesome new ending btw; Isaac escapes, hes on the shuttle, and Nicole appears and says YOU DID IT. he takes off his helmet, leans in for the kiss...and then the camera shows he's sucking face with a necromorph with a bunch of little tentacles going BLEHEHEHEHEHHEHEEH as it licks up your face THIS ENDING WOULD OWN.
brian chemicals
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By machines I mean cheap ass deaths by the random death traps on the ship, especially that Centrifuge! Took 4 tries, 2 I moved out of the hideyhole too late, 1 I tried going the other way, 4th I escaped.

But the meteor section took me 5 tries to survive, and I'm loathing wanting to run through the game on the hardest difficulty after I complete it 'cause of that section.

I think I'll plaay easy sometime, get upto that section and STAY at it till I get the Trophy. Above 50% HP must be left O_O
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status update:
all right i'm just gonna get a loan of this from a bud
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I died a lot from machines as well. Does anyone else think those two metal "rings" circling the meteor defied physics?

I was on the meteor and I waited for for them to pass before jumping back inside the room and I guess I just skimmed one of the rings just barely and was cut in half for some odd reason. Am I missing something? How is it possible for you to be cut in half by something moving in the same direction as you, is a blunt object, and is moving about as fast as Isaac does when he's in zero-G? Even if it was possible, when Isaac jumps in zero-G rooms he goes head first, so it still couldn't happen if he jumped towards it. Apparently the programmers thought it would be okay to have Isaac get cut in half no matter how you touched it, even if it was stationary when you walked into it.

If I was moving in the opposite direction and it was coming at me full speed, I could accept that as possible - but only in that scenario. Isaac still would have to be firmly planted on that meteor in order for one of the rings to rip him in half at the speed they were moving.
Last Edit: November 25, 2008, 08:28:52 pm by Grin Tree
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the centrifuge killed me once and the meteor killed me twice im great at videogames i guess?
brian chemicals
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what machines? but yeah those little crawly guys and the meteors fucking suck. a plasma cutter run is actually more useful than buying a bunch of guns because if you don't alternate them you'll run out of ammo for your most useful gun fast and then be stuck with the contact beam when a dude just popped out in front of you.

here is my awesome new ending btw; Isaac escapes, hes on the shuttle, and Nicole appears and says YOU DID IT. he takes off his helmet, leans in for the kiss...and then the camera shows he's sucking face with a necromorph with a bunch of little tentacles going BLEHEHEHEHEHHEHEEH as it licks up your face THIS ENDING WOULD OWN.

That last part was done in Red Dwarf as well...........
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but red dwarf sucks balls and i own??????
brian chemicals
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here is my awesome new ending btw; Isaac escapes, hes on the shuttle, and Nicole appears and says YOU DID IT. he takes off his helmet, leans in for the kiss...and then the camera shows he's sucking face with a necromorph with a bunch of little tentacles going BLEHEHEHEHEHHEHEEH as it licks up your face THIS ENDING WOULD OWN.

I like mine better,

Isaac escapes, He's on the shuttle, He takes off his helmet. He relaxes, Then you sit there for 5 hours watching him plot a course and run some diagnostics, He sets off a beacon. watches some movies. Tries to sleep a bit. Gets a Reply to his signal. Gets rescued by another ship. He is put in quarantine, you sit and watch him for 3 days do nothing but kick around and get poked and prodded by doctors. He's given a clean bill of health. They debrief him, All the while he doesn't say a word and uses exaggerated hand movements and facial expressions to convey the story. They get him back to a space station, he gets a job Fixing Spaceships. Falls in love with a Fellow mechanic. The two hit it off Famously because neither of them talk. They move in together, Settle down. Have a kid, they raise the kid, Eventually Isaac passes away peacefully due to old age surrounded by friends and his new family.

Actually now i want to see Isaac Convey the storyline to deadspace using exaggerated hand movements. that alone would've kicked ass.

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That would be epic to see his hands flailing about in exaggerated movements in the front of the screen.

Also I've just realised this WOULD work in first person. When you're injured/dying your breathing gets accelerated and you start moaning and shit. It could work :s
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That would be epic to see his hands flailing about in exaggerated movements in the front of the screen.

Also I've just realised this WOULD work in first person. When you're injured/dying your breathing gets accelerated and you start moaning and shit. It could work :s
OH and they could also make the screen throb red like a heartbeat, because they haven't done that in a billion other games.

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Or they could.... go the Perfect Dark way..ish.

Motion blur, yeah.

The more hurt you are, the harder it is to see/focus.

Hell yeah, I'm a genius.
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While were at it we could throw in some spazzy cameras for good measure.

It would be interesting to see ridiculous gestures to communicate, that should be a gameplay mechanic in the sequal.
A tool is a tool regardless. I mean if you suck, you suck, and not even the most perfect tool could save you. And if your damn good then even with the worst tool ever conceived you could chug out some high quality shit.
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I was talking about something that already happens in game, I was trying to 'invent new way to make it work'.
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So I just got into this last night and so far its really fun and creepy especially those tentacle babies

Did anyone see the Animated movie they made for this? Its a prequal and it takes place before Isaac and the others reach the station I only saw a little bit of it (it was on the scifi channel) but it was pretty good and I might try to download it.

I think it was just called "Dead Space" but I cant really remember.
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So I just got into this last night and so far its really fun and creepy especially those tentacle babies

Did anyone see the Animated movie they made for this? Its a prequal and it takes place before Isaac and the others reach the station I only saw a little bit of it (it was on the scifi channel) but it was pretty good and I might try to download it.

I think it was just called "Dead Space" but I cant really remember.

Dead Space Downfall,
Yeah i saw it.
I liked the Graphic novel better.
I wish they kept that style.

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so I'M playing this thing now and i'm gonna talk about it.

the writing isn't worth talking about - it's awful and i couldn't even write such shit if i done it in 10 minutes and didn't look back. why do people get paid for this.

it's pretty nice to look at! i like the vacuum sections a lot. i like a look at a Space.

the gameplay isn't that amazing. that strategic dismemberment is defintely there, but calling it interesting beyond "okay you shoot the arms instead of the head" is horseshit. who cares, it's a shooter. it's fun, yeah, but that's all. i don't think anyone was expecting more than that but i maybe was a little. it's fun though, to shoot the baddies. i like a Shoot a Baddies. the sound is pretty excellent though. that's a pretty big thing in a game like this, i guess, so the noises are all cool.

i'm on chapter 3. it's aready getting to the "oh, it's just a game. why was i excited about playing this?" part. buuut i don't have much to do with myself while i'm back home so it's a nice enough way to spend some time.
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I just got this game like two hours ago and I love it. It's terrifying :D

Controls are VERY weird and different though, like it wasn't meant to be played on PC
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