Movies Last movie you watched? (Read 104065 times)

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I really couldn't care less if you knew nothing about literature but it's kind of weird of you to not know this. Anyway, nevermind reading the book just download the Muppets version it's the best one.

wait dada are you saying the netherlands has books???? no. way.
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wait dada are you saying the netherlands knows what the muppets are????
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wait dada are you saying the netherlands knows what the muppets are????
no he's saying all people in the netherlands are muppets
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no he's saying all people in the netherlands are muppets
this, and in the literal sense.

Jan Peter Balkenende, Prime Minister of The Netherlands 2002-2010
Last Edit: October 07, 2010, 01:08:46 pm by Dada
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the netherlands know the muppets but not a christmas carol......goddamn potheads.....-.-*
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Americans associate us as much with weed as we associate americans with Mc Donald's, it seems
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CANDYMAN.  I was thoroughly impressed.  Even got to see some tit.  In all seriousness, it started out looking like a cheap thrills horror film with overt racial themes, but got increasingly psychological as it progressed.  The soundtrack was a nice touch (use choral arrangements and organs wooOOoo i'm phillip glass) Really worked for the film.

My cousin showed me Candyman and Hellraiser in the same week when I was a kid and I wanted to stab him in the face. Couldn't sleep for weeks.

I saw the original Halloween yesterday. It gets better every time I watch it.

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shit I live in the US and I hate McDonalds.

Still bit of a fatass though.
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Americans associate us as much with weed as we associate americans with Mc Donald's, it seems

i was being sarcastic

also as a kid i loved mcnuggets.  then as i got older i couldn't stomach them at all.  and now mysteriously in the last few months i've started liking them again.  i have no clue what the fuck is going on with my tastes.

i try not to eat them too often though because they're total shit and i know it.
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well i do like mc donald's even tho it's bad food. but the thing is no matter how much bad stuff i eat i don't seem to gain any weight, which is convenient in a way, but it's hanging on me being skinny, which is shit.

i know not all americans are fat though, but it's a popular stereotype, and america does have the biggest amount of obese people. mc donald's in america even had supersize menu's, that shit was huge
Last Edit: October 07, 2010, 06:48:48 pm by The One
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my dad stopped eating mcD's after the worm meat rumor in the 70's
keep posting...
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East of Eden. even if it's just john steinbeck's cain and abel story, elia kazan is here, and james dean. james dean is basically a diluted brando but still wayyyyy better than 90% of actors today
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The Goods: Live Hard, Sell Hard

It was pretty funny. Also Jeremy Piven is awesome.
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Memento. Watched for the first time. Was actually really good if not a little depressing.
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Paranormal Activity. It was alright, but not really original by any means. I think one of the main problems with it was that stuff only happened when you were expecting stuff to happen.

Also, apparently this movie was made with $15,000. I cannot fathom how they spent this much money. I mean, I understand that they payed the actors like $500, but there were like 4 people in the movie. And it was shot on your basic digital camcorder. Add in a couple microphones and I guess we might be up to like $5,000. Where did the other $10,000 go? They shot it in the director's house. Did he have catering? Why would you do that for like a max of 3 people at your house at the same time? I'm pretty sure they just edited it themselves too, so I don't know maybe the cost of FinalCut or Adobe Premiere is included.
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I watched Tart with my girlfriend the other night because she told me it was about a catholic school girls progression into sex addiction. that, surprisingly enough, was not the plot. the whole movie was just a series of scenes of rich brats giggling and doing coke. it was awful, and i think the only reason she ever even found it was by searching around hulu randomly.
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"Staten Island" and "The Brother's Bloom".

Both movies were OK but both suffer from SLOOOOW pacing and there are long parts of the movies where is seems like nothing of consequence is happening.
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I just watched David Lynch's Dune last night. I have to say that I enjoyed it up until Paul and Jessica meet up with the Fremen people. The movie just falls apart right then and there. I can't blame Lynch too much though. I think it would be impossible to cover the entire book in just 2 hours. Dune is a film that calls for an epic 3 hours at least to get in all its intricacies. I have to say that I enjoyed the Dune Sci-fi miniseries a lot more, even though they didn't fully stick with the source material. At least they took the time to show Paul and Chani develop a relationship instead of fastforwarding through it. Still, neither is good enough in my eyes so I hope that in the upcoming future someone will do Dune justice with an awesome rendition on film.
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Duct Tape Forever. For fellow Canadians, it's the 2002 Red Green movie. It was a pretty random movie for me to watch, but it was available so I saw no reason to not kill some time with it.

It had a few funny moments, but it was pretty hit or miss for the most part.
Last Edit: October 12, 2010, 04:24:41 pm by UPRC
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Watched the latest Resident Evil movie, I wanted to turn it off 15mins into it but my brother was determined to watch the whole thing so I really didnt have a choice. It was worser than I could have imagined, avoid this movie like the plague or T-virus.][/url]