Movies Last movie you watched? (Read 104065 times)

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Last movie I watched was this
Hilarious if you're high
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The Adjustment Bureau. It was pretty good.
Current RPG Making Projects:
Main projects: Eternia's Promise, demo out on
Desperation Of A New Era. Prolouges out, Part 1 out. Finally a game that I can
upload and complete.

Liberated Arms VX Ace Current Status: Cancelled. For now.

Dreamwalker VX Ace Current Status: Dead, unless it's restarted one day.

Story of Ligara: Dead. Again.

And my other thousand games...(not literally)
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Jack Ass 3
DDay is Dead  I am a dead man typing
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That east by something or something east

Its got that guy with the jerry curls and he's an ex baseball player washed up asshole in south carolina (I think it was south).  who decides to teach gym at a middle school. I love that show its friggen hilarious. Especially the part where he takes ecstacy and goes to shaperon the school dance and then puts a brick through one of will ferrell's character's BMW dealership windows. I'm not a huge will ferrell fan (I like his SNL and old school stuff) but his character in this show is pretty good. Evangel mentioned my captain looking like him in the picture thread but I think he looks more like that old hippy guy with the beard from "The Men who stare at goats" theres another popular movie that guy was in but the title escapes me right now.
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are you sure this wasn't a dream you had
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he's talking about eastbound and down, an HBO miniseries or whatever. there are two seasons, with like 6 episodes a season. the captain looks a little like him with the goatee and reflective sunglasses but he doesn't have the same visual personality/ego. the show is okay, I think the first episode is the best. I'm kinda obligated to not dislike it tho.
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Battle LA - terrible movie. So bad. No, very very bad. It makes Skyline look like a masterpiece. Worst movie I've seen in decades. I've never seen a movie with this much shooting be so boring, but the director perfected the art of an action snoozefest. Practically everyone was checking their watches every 5 minutes to see when it would end. Absolutely no character development and the story was literally one shooting scene followed by another shooting scene followed by yet another shooting scene. Worst line in the entire movie (if I had to pick just one?): "Maybe I can help. I'm a veterinarian" or "Marines don't cry". Come to think of it, it feels like the whole movie was a giant "JOIN THE ARMY" advertisement/US propaganda.
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That sucks to hear Mateui, I was hoping Battle LA would be at least half decent to watch. I was actually looking forward to it.. oh well.][/url]
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finally got around to watching tarkovsky's Solaris. very, very good movie.

it's such a tremendous partner piece to kubrick's 2001. fundamentally similar stories, with fundamentally similar conclusions, created by fundamentally similar filmmakers. but nobody would ever mistake these two films, due in large part to the wildly different cultural foundations of the two films, and the staggeringly singular backgrounds of the two filmmakers.

there's a lot that could be said about this movie, but i could probably sit here and write for several hours on the matter. won't do that. it's just good. see it if you have the time(it's on netflix streaming btw). DEFINITELY see it if 2001 did anything for you.

also seeing tarkovsky's version after having watched soderbergh's version really shows that steven soderbergh is incapable of having intelligent thoughts of his own. i thought soderbergh was SOLID FILMMAKER at one point, but now i've realized that the only times where he's ever produced even peripherally worthwhile work was when he was so shamelessly ripping off other people's styles that you can barely call them his own films. and even then they aren't very good. that he felt the need to take such a runny, revolting shit all over this movie shows that we probably deserved those bombs that the russians were so close to sending our way.
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watched tarkovsky's stalker

absolutely incredible movie. didn't like some of the film's assertions and choices, but that doesn't diminish the fact that it's a really remarkable piece of film.
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Just watched this movie. This is pretty much the prototype for Japanese animated feature films, released in 1968. I was expecting something just a bit too typical to be truly enjoyable, but it was good! The storyline shouldn't come as too big a surprise for anyone who's ever watched a Ghibli/Miyazaki/Takahata film, but I think they did really well in portraying the heroine's confliction in having to choose between good and evil. What's also interesting is that it's set in iron age Scandinavia and represents it pretty accurately. For some reason it was a gigantic flop and was only in theaters for 10 days.

Man I've got too many movies that I still want to see. They're just piling up on my hard drive. Charade, Ikiru, Lake of Fire, Persepolis, The Producers, The Sting, Fail-safe, Hana-bi. I don't know which one to watch next.
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Man I've got too many movies that I still want to see. They're just piling up on my hard drive. Charade, Ikiru, Lake of Fire, Persepolis, The Producers, The Sting, Fail-safe, Hana-bi. I don't know which one to watch next.

please add this to the top of your list if you have not already seen it.

i have wanted to take this movie and go to people and say YOU MUST WATCH THIS IMMEDIATELY but the movie is sufficiently OUT THERE to the point that i really can't do that with most people. but i think you may be one of the people they made this movie for.

maybe you have seen it before though, i don't remember???
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the bed sitting room! :D
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Haven't seen it but will get it right now. Yet another movie to add to my collection of movies I have but haven't seen yet??
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Just finished watching Harry Potters 1-6. I'd say I find it entertaining but you just gotta clear your head of all the shit critcism and whatever that is automatically tied with hp franchise. as movies of fantasy they're a satisfaction. Current dling the 1st part of harry potter 7 so that's my next.

Meanwhile I watched Rambo First Blood I and II. Awesome :)
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Watched Fight Club for the first time last night (yes I've managed not to see it ever before, and somehow not know the big twist of the film.) Loved it. I like how it broke the 4th wall a few times.
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i've been watching the original mission impossible television show lately. a lot of it, actually. it takes me about an hour every couple days to fill up my electronic cigarettes for the next few days, so rather than do nothing while filling them up, i've been watching mission impossible since somebody uploaded the entire series to youtube

i probably shouldn't like it so much, but i love the hell out of this show. it's a really goofy and unbelievable show, but they do so much with ingenuity and obviously limited means. you could tell that it was all filmed on nondescript backlot sets with two or three overworked prop men taking the guts of hydroponic monitoring tools and making it look like BOMBS. but you can very easily look past that because some legitimate thought was put into how the show was physically filmed, and the cast is very clearly having a very good time playing around on the set.

although i'm really only talking about series 2 and 3. series 1 was before peter graves joined the show and replaced steven hill, who had about as much charisma as a leaky colostomy bag and was known for disliking the show. series 1 is still pretty good even without peter graves, but it's not the same. the series also kinda turned to shit after season 3 because martin landau left the show and was replaced by leonard nimoy, who was admittedly on cruise control throughout the series and was not versatile enough for the role he was given. also they started getting some understandable heat for negative culture portrayals, leading them to make (iirc) seasons 5 onward about organized crime rather than actual international espionage, which made the show a lot less interesting. the later seasons did have sam elliott and lesley ann warren, who are both outstanding actors, but this was before either figured out how to act, so they don't really contribute much of anything to the show.

actually i probably should not be so complimentary of the show when such a large portion was not very good, but those two seasons were really good stuff. parents should show their kids the original mission impossible show so they grow up knowing that peter graves is the definition of cool and tom cruise is the definition of phony piece of shit. i have a leg up on the rest of the world with this knowledge.

this is more than you would ever want to know about mission impossible, from the eyes of someone who watches way too much of this shit, but whatever. nobody cares about this so i am just putting this here so i can confirm that saltworld doesn't give a shit either. i feel bad if you read all of this. i even cut stuff out, like my rambling about how much tom cruise completely fucking ruined the idea of the series, how irritated i am that i like brad bird enough that i'm probably going to give mission impossible 4 a chance, and a lot more gushing for landau/graves/morris/etc.

also if you are also a sick, depraved individual like myself and want to get into this show, i can suggest good episodes if you want. i don't know why you'd want this though, go do something more productive with your life you fucking cretin.

also wrong topic for this, but fuck it. didn't feel like bumping the WHAT TELEVISIONS YOU WATCH thread from 2009.
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watched tarkovsky's stalker again with my parents, even though i just watched it a few weeks ago

it's such a strange movie. i've found myself getting a lot less than i could from the story itself. i think what the story aims to convey doesn't really work when it comes right down to it, with far too many uncomfortably assertive religious undertones for me to really tolerate. an enormous part of that is the fact that i invariably find myself groaning at the last two scenes, which felt like a really needless bit of commentary on the part of the director. it's strange saying that, since it was HIS FILM, but it's so out of touch with the rest of the movie and the pristine way information and drama is presented throughout the rest of the film. almost feels like DIRECTOR'S COMMENTARY or something, or the sort of thing a lesser filmmaker would feel the need to do to help a dim audience member reach some sort of coherent conclusion about the movie's concepts. kinda popping his head in at the last minute and ruining all opportunity the film had at being ambiguous or open to interpretation. almost feels like he underestimated his abilities in telling a cohesive story. the film didn't need some remarkable PAYOFF ending. fade to black with tears in his eyes would have made the movie stronger.

despite this, however, stalker is one of the best, if not THE BEST, film i have ever seen. kinda strange even saying that for a movie that i think is fundamentally a little dopey and mismanaged in some places, but the way this film is shot and the overall composition of it all is as meticulous and vivid as anything i've ever seen. i think this is as good of an example as any of what FILM is truly about.

also it's strange i dislike the story when i really like the dialogue and the way it works an awful lot. this is probably saying a lot since i'm just seeing the translation subtitles and not the original text read by great actors.
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Finally convinced myself to watch The Kings Speech and glad I did, I thought it was great.][/url]
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I haven't seen The King's Speech and I probably won't because I can't shake the feeling that it's first and foremost an OSCAR BAIT film and that bothers me.  I'm sure it's a very well made movie (sure!  Why wouldn't it be?) but it's also very obvious that it was made in the Oscar Materials Factory for the very specific purpose of winning some clown(s) an oscar.  Boo.  I can't get on board with a movie like that.  I think it's very telling that I didn't see it yet I KNEW that it would win all of the major awards (specifically Best Picture/Actor).  Maybe in five - ten years when it's further removed from the oscars I will be more capable of enjoying it, but in five or ten years I won't care about it and neither will anybody else.

Just want to remind everybody, especially those of you who aren't aware of this, that the oscars don't celebrate art.