Topic: Last movie you watched? (Read 104066 times)

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i was really surprised by this movie. a friend lent it to me, and i went into it not really expecting much, but i was extremely impressed with the movie this shane carruth guy pulled together with a $7,000 budget. i wouldn't call it an important film, but it's certainly an inventive one that will require some thinking after viewing. it ends up being science fiction, but along the kubrick lines, not your typical hollywood science fiction bullshit. i'd say more, but it's the sort of film that you don't want to go into knowing too much.

a plus is that it's really the sort of movie that i think most people could sit down with and enjoy. it's bright without being too pretentious, gritty and real without really trying to be hip and stylish. it strikes a good balance of a lot of things, probably due to the fact that the film was actually made by one person

i don't really know an awful lot about shane carruth, but i hope he does more things. he's got talent and some brains, and the drive to work alone. as long as he doesn't get gobbled up by the hollywood machine(and his lack of any other projects since is an indication that he doesn't really have an interest in that) he's really got the potential to be the leading american filmmaker going further into the 21st century, if only due to there being a staggering lack of any other proper candidates.

also if you are an aspiring filmmaker, this is a film you must watch. it's a reminder of what you can do with the proper drive and preparation even if you don't really have any resources available to you whatsoever. it's actually making me reconsider the stance i had on film, which was NEVER MAKE A MOVIE EVER TOO MUCH HASSLE.

I remember seeing this movie a few years back and really liking it.  Like I didn't know anything about the small budget or anything of that sort before seeing the movie, which made me all the more impressed when I saw the figures that were involved in making the movie.
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I watched the killing fields last night. For those who havent seen it, its quite an old movie (1984) that follows a reporter who documents the events that take place in Cambodia under the rule of Pol Pot and the communist party - Khmer Rouge, during and after the vietnam war. its a pretty good movie that opened my eyes to horror or what happened under a pretty extreme case of communist ruling. The acting and cinematography are great, but it is the music that is probably the most striking part of the movie. It was written by Mike Oldfield (tubular bells) who took some really odd choices when writing the music, that I think, adds a lot to the horror of the story
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I watched the killing fields last night. For those who havent seen it, its quite an old movie (1984) that follows a reporter who documents the events that take place in Cambodia under the rule of Pol Pot and the communist party - Khmer Rouge, during and after the vietnam war. its a pretty good movie that opened my eyes to horror or what happened under a pretty extreme case of communist ruling. The acting and cinematography are great, but it is the music that is probably the most striking part of the movie. It was written by Mike Oldfield (tubular bells) who took some really odd choices when writing the music, that I think, adds a lot to the horror of the story
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I've seen parts of that movie, but I'll have to watch the whole thing soon.  That era in Vietnam has always struck a chord in me. 

I've researched that Pol Pot character, and he's about the biggest asshole who ever lived.
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The Great Buck Howard stars John Malkovich and Tom Hanks Jr. in a movie that is interesting if only for the character interaction. The story revolves around Hanks and his lost-in-the-world-law-school-drop-out-wannabe-writer-needs-life-experience character who gets a job working for a mentalist dude (played delightfully by Malkovich) who is way past his prime and too dense to see it. Enter obligatory love interest (Emily Blunt), insert interesting opportunities for people to talk to each other, and that's about as much as can be explained about the movie. And, as dry as that sounds, I actually found myself enjoying the film. It had a very independent feel to it, and Malkovich was superb. I was also thrilled at the Tom Hanks Sr. cameo. Overall, I would recommend this movie to anyone who enjoys character-driven stories and John Malkovich. If you want lots of action. . . well, find another movie.
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aha oh god, i watched this movie only i wasn't paying much attention and i don't understand a bit of it

i need to watch it again because i feel like i have done this movie a disservice
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That’s right, you have the young gaming with the old(er), white people gaming with black people, men and women, Asian countries gaming with the EU, North Americans gaming with South Americans. Much like world sporting events like the Wolrd Cup, or the Olympics will bring together different nations in friendly competition, (note the recent Asian Cup; Iraq vs. Saudi Arabia, no violence there) we come together. The differences being, we are not divided by our nationalities and we do it 24-7, and on a personal level.

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Yup the aliens f**ked us on Indiana Jones... I felt cheap and dirty afterwards.][/url]
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I actually liked Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. 

I've always thought the journey in the Indy movies was much more important and fun than the climax (not that seeing people's faces melt when the ark is opened isn't fun, but it's not even one of my favorite scenes from Raiders, really).  It had a cool "updated-nostalgic" feel to it, some inventive action scenes, and I for one loved the nuclear bomb scene.

I'm also one of the six people that doesn't hate Shia LeBouf.

But, as for the last movie I watched: Public Enemies.  Watched the first fifteen minutes, then just talked to one of my friends the rest of the time.  Not to say it was boring, but it's hard for me to get interested in a movie like that at a midnight showing.
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I enjoyed Kingdom of the Crystal Skull too. It felt like an Indiana Jones movie, but it did seem to trip the B.S. meter a little more then the original trilogy. Maybe because of technological limitations in the past, the stories were written and focused in a different way. Seems weird, but the only shots in Crystal Skull that bugged me a bit were the ones that would have been nigh impossible during the span of the original films' releases.

I haven't seen Public Enemies yet, but a friend of mine said it wasn't that great. His words were "they focused on the secondary characters too much and underused Christian Bale and Johnny Depp." I suggested that perhaps since they were playing cutouts of real people they might have been understated on purpose as part of their characters. Then again, I'm yet to see the movie...
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I liked Public Enemies well enough, but I felt that with the cast that it had and the potential of the actual characters in real life, the movie itself seemed to really lack because it was just so unfocused in the direction that the story was trying to go.  The shaky hand-cam scenes really didn't seem appropriate with the script either in my opinion.
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Rubin and Ed

Really funny indie flick from almost 20 years ago. I don't really know how to describe it.

Andy Warhol sucks a big one
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Pontypool is a movie. At least, I think it is.

I'm guilty of putting movies into the DVD player, turning them on and then only half-listening to them while I do other things. The first time I 'watched' Pontypool I was beading, and I didn't have the slightest clue as to what the hell was going on. So, I forced myself to sit down and actually watch it a second time through and I'm still lost. Apparently, the English language is turning people into zombies. . . or something. Honestly, I can't recommend or NOT recommend this movie because I just didn't understand what the hell was going on. If anyone more intelligent than I watches this movie, please clue me in.
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The Escapist

Weird almost-noir-in-a-way prison escape film. Extremely recommended.
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Just saw Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. It wasn't really a good MOVIE it was a good part of a movie. Now that David Yates is signed on for the last two-part movie, he's got no reason to sort of 'end it' when the credits roll with Half-Blood Prince. Instead it's one giant set up to the next movie. No conclusions, no anything, just set up. However, as far as being a part of larger movie or whatever, it does well. I enjoyed it to pass time, though it was, as I said, not a good movie. Not a good stand-alone movie. If you went to see it with no conceived ideas of what Harry Potter's all about nor witnessed any previous movies, you'd be pretty much doing a LOT of catch up really fast. It would be like watching Watchmen and thinking it's a pulse-pounding action thriller.
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  The problem with the Crystal Skull was that it completely BROKE the Indy Jones film structure. The idea is that Indiana Jones is thrust into a situation as a skeptical scientist, and in the end your suspicions are confirmed that OMG MAGIC IS REAL. The entire structure of Raiders and Last Crusade (and Temple of Doom, in a weaker sense) hinge on the progression from the realistic to the supernatural, and as Indy gets closer and closer to the MacGuffin, the progression becomes apparent, until the climax when you find out what the deal really is. I was rolling my eyes before and after they nuked the fridge, simply because everything up to that point was Hollywood retarded to begin with. The sheer scale and flashyness of the opening sequences completely misses the mark of pulp adventure and aims at high-action, scorning original Indy films were based off of, and the result was something I'd rather not think consider as Indy canon.
  Even as a stand alone film it wasn't much better than Transformers.
Last Edit: July 28, 2009, 07:34:19 pm by Blitzen
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Ain't a movie, but I just watched the Glee pilot. I can't wait for this series to start, it's a really fun series with a wide diverse cast of characters, despite everyone being like 30 playing high school kids. Highly recommend.
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Have any of you dudes seen Mongol?  I'm going to watch it sometime this week (netflix...) but I want to know what I'm in for.  It's supposed to be pretty good.
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Have any of you dudes seen Mongol?  I'm going to watch it sometime this week (netflix...) but I want to know what I'm in for.  It's supposed to be pretty good.
Mongol to me, is the typical rags to riches epic period piece whatever kind of story. The kid who faces tragedy, grows up, builds and empire, and reigns supreme again, it's a pretty typical fare but I recommend it. It's well structured, well put together, and somewhat stylized, like it even has stupid slow motion sequences but the movie and compositions look good regardless. Tadanobu Asano is always badass... Not my favorite but check it out.
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Iron Maiden - Rock In Rio.

That was a fucking AWESOME movie! For the first time in my life, I've never grown so into this band than I do now. Now I understand why I need to go and see this band when they come over in Washington. :)

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