Topic: Last movie you watched? (Read 104066 times)

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I just watched the new Halloween movie, and it wasn't very good IMO. I liked the first redux by Rob Zombie but this one is nothing like it.
I guess if you liked House of 1000 corpses you might like it because it has the whole flashy brutal vintage horror movie feel, and I admit I had to close my eyes during parts because the flashing was giving me a headache. I got the impression that maybe Rob Zombie was given a longer leash because of the last one's success.
About the plot,
If I had to say something good about it, it's that Tyler Mane sports a beard throughout the movie, which looks pretty badass. Also when he wears the mask his beard hangs out the bottom and it looks goofy but it's pretty badass.
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I Saw Ice Age 3 A Whiele Ago. It Was Good. It Had A Zebra And A Mammoth. They Danced Twice In The Movie. I Liked It A Lot.
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I watched Inglorious Basterds expecting it to be a historical movie that possibly sheds light on aspects of WWII.
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I watched Inglorious Basterds expecting it to be a historical movie that possibly sheds light on aspects of WWII. Instead it became a pointless display of violence and some unholy sexuality. The movie is not based on any history but is a reimagined version of WWII. There were 3 scenes of people with their scalps having been removed with a knife. There was a scene of someone being executed with a baseball bat. There were many scenes of shooting, knifing, and other methods of killing people.

A couple of people sitting next to me or closeby got sick and had to leave, one threw up on the seats. I don't blame them. The bible teaches us to be at peace with one another and tells us to keep our minds and hearts pure before Christ. This movie encourages the exact opposite and beginning from the very title, glorifies murder, rage, lust, revenge, cowardly acts during war, terrorism, and pride.

I think this is a shameful film that needs to be condemned not only by Christians but by all Americans for what it represents. There is nothing at all funny about depicting Americans as a bloodthirsty, brutal people.

You expected too much, it's a remake by the overrated Tarantino of a cheesy 70's movie.   It was bound to be bloody and over the top with that nutjob working on it. 

I watched the live action Death Note trilogy today.  They were so bad that they were almost good.
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My friend went to one of those Red Box things looking for some movie that wasn't there, so we got Dragonball Evolution.  Let me just say, though it was as TERRIBLE as I expected, it still wasn't what I expected.  I had no idea there was going to be TEENAGE HIGH SCHOOL DRAMA and stuff like that.  Still, w/e it was a great laugh.
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I just saw Pitch Black on DVD, part of the Riddick trilogy. I actually haven't seen Chronicles of Riddick yet, but that's my plan for tomorrow night. Anyway, Pitch Black was a pretty decent sci fi Alien-esque thriller about a crew being stranded on a planet in complete darkness with creatures that are repelled by the light. It was an enjoyable ride.
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My friend went to one of those Red Box things looking for some movie that wasn't there, so we got Dragonball Evolution.  Let me just say, though it was as TERRIBLE as I expected, it still wasn't what I expected.  I had no idea there was going to be TEENAGE HIGH SCHOOL DRAMA and stuff like that.  Still, w/e it was a great laugh.
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Saw body of lies, was actually pretty good. Leonardo is a pretty underrated actor I think.
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I'm Yamcha.

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I actually thought the best part was the workout in the DVD extras.  That's the only vid I could find, which sucks because it's only about half of it.

It's two nerdy looking guys that did the fight choreography and one does really awful punches and kicks and the other guy talks about it, and he keeps referring to the other guy's legs as "those weapons".  I think he even said "Now shoot those weapons" or something terrible like that.
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I coincidentally picked up on The Spy Who Came in from the Cold where I left off on the novel.  The ending was pretty shocking. 

I like old movies like that because the drama speaks for itself.  No slo-mo guns blazing bullshit, just good writing, good acting.
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The Final Destination

A steaming pile of shit, and I am a HUGE FD fan. Halloween 2 was a lot better.

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ponyo. I don't even

I will start out by saying it is the best looking ghibli film I've seen, and it had some really fantastic design elements. in this sense ponyo is really, really good. but the dialogue

I wasn't trying to scrutinize it or anything, I was just trying to sit back and enjoy the movie like you gotta do. it got pretty awful at times though!! I'm not sure who is to blame for this but I don't think it was entirely the voice actors' fault. I don't really know how it stands up to other ghibli or miyazaki films yet, I think I have to see it again when it comes out on video. also I had mcdonalds for lunch and I kind of felt like garbage
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Meh recently re-watched ROcky Horror Picture show, it's gr8. I also just got The Asphalt Jungle on DVD, which I'd recommend everybody to see, it's a cool film noire about a bank heist. Hundley is the coolest guy in the world for recommending me it a few years back.
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Just got back from "The Final Destination 3D." It was dreadful, as expected.
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ponyo. I don't even

I will start out by saying it is the best looking ghibli film I've seen, and it had some really fantastic design elements. in this sense ponyo is really, really good. but the dialogue

I wasn't trying to scrutinize it or anything, I was just trying to sit back and enjoy the movie like you gotta do. it got pretty awful at times though!! I'm not sure who is to blame for this but I don't think it was entirely the voice actors' fault. I don't really know how it stands up to other ghibli or miyazaki films yet, I think I have to see it again when it comes out on video. also I had mcdonalds for lunch and I kind of felt like garbage

yeah, dialogue was really the weak point in ponyo, and i really don't think the voice actors have anything to do with it, i think it's just translation.

the rest of it though was total aces
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watched up last night it was great but im glad i didn't pay to see it
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Jacob's Ladder

heard lots of good stuff about this movie, so i went into it fairly certain that i would enjoy the movie. i didn't. at all.

i would probably rate jacob's ladder as the most disappointing movie i have ever seen. all these outstanding ideas for a story and they didn't do fucking anything with it. a painfully boring and flat movie from start to finish. a couple of the performances were ok - pretty much everybody not named Tim Robbins come to think of it - but this needed to be a director's film, where the major thrust of the film comes from how the characters are reacting to the world constructed around them. the only thing the director contributed to the film was this moronic head-twitching gimmick that served no purpose beyond attempting to be CREEPY. it's like they came up with HEAD TWITCHING and just left the camera around on the set for the actors to weep unconvincingly into for two hours.

it's amazing how they fucked up and underused every single damn idea they were trying to run with in the movie. the mkultra reference, the nightmare element, trapped in the subway, incongruity between perceived reality and actual reality. these are all outstanding elements that practically tell themselves, yet these ultimately turn out to be some sort of suggested element rather than ideas that they legitimately crafted the film around. and in the end, it's all just some fucking biblical reference and nothing else in the fucking movie was actually of any importance. jesus fucking christ, did you really have to go ahead and fucking do that? everything in the whole fucking movie is this big goddamn red herring to distract you from some stupid plot twist at the very end, which i'm sure was nice for all those religious fucks who can't capitalize the letter G without getting a massive fucking hardon, but it's not the proper way to make a fucking movie.

so what we were left with was just the actors left to carry the piece, which is fundamentally impossible given that you have TIM ROBBINS as the lead. it's an unfortunate situation, but many people are actually not aware that tim robbins is a terrible fucking actor and one of the most profoundly inept people in the filmmaking business. he has gotten this reputation of being GOOD ACTOR simply because he fell out of a taxicab and found himself on the set of the shawshank redemption. like keanu reeves, he only works in a film when he is meant to play a NAIVE SIMPLETON(see: hudsucker proxy, bull durham) or someone who is not required to do anything but mumble lines into a camera lens(see: shawshank redemption). unfortunately, jacob's ladder was laid entirely on his shoulders and he stumbled through the movie, unable to ever convey anything of any importance. i can honestly say that his makeup artist(who did a rather good job) did the vast majority of his complex acting for him. a couple of the other actors did a good job, like pruitt taylor vince and danny aiello, but it wasn't enough to correct the irreparable damage robbins had already done to the believability and basic emotion of the film.

this movie is why we have fucking cunts like m. night shyamalan allowed to kick a camera around a sound stage for several hours as long as the end is mildly unpredictable. i had always wondered what movie it was that started the fucking PLOT TWIST craze, where movies don't actually need to be well made or thought-provoking as long as there is a PLOT TWIST that you are deliberately misdirected from expecting the entire movie. as far as i can see, jacob's ladder is responsible for this, because you didn't fucking see this shit in the 80s or earlier.

i went through this entire movie wishing that david lynch had directed it. i'm not even that crazy about david lynch, but man this would have been a killer fucking movie had he been in charge of it. he wouldn't have incorrectly used every interesting fucking element in lieu of crying actors and head twitching. there is a reason why the director adrian lyne has not found consistent directing work since this movie, and the screenwriter bruce joel rubin ended up writing fucking stuart little 2. here is a spoiler:

worst fucking movie. don't ever fucking see this trash. go watch this movie or this movie if you are determined to watch a mindfuck involving someone caught in a nightmare.
Last Edit: September 07, 2009, 01:24:18 pm by Hundley
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Jacob's Ladder

heard lots of good stuff about this movie, so i went into it fairly certain that i would enjoy the movie. i didn't. at all.

i would probably rate jacob's ladder as the most disappointing movie i have ever seen.

thank god. i thought it was just me.
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I used to list Jacob's Ladder as one of my favorite movies on this forum but shh don't tell anyone that.  I caught it on TV the other day and found it a lot more bland and uninteresting than I remember.  Adrian Lyne is actually the worst.