The last two movies I saw were Avatar and 9.
Avatar is an OK movie, but the RealD glasses did mess my eyes up a bit at some points and there were times when I expected a bit of 3D stuff to happen and it didn't.
9 is a movie I can't really say I enjoyed all that much.
The basic premise is that a scientist creates an A.I. powered factory that goes loony and kills all life on Earth, but not before it's creator can build 9 living sack cloth dolls that then go on an adventure though a number of user created platforming le... Oh wait...
These dolls hide out until 9 turns up to fuck their lives up by getting a number of them killed by said A.I. doom machine which is powered by their souls or something.
There's some annoying holes in the story such as there being no explanation for why there's no roving hoards of doom bots which wouldn't have been killed by the poison gas attacks used by them, and there's not really much of a happy ending if you think about it as the remaining few sackboy number lovers can't exactly rebuild the world as they're basically just dolls and as we all know, dolls can't breed (sure, they could sew on a penis or something, but they can't have babies).
I had intended to see Alice in Wonderland because I like Tim Burton and Johnny Depp, but from what I hear, it's actually a fairly poor movie.
Considering the cast, it seems to be one of those "cram in 900 famous names and hope that takes attention away from the poorer elements" movies.
Based on the reviews, the Red Queen is the only good character in it, and Depp is a bit too weird.
I say they look more like german/caveman then asians.
The Germans are coming to beat you with clubs and spears!
Hundley: Damnit kid, get off my lawn!