I watched Iron Man 2 about a week ago because I'm a toad who LOVES to roll in the trash and vomit. Don't Tread On Me. It was pretty enjoyable just because it was almost entirely lacking in angst/backstory and you are thankfully never asked to give a fuck that eg charismatic superhero alphamale is dying of some bullshit or that his dad never talked to him. It was a pretty weird film! Like it was FRATBOY CELEBRITY CULTURE FETISH entourage season 8, bros in da club, shrimp & white wine, racin cars & fuckin ALL the women etc except it all had this weird militaristic thing as well. If anyone remembers the bit in the trailer where the Iron Man jumps off a plane and lands at the Electronic Entertainment Expo to accompianment of tremendous cheers & choreographed dancing then you'll know what I mean. Right after this the Iron Man has to testify before a senate subcommittee on his powerful war armor. He announces that he has "privatised world peace" right after he remotely destroys a terrorist cell with his iphone and then flips off Bad Senator while everyone cheers and laughs and also he pwns some beta male nerd lmao. It's really ridiculous and insane and I think that Iron Man 2 probably is to the 21st century what that General Hospital episode about permed dudes in tuxes swilling champagne at a south american guerilla base was to the 80s. There was a pretty funny scene where he gets drunk in the armor and starts shooting wineglasses off girls' heads at a party with his laser cannons but it's never really brought up again.
There's a really good essay thing here
http://squaremans.com/digging-in-the-cultural-wreckage/ about how stuff like The Venture Bros and Portal and probably Bioshock etc as well kind of has this whole subtext about Living In The Shadow Of The 1960s Space Age and Iron Man 2 does this as well, weirdly. It turns out his Walt Disneyesque dad had encoded a secret blueprint in his plans for something far beyond what modern science could discover and there's an instructional tape shot in period style and the whole bit. Kind of strange that this movie would have it seeing as how it pretty much nonstop cheerleads the incredible modern age of iphones and such. I guess they're not incompatible!
One of the villains is an uglier, more awkward version of the hero who desperately apes the Iron Man even as he's passed over by Luscious Babe's and media etc and it's kind of implicit that you should hate him for his Crimes Against Cool. I think there was something similar with Pete's character in Mad Men (altho i barely watched the first season of that show) and also the villain in the first Richard Stark 'Parker' novel where the villain is similarly a bumbling shmoe compared to the ice-cold efficient hero. It's probably a recurring thing in business fantasy stuff but I don't want to check it out.
Anyway last night I rewatched Repo Man which is a much better movie that has Harry Dean Stanton and punk rockers and a radioactive car. Never really cared for it before but this time it 'clicked' as they say. Tonight I rewatched The Shining since it was on a local channel and I was very impressed with the wallpaper.
Edit: The main bad guy in The Iron Man 2 is played by John Romero and he is an evil russian with a grudge going back to the 60s cold war again. There is very little seen of the brown desert insurgent types from the first film and it's implied that they've all been sent scurrying into hiding by the Iron Man. The only other enemy is internal and it comes from the government wrestling control of this new technology from the rugged individualist Titan Of Industry.