Topic: Last movie you watched? (Read 104066 times)

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That post should have been on the what's on your mind topic.

It's not exactly a "hey I just watched a movie" type post, and reading it made me think It was responding to thoughts in general. (although if you have recently watched a movie that made you think of that post, then by all means I want it to appear in this topic) I wasn't even past reading the first paragraph and I was already intrigued enough by your post to engross myself in it and completely forget I was reading any topic other than the "what's on your mind" topic.
You are right, let me move this to Vague Discussions... *turns around, gets next to the pile of turd of a post, starts grabbing shit into a cartwheel while EDC watches behind blankly...* NOT! *in one smooth movement flips arounds and shoves mass of turd with both hands in edc's astonished face!*

was about to make a post about this too. Drive was really good, I saw it in the theaters and it was a great experience. It's intense, cool and a really enjoyable movie. But I sorta liked this one the same way I liked movies like Inception, Oldboy, V for Vendetta, Taken, Black Swan etc etc, all these flashy, slick, dark, gritty action/drama movies of the past 10 years which are good but also really silly. Black Swan is not an action movie but to me, it falls in the same category in terms of movie experience. The whole time while I was watching Drive I kept thinking that the plot is a bit dumb and the chillwave soundtrack is annoying and then there's awkward romantic montage and all that.. but these movies just kind of suck me in, and it's great when you can watch a movie like that. forget everything for a few hours and live in the world of the moviez for a moment.
you're a horrible goblin and you know it!!!!

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you're a horrible goblin and you know it!!!!
eat shit!
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eat a f*ck b*tch
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DON'T F*CK WITH ME!!!!!!!!! DON'T F*CK WITH ME!!!!!!!! edit okay sorry!! i'm sleep indebted, i'm not funny, that was uncalled for, i cant defend myself..............................

-i bet you loved sucker punch right guana!! *ROLLEYES FURIOUSLY/RAPIDLY* belch!! belch!!!
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Battle LA - terrible movie. So bad. No, very very bad. It makes Skyline look like a masterpiece. Worst movie I've seen in decades. I've never seen a movie with this much shooting be so boring, but the director perfected the art of an action snoozefest. Practically everyone was checking their watches every 5 minutes to see when it would end. Absolutely no character development and the story was literally one shooting scene followed by another shooting scene followed by yet another shooting scene. Worst line in the entire movie (if I had to pick just one?): "Maybe I can help. I'm a veterinarian" or "Marines don't cry". Come to think of it, it feels like the whole movie was a giant "JOIN THE ARMY" advertisement/US propaganda.

A few pages back now but dear god this movie sucked. I absolutely love alien invasion movies so I'm willing to forgive quite a lot but this was just terrible. A friend pitched it to me as 'black hawk down with aliens' which sounded great but it was just horrible. 99% action but still unbearably dull. What a piece of crap.
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I watched Buried two nights ago. I have to say I enjoyed it! (But I'm a sucker when it comes to one-setting movies). Ryan Reynolds impressed me with his acting being able to carry the entire film on his shoulders (lol, can't resist the pun). But anyway, I liked how the film made you feel claustrophobic. If there's one thing I didn't like its the end credits music. I think they should have scrolled down silently, not with this weird happy banjo music.

I don't think it's a movie I'd watch again by any means, but it did leave me with some sort of impact afterwards which I love when movies do that.
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my friend ruined the ending of Buried for me. So...I'm not watching.
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I watched The Warriors for the first time. that might be kinda surprising to some of you. I really liked it, I think I was smiling the whole time. the most significant thought I had about it was that this is what american culture is (the common idea is that no one knows), or something between this and putting ketchup and mustard on stuff at a fair. hopefully catamites will write more about his impressions of america someday...

apparently someone's doing a remake that will be set in LA and feature real gangs like the Bloods and the Crips. that sounds kind of uniquely terrible. I hope it's by the guy who created the wire. the only decent remake would maybe be set in 2053 in a run-down and sprawling pittsburgh and have the same aesthetic as the original but with witch house

edit: also highlights how much better the urban parts of New Vegas should have been, visuals, gangs and all
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Went to see the Tintin movie this afternoon (in '2D', because a decent film doesn't need gimmicky glasses to add depth of view). It's like the film based on the videogame based on the comic. I can't fault the performances, and the animation is top notch. The character designs and stuff don't take away anything, and are neat. It is not based exactly on The Secret of The Unicorn/crab with the golden claws, but as you would expect a hollywood movie to do them. At times it has a distinct Tintin feel, and funnily enough for a film made with big fancy computer effects, the talking head scenes are far more interesting than the action scenes.
However the serial strip based nature of Tintin comics mean they're a pretty fast ride of adventure, and the pacing is very expertly done to suit the medium. The Tintin cartoons managed it on grounds of compressing so much into a half hour cartoon, but in the cinema, you're kinda being dragged about the place a bit, and about a quater of the story was totally unnessesary(basically the whole part about the location of the third model).
There are three main action scenes in the film, one of which is very pirates of the caribean, however due to not having orlando bloom, it is better than that garbage. The second one is a city chase which totally disrupts the pacing of the film by dragging out much longer than needed, and is very tedious, much like the weird alien indiana jones film. And the random destruction of everything is so out of place. The third action scene is the big finale which is just kinda blehg nonentity.

It's a good family film. If you're a film fan or Tintinologist then you'll be able to pick out many problems with the film, but if you want a 90 minute family safe(it's Tintin so there is no sexuality or excessive violence) adventure, then I'd recommend it. It is miles better than potc and the other family action series', but yeah if you want something quality, it's not for you. Essentially it's exactly as good or bad as you'd expect it to be.
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I just watched Bridge to Terabithia, and I really don't know how to react. I guess i'll just say I'm glad I downloaded it randomly just hearing the title from a youtube vid and not knowing anything or reading any info about the movie itself on the net. It was worth it very satisfying and easily one of my most favorite films. Please go everyone watch it...
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I just watched Bridge to Terabithia, and I really don't know how to react. I guess i'll just say I'm glad I downloaded it randomly just hearing the title from a youtube vid and not knowing anything or reading any info about the movie itself on the net. It was worth it very satisfying and easily one of my most favorite films. Please go everyone watch it...
i read that book when i was pretty young and i remember it being sad. actually come to think of it, the end was pretty fucked up for a kids book
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It WAS a very touching book.

I watched the Pixie Hollow Games. It was fun.
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I'm now on my way on reading the book. Comments say that the movie(2007 not the 1985 version) styed true to the book.
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I watched Concursante (translated as The Contestant) because it was directed by Rodrigo Cortés and I wanted to see how he fared as a director in a more traditional film. (He's the same guy that did Buried). I have to say that I really enjoyed the film. I love how it was shot - not a style I'm used to seeing in American cinema. Basically the movie is about a guy that wins the biggest prize in game show history and how the winnings ruin his life. You witness the events from the protagonists point of view as he recounts his memories. Kind of scattered, but very effective. It teaches you a lot about economy as well, and makes it interesting if you can believe it. I highly recommend you torrent it as I don't think it got a really wide enough release.

Aww, Bridge to Terabithia. I never saw either of the movies but I did read the book in grade 6. Truly a heart breaking piece of literature. I don't know if I can go through watching a movie version of it because I hate movies that make me overly sad. :(
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On my way to watch Akira and Grave of the Fireflies, they are two anime that are part of the '1001 movies before you die' (a list I'm pursuing).

@mateui: I think you'll enjoy the movie, zooey deschanel is pretty miss edmunds and Annasophia robb as leslie is just awesome :) I think the reason it didn't get much popularity was because of the dumb misleading trailer which make it look like a Narnia rip-off.
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back to back?? you won't be able to go on living. akira is disorienting, gotflies is super depressing. you will die.
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back to back?? you won't be able to go on living. akira is disorienting, gotflies is super depressing. you will die.
yeah i was going to say 'have a blast!!' hours ago. they're good movies but i hope he is still alive. you're okay Dday? what did you think of them. Akira had erm pretty great animation though! *fingertips together, sweat drops from ramis forehead, eyes spike left and right as catas earl and everyone around him stares ramci eyes pierced/despisingly* you know, i COULD give you guys a rest with the comma humour (and in general yeah, i MUST control this savage ape...) (ahhah i was going to write hommour/homour weren't i... bonzi, how... how COULD you...)
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In fairness I think there's a lot of recent bigbudget trashy movies with vaguely topical subtext but the thing is that they're more about uh vague analogies than OTT literalizations. Like there's a ton of movies with SUDDEN GEORGE BUSH REFERENCE where villainous boss dude turns to screen and says WE DONT NEGOTIATE WITH TERRORISTS or some shit but that's about it.
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i watched two movies that involved suicides via jumping off of things!

it's a wonderful life and mirage

i really want to dislike it's a wonderful life, as the subject matter in the movie is so outrageously fucking idealized that it becomes completely and utterly worthless, but the sincerity of the film is so strong that it's not terribly difficult to overlook its reality-based shortcomings and appreciate it for what it is, rather than what it tries to convey. from a more objective standpoint i think the movie's drama works, and does a pretty strong job of effectively hitting the desired high and low notes.

more than anything else however, i think what really works in this movie is jimmy stewart. i'm not sure how people really remember this guy(if he's even remembered at all), but i get the feeling that he's largely remembered as this GEE GOLLY sort of actor(see: andy griffith, also vaguely inaccurate; see also: face in the crowd) rather than a rather powerful and effective actor, the latter of which i believe to be the case. i guess he's known more for this THING about him that proudly, triumphantly, and probably nauseatingly screamed GOOD WHITE AMERICAN VALUES, and i do get where people can get lost there, but there's another side to jimmy stewart that can be rather dark and rather alarmingly vicious, which to me is where i think we get to see how good this guy really was as an actor. he goes from being good and wholesome with outstanding conviction in it's a wonderful life to being rather profoundly angry and terrifying(admittedly the effectiveness of this possibly being the pure juxtaposition). regardless, i think jimmy stewart could lose his shit as well as anyone, and while he may not have had the character range of most actors, i think there's something to be said for being able to hit every single note on the emotional spectrum, something he certainly could do even if he didn't always have the opportunity. not that he's perfect either, mind you. i think vertigo was a wasted opportunity to do something very unique, but he played it too straight and added way too much of the stewart charm. i had a conversation with my mom recently about the movie and was slightly surprised that she called the movie a love story, while i think the film was a character piece about obsession. i don't think either of us are wrong, but i think that the film REALLY sold itself short that you could honestly make the argument that the movie was just a love story. usually missteps in direction are the blame of hitchcock himself(possibly is here too idk), but i'd be inclined to blame stewart's performance for this.

ok so this is more about jimmy stewart than it's a wonderful life, but there's not a lot that can be said about the story really. it's just some dickensian fable, and such stories are really not designed for in-depth analysis(unless you are really eager to get a degree and want to drone on about something futile).

whatever. so then i watched mirage, which sounded really good. strong cast(gregory peck, walter matthau, kevin mccarthy, george kennedy), and written by peter stone, who is an unusually effective writer(1776, taking of pelham one two three, charade). unfortunately the movie was a complete goddamn waste of time and one of the most disappointing movies i've seen in a while.

this movie is only noteworthy from the perspective that it proves to me how utterly useless the screenplay is in the composition of the film. you could really get the feeling from the dialogue and the direction the story went that this could have been a really stellar movie, one of those classic suspense dramas that would be remembered despite not being terribly mind-blowing. people go around calling the screenplay(but appropriately not the film!!!) hitchcockian, which pretty much means fun, engaging, and intriguing but without substance. i felt that stone did his part but the director managed to take an interesting scenario and film it in the least inspired way possible. just stand the actors in front of the camera and let them read their lines. there was potential for interesting scenarios at virtually every moment of the story, but it never goes anywhere at all. to be fair, gregory peck, who was the lead of the film, and quincy jones, one of the best film & television composers out there, literally slept their way through the movie, making absolute zero effort at any point to make it interesting. george kennedy and walter matthau appeared sporadically in the film and went rather far out of their way to try salvaging it(characteristic of them both, really), but it wasn't enough.

so there you have some probably uninteresting summary of one night of movie watching that probably could have been better spent wanking or doing something vaguely more productive(like maybe watching better movies?!??! idk). also it was just a coincidence that both of these movies had possible, and similar, suicides feature prominently in them(neither of which turned out to be suicides). for the record, i actually do not have some biting interest in movies regarding jumping suicides unless it is a dane cook biopic.