I don't think you gusy are quite bright enough to understand me. Let me make it simpler.
A. Someone was playing around asking me am I a vamp or geek or whatever.
B. I decided to play along and say vampgeek.
C. Someone asked if I drank blood.
D. I decided to play along since everyone else was (and thus I WAS fitting in) so I said yes.
E. I'm very sarcastic, and yet some people here (much to my surprise) seemed gillble enough to think they have a vampire among them. (What the freak?)
F. Someone started roleplaying as a vampire hunter, so I also play along with them, usually making funny comments to answer them by.
G. People STILL are going on about the Vampire thing as if they still believe it.
H. People PM me either going "Vampire cool!" or "Vampires suck!"
I. I laugh and make comments at it, thinking they are still not dumb enough to believe it but are just playing along for the pure...heck of it I guess?
J. People seem to be getting more and more serious about it. Are you people for serious?
K. Now I am scared because it seems people here really act as if there's vampires walking around every day. Or maybe they are just being sarcastic like I am and they decided one or two days worth wasn't fun enough and wish to continue...
L. Do people here really think I'm a vampire or something? Cause I'm just a very sarcastic and quite creative game designer who was playing along with something someone said to be funny...
By the way, can't wait to show off the games! I hope to have some screens/video footage soon of one of the projects my team and I are working on at the moment! I'm still glad to be here, even though you people are freaking me out just a little with the 'seriousness'.