haha, welllllllll that looks like a stupid post because i didn't finish it and forgot to come back and edit. BUT, what i was going to say was that i think most look lame because people went for aesthetic changes half the time and not functional ones, and frankly, blizzard's default ui looks better than half the crap modders can make. you see unit frames where blizzard's original ones were, only... uglier. i've done that shit too and after like a week not liked it either, but with my last few attempts to change the blizzard ui, the whole idea was to go for a minimalist ui where shit should be where i thought it should be. i typically don't like interfaces that are all fluffy either, even if they're mine, but i think most modded ones tend to look lame because a lot of people just choose shit based on whether or not it looks cool and not to directly fix some of the shortcomings of the default interface. it's why i think that minimalistic is the way to go, because considering the experience of a lot of these modders when it comes to graphic design and the like, the most likely way to get changes that look GOOD are to get ones that look as simple as possible. i guess i should post a screenshot or something.
not to say LOL MINE'S THE BEST, but yeah, that's basically what i meant. when no one's talking or i'm not hitting anything, the chat windows get hidden, and it's a really large improvement in terms of how much of the screen you can see over the default ui. plus it's really hard to look cheesy/bad when your unit frames are TWO BARS and nothing else. mostly i just think there's something to be said for simplicity, when a lot of custom uis tend to just overcomplicate things unnecessarily.